Drawing Challenge#9 Light 光

Drawing Challenge#9 Light 光


I’ve spent 2 hours on this artwork. Pencil on A4 size cardboard.

This is an entry for a drawing contest by @helene with the theme Light. Light enables us to see what we see. Actually, we can just draw anything for fitting into the light themed contest as it would a total darkness if no light was present. But obviously, that wasn’t the intention of the organizer.

Two Glasses 两只酒杯

I have to find something that can represent the light in our everyday life. The first thing that came to my mind was the glass cup. The glass has the ability to capture light motion as it moves, complimented by various blurred shadow. However, that would be a repetition since I have drawn the beer cup for 2 weeks ago for the same contest series too. I got to find something else that is able to show the presence of light in an interesting way.

The subject I chose for the contest is the dewdrop on a leave. I always love the look of dewy leaves. Early in the morning, the dewdrop silently sitting on a leave, facing towards the sunlight. The naturally perfect circle shape was crystal clear. Combined with the refractions of outside world, showing a tremendous detail of morning light.





Breakdown of drawing


I wanted to draw on a toned surface to showcase the white strokes of light. But all I have is the pure white paper sketchbook. Why not trying to draw on the cardboard cover of the sketchbook itself? The surface was rough but it should be fine.



Sketch the outline of the dewdrop shape and the base of leaves.



Drawing the detail of shadow first with a pencil, you don’t want to go hard on the stroke now.



Extend the shadowing on the leave, now heavier stroke can be used as we almost got the whole frame steady.



Now comes the exciting part. This is my first time using white pencil, now you see the point of drawing on a toned material, else the whites can’t play a part in it to present more contrast against the shadow.



Whiten the reflective areas in the dewdrop, as well as the glowing shadow on the leave. The white pencil and gel pen work like charm covering up the graphite by pencil.



Touching up the background with a few really rough blurred shade, added a few tiny dews too. Now it is the time to darken the shadow inside and around the dewdrops to make the contrast looks more real.

Dewdrop did a great job to capture the shapeless light and present it lively under the close-up angle. If you like the content, you know what to do. Peace!



My other artworks:

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