Drawitbetter Challenge #3 Scar

Drawitbetter Challenge #3 Scar

I’ve spent 2 hours on this using Copic markers in the grey book.

This is an entry for Disney drawing contest hosted by @sirsensei.

I’m not a big fan of Disney even when I was a kid. The first Disney that I looped over and over on a tape 20 years back was the Lion King. And looking back into the fictional characters, I found that the villain Scar got so much swag the other characters just don’t have to the story. Yeah, the typical hero-always-win theme for the Disney is just boring and paying some credit to the supporting role can be fun.

这幅作品花了两个小时,主要使用 Copic 马克笔在灰色绘画本上。这也是 @sirsensei 的迪斯尼绘画比赛的参赛作品。

其实从小我就不是迪斯尼的粉丝,总觉得男孩子不该喜欢这么可爱的东西。但是作为童年主流娱乐品,还是接触了不少。第一部迷上的迪斯尼卡通应该就是经典的狮子王,想当年的卡带时代可是被我重播了不少次。看回去其中的虚构角色,还是选择画有型有款的奸角 Scar 吧。迪斯尼的主角好人必胜的主旋律有点千篇一律了,把聚光灯分一点给配角们是我的使命,哈哈。

Drawing Breakdown

Sketch lightly with a pencil then outline the lion face with the darker marker.


Leave the bright spot open, as the lighter tone cannot cover the darker tone. Lesser room to fix mistakes with markers.


After the face toning, here comes the hair part. At some moment it bothered me to use the expensive marker on such a big scale. Haha.

脸部细节好了之后,开始大面积的用黑色上头发吧。如此大手笔的使用珍贵的Copic 颜料,心有一点点疼啊。

At last, use the white pencil to highlight the face and give the hair more texture.


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