DrugWars is owning

DrugWars is owning


DrugWars 真的是一时风头无两,居然在用户量上超越了曾经的王者 SteemMonsters。虽然在交易量上还是比不过后者,但是游戏的受欢迎程度说是第一恐怕没人反对。这是不是说明了这条链上的人都更青睐含有暴力赌博元素的游戏呢?呵呵。

DrugWars beats SteemMonsters to top the Users volume. I can safely conclude that Steemians are more favoring the games with violence and gambling essence?

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/drugwars-is-owning/

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