First scenery sketching by the lakeside 湖边写生

First scenery sketching by the lakeside 湖边写生


I’ve been spending several weekends in a row blogging in Steemit since I decided to involve actively in this new found community. Things got bored really soon and I think this is a good chance having some fun outdoor today. There is a beautiful lakeside nearby my place and I always wanted to spend a leisure afternoon with @jessie901220 here someday, I can experiment with some scenery sketching skills too.

美好的周日,中 Steem 毒已深的我决定不再躲在房间里埋头写作,来个久违的户外写生吧。在新加坡 Chinese Garden 一带有个大湖,就在住的地方附近,环境清幽,早就想和 @jessie901220 来这里度过一个悠闲的下午了。


This is the lakeside by Chinese Garden, Singapore. Clear sky with a calm big lake is going to be a great material for the sketching. This is a fishing zone too, you can see people fishing with various tools and some of them were skillful enough to harvest generous amount of fishes.


Finally I got the chance to pose this legendary move that I learned from the TV or comics when the artist start to sketch the scenery. Not sure what this trick does anyway haha.
终于有机会摆出传说中写生摆的 Pose,说真的我也不懂有什么用处,懂行的朋友请来解惑。


After the posing warm-up session, it’s time to get the real work started.
在一顿摆 Pose 拍照热身完毕之后,终于可以坐下来好好写生了。


For the scene were too wide it is good to lock down a specific area to draw from. I chose the left side of the lake for it has richer objects like the trees and buildings for the content.


Use heavier line to confirm the objects.


Added the buildings which are the local HDBs and where we are staying.


Inverted image in the water.


Enhance the details and we are almost done. We can definitely touch up more to make it more lively but my arse already complaining for sitting at a hardwood this long.
把细节强化一遍,大致上就完成了。后期可以再加工,但是现在腰都有点疼了,就此打住吧。 (2).gif.gif)
Bright sky and gentle breeze, what a perfect place to hanging around.


No easel no watercolors and various kind of brushes, only a pencil and sketchbook will suffice for sketching. This is why I love sketching so much, top choice for lazy artist.


Mobike and Obike, we biked here from our place which is 10 minutes away. Thankfully, they are not taken after our session so that we can biking back the same way.

Lastly, I present you the author himself. 最后附上作者本人。

She was just beside me practicing her singing. 她就在一旁练歌作伴

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