Fun to see how gambling games make it Provably-Fair

Fun to see how gambling games make it Provably-Fair


Steem has lately became very happening as many DAPPs pop up like the bamboos after the rain, especially the gambling one, if you are paying attention. Provably fairness is one of the most import characteristics to make blockchain gambling so famous thus that has become the hard requirement to run a game on top of a decentralized ledger.

While it is fun to play the very games, it is also fun to see how creative those game developers implementing the probably-fair concept in their own game.

  • @magicdice used the famous client + server seed + block hash to generate a random number. Read more.

  • @moonsteem used a rather smart design called P&L shares which integrate quite well with Steem native features. Read more.

  • @kryptogames and @steem-bet used rather the same way of randomness generation as Magic Dice.

  • @epicdice is purely taking advantage of the Steem’s native transaction ID’s randomness.

Each system has its pros and cons but they are undeniably all provably fair. Would love to see more innovative approach coming up in the space.

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