Giants in the Oil sector entering world of Blockchain 能源界巨头们开始进军区块链世界

Giants in the Oil sector entering world of Blockchain 能源界巨头们开始进军区块链世界

Numerous energy giant firms are partnering on the blockchain-based technology.

Shell, BP, and Statoil backing this technology to enhance certain complicated processes, with a plan to be fully operational before 2019. Several members of the oil consortium carried out the first blockchain prototype test involving an oil cargo shipment containing African crude oil which was shipping to China. The experiment demonstrated that the efficiency of certain processes can be hugely improved with the aid of blockchain based platform.

This might not be the good news to the world of cryptocurrency but Bitcoin can be benefited in this case as it is still the main ticket to access most of the altcoins. As more giants from different fields start to realize the power of blockchain technology, this could create a huge demand for the relative talent in the market. As a result blockchain technology can gradually improve and evolve at faster pace undoubtedly.

Maybe soon we can see the existence Blockchain Engineer would be as normal as a Human Resource to any company?


Shell , BP 和 Statoil 如今正在研究区块链技术的潜力一解决某些特定的复杂过程,计划赶在 2019 年之前推行。在这期间原油联盟里的数个成员已经展开了实验,包括把装有非洲原油的货船运往中国。实验结果显示在区块链的技术帮助下,某些过程的效率都大大提升了。


或许有一天,区块链工程师在一间公司的普通程度会和人力资源部 (HR)一样?

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