"Guess Steem Price" Contest Participant's Listing

"Guess Steem Price" Contest Participant's Listing

5 days ago I started this contest mainly for celebrating my Dolphin status upgrade and the response is rather unexpectedly overwhelming. There are a total of 105 entries for the price prediction including some suspicious spamming accounts which I surely will be excluded in the final prize calculation.

Never in a post before I was this busy replying and acknowledging all the predictions. I was secretly glad that I decided to force the 6 decimal places of price format or else there would be a lot of the same guessing.

Final list of entries

Although the result is already available on the CMC it would still take me a while to tabulate and filter all the information in it.

I used this SQL query with the help of Steemsql to generate data below:

     last_update, author, body
    Comments (NOLOCK)
    parent_permlink LIKE 'i-m-a-dolphin-finally-giveaway-30-steem-as-celebration-or'  and
    last_update < '11/2/2018 11:59:00 PM' 

Commentators Filtered comments(Prediction)
kapteeni $0.81
catwomanteresa 0.83227
victorialuxx 0.92423
madushanka 0.809231
tonygreene113 My prediction: $0.796357
alexaventuria my predicition: 0,874271
deanliu 賀!$0.864208
amar15 0.80498
shine.wong 0.911111
lavanyalakshman My guess 0.8564
divine-sound 0.797002
sapwood 0.823601
groynes 0.841104
sthitaprajna 0.827263
iambrave 0.836945
moncia90 0.775862
prince121 0.807926
khussan 0.78
dernierdiaz 0.795684
hasbydiaz 0.801569
philipkavan My prediction is 0.775861
ragnarhewins90 $0.73
fundurian my guess would be 0.788888
further34 $0.81
mashiliyanage 0.876351
yanyanbebe 0.815724
minloulou $0.79
bboyady 0.791169
lizachong 0.791105
darioska23 0.765348
deux77 0.778453
random1 0.807478
phoenixx7 0.814578
vohon17 0.773643
yellowbird 0.801
fernax77 0.768546
azorahai77 Mi prediction: 0.789476
cryptocurrencyhk 0.769852
jessie901220 $0.80
chinwei89 $0.89
chamudiliyanage $0.81
knowledge-seeker I will guess $0.772214
weisheng167388 $0.793434 恭喜!
kimxinfo 0.81223
htliao Congratulations. My prediction: $0.932
ygrj $0.84
aellly 0.792566
angelina6688 0.802546
starrouge Congrat! My guess is 0.812560
imohtal-sensei 0.856433
suchy 0.818657 my prediction :)
artsymelanie $0.79
nsab 0.766669
travelgirl 0.821153
hmayak $0.91
kpreddy $0.81
crypto-wisdom 0.798881
shivohum2015 0.822015
jrvacation $0.77
obulunmaz 0,759106
slientstorm $0.86
minhaz007 0.852375 USD
sunai $0.84
ytr $0.82
kusheng $0.76
melodyzhou $0.80
buo $0.81
licun $0.77
china.mobile $0.78
cn-times $0.79
liuzg $0.80
xiaoguai 0.754628
muhammadnuman786 0.786113 USD
morningshine $0.80
wilhb81 0.855555
zy-sb 我猜0.822222
cherryzz $0.82
tanlikming 我猜是0.912345
kelvinzhang $0.82
teamcn-shop $0.80
sureshbhav88 My Prediction for Steem coin is $0.82.
antone $0,141592
amanda8250 0.82509
xiaoyuanwmm $0.85
justyy $0.79
bichen 0.873812
ericet $0.82
magnus.harboe 0.727364
benedict08 My prediction $0,823632
filotasriza3 Hmm my guess will be 0,805612
mermaidvampire 0.923133
sanmi $0.75
joythewanderer My guess: $0.839801
mickyscofield My Prediction is 0.789277
luism86 my prediction $0,818632
aaronleang My Guess - $0.813862 per STEEM
kimzwarch $0.808008 per steem
littymumma 0.860202

We can clearly tell that the entries mostly hovering around 0.77~0.83 and that’s the nice to know most of the Steemians is sane enough to pick a rather safe guess. Unfortunately, I can’t automate the filtering process programmatically due to my limited skills. Hope I did not leave out any valid entries, tell me if your entry was left out.

I will announce the winners in next post, stay tuned!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/guess-steem-price-contest-participants-listing/

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