Interesting grass rooftop of Chinese old building 古建筑茅草屋顶

Interesting grass rooftop of Chinese old building 古建筑茅草屋顶


There are some buildings in the Yangjiabu village topped their roof with dried plants. Not sure what is the name of it. Each of the roof have a thick layer and I guess they works great in expeling the rain at the same time very lighweight that might reduce the burden of the building stucture.



If you have noticed the inversed U shape at the edge of roof, every grass rooftop has them. They seems like made by cement. In my opinion they are used to act as weight to press down the light grass and the U shape is not to block the exit of water coming from the top.

Brilliant design and looks great too.

如果你也注意到了屋顶边缘的倒 U 型的形状,每个茅草屋顶都有它们,看起来是用水泥造成的。我想,除了可以作为重量把轻飘飘的茅草屋顶压住之外,倒 U 型的设计也提供了排水的空间。



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