Is your Steem blog quality corresponding to the price?

Is your Steem blog quality corresponding to the price?

If I was asked by this question one year before when everything is mooning, I would say no. I blog because I found out this is a better habit to develop.

It records down my thoughts, shares my experience, gathers some social power over the blockchain space, betters my writing skills every day, put my time and effort in a better way rather than gaming brainlessly… I can keep going with the list because blogging on Steem makes me feels so good about myself. There is no reason my motivation has anything to do with the market.

Dead Wrong

It has everything to do with the price. All the good causes and motivational force are unfortunately based on the hope to get a higher return in whether is it STEEM, or SBD, or SP. The fact is, I told myself that bilingual post is cool and I’m going to do it anyway on the platform, and it turns out that it didn’t play out as I expected.

The price of Steem is definitely impacting my quality of blogging, however, at least I’m trying not to post just for the sake of posting and so far I think I have live up to that standard quite well.

What about you?

之前牛市的时候,还记得自己信誓旦旦的说不管币价如何,在 Steem 上写博客这样酷的事情,无论如何都会延续下去。唯一没有想到的是,延续下去写博客的习惯是说对了,但是博客的质量和篇幅也随着币价而下降也是不争的事实。可能心目中有更重要的项目要做了,有可能稍微改变了写作的方针,但这都不是借口,感觉追根究底还是因为报酬不够


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