Japan crypto whales is getting away from home? 大鲸逃离日本

Japan crypto whales is getting away from home? 大鲸逃离日本


This is my third day in Japan, still no sign of any merchants that accept cryptocurrency. At the same time, I got to know a bad news that, Japan crypto investors face tax up to 55%.

This is scary enough by just reading the title itself. Imagine that you have 1 BTC and by hook or by crook you managed to flip it to 10 BTC, total profit 9 BTC. Therefore you’ve decided to cash out for a celebration trip, only to find out 4.5 BTC out of 9 will be paid to gavernment as tax. Absurbly ridiculous.

Not hard to understand big digital coin investors start to leave the country for a safeguard their property. Places like Russia who made a promise not to tax any capital gain on cryptocurrency before 2023 could be a really great choice for whales.

If Japan opens every doors for crypto just for the sake kf taxing all of them, things is not going to end well for them.

在日本第三天了还看不见有任何街头商家接受加密货币支付,倒是看见几天前的一则新闻,那就是日本准备向加密货币收取高达 55% 的所得税。

那就是说你要是有 1 个比特币,历经辛苦炒币变成了 10 比特币,想变现好好庆祝一下时才忽然发现,需要支付政府 4.5 个比特币的税收。那还有心情庆祝吗?日本大鱼们纷纷把资金转移不是没有原因的。


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