受伤的 Kindle 更好读

受伤的 Kindle 更好读

这个 Kindle 好像跟了我差不多三年,老实说,前面的那段时间都没什么实际利用到它。也就刚收到货的那几个礼拜重温了一下最爱的金庸武侠系列,然后又是手机当道了。尽管如此,我还是配了个小包在身边,好让它随时能跟着我,随时也可以打开起来打发时间,尽管使用率真的比不过手机。


Kindle 最大的优势之一就完全可以在飞机旅途中体现出来(当然是对喜欢读书的人而言)。因为飞机上没有信号,手机对我而言没了流量就几乎没有用武之地,看戏玩游戏等线下活动不是不可以,只是比较起来我更愿意把时间花在阅读上。所以这时 Kindle 就很重要啦,已经拯救过好几段枯燥的飞机行程了。

就在最后一次飞去印尼的时间,不小心在飞机上把手机砸在了还没合起来的 Kindle 屏幕上,屏幕倒是没爆裂,就是中间出现了一个刮伤。平时要是把背光完全关闭的话是看不出来的,开启背光的话,越亮这个伤痕露出的光线就会越明显。



Own a Kindle for about 3 years and has not been using it actively until I scratched the screen a little and the backlit leaks whenever the backlit was turned on. Upon the consideration of selling away this injured unit and buying a new one, why not to give it a reading test and see if the backlit leak does bother me that much or not.

Turned out it was not, the reading experience isn’t much affected as long as I don’t rely on the backlit too much, which I usually did. And the best thing is I picked up the reading habit that I missed for so long. What a great scratch!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/%e5%8f%97%e4%bc%a4%e7%9a%84-kindle-%e6%9b%b4%e5%a5%bd%e8%af%bb/

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