My current boss is better than my ex boss

My current boss is better than my ex boss


Most of us must be watched the interview of the big boss @ned presenting our dearly Steem on a famous platform, Bloomberg. That was the first formal appearance in such a mainstream finance news provider, at least as far as I know and being informed as such by the elder steemians.

This is my first time watching the big boss talk to the mass audience who are most probably do not have the command of blockchain understanding. Kind of weird seeing him trying to explain things in a really layman term as I usually read discussion of techie big-shot like him in a very deep level. He handled the conversation well enough anyhow.

The funny thing is, when I watch he speaks in the video I feel some connection with this very guy as I tried to put myself as his target audience.

Oh, this is the guy (and the mighty Dan, of course) who created a platform where I spent lots of my time diving in it for a year like never before. Subconsciously I take him as a very down-to-earth, real and close guy explaining something to me.

  • Is it because we both share a deep trust on Steem itself?
  • Is it because I have been benefited financiaand spiritually ever since?
  • Is it because he was trying to explain some concepts to me while those were already part of my beliefs?
  • Is it because I know this guy has a account @ned which anyone can interact with freely, directly and he who owning that account could make possibly anyone’s day by giving them an upvote?

On the contrary

I’ve been a royal employee of Facebook for almost a decade. Yes, when you are generating revenue for a company even by just posting random text or pictures, you are basically working for them. Except that they are not paying you anything, some likes maybe.


This is my former boss, Marky was having his 2 days congressional hearing and medias were reporting it literally everywhere. I watched some of the highlights too but the babyface superstar is so far away from me. Although I know his FB profile is open for any incoming comments and interaction. However, everything seems very distant still.

The chances he will intereact with average joe like me is close to infinity zero. Even if he would, what can I get from him? A thumbs up, I guess.

I have passed the age using the amount of likes to satisfy my vanity. I’m tired of my news feed full with unwanted ads and I’m in need of seeking something new.

My career in FB fades away really quickly after joining Steem. And I have no regret at all.

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