My PC is finally mine after one year

My PC is finally mine after one year


The most recent photo of my UFO machine. Yes I named it UFO.

This is a day worth celebrating so much, my beloved PC has finally cleared its monthly instalment which means the PC is now truly mine!

This lovely DIY desktop PC was built about one year ago and cost around SGD 2283(glad that I recorded that down). That was on a one full year of instalment plan with 0% interest which is why I rather cutting down the damage in smaller chunks than to hurt my wallet in one big blow.

This very machine is my best company to go through all the on and offline time. Writing content, editing videos, gaming, coding, so on and so on. Life wouldn’t be the same without this PC. I made some pictures with spec listed as a celebration ceremony:


Specs for the peripherals. The Razer mouse were dead not long after, replaced with a SteelSeries mouse. Everything else is working fine and going strong.


The GTX1080 was the latest member in the party. Hand-picked every part of the components and did not regret a bit since then. Love the case, love the AMD CPU, love the 960 EVO and all.

I always wanted to do a full system performance test and that was part of my plan even before complete building this rig. But you know, procrastinate hit me big time and nothing was done after a year of usage. I should find a weekend and clean the case up, tune the component a little bit and do the long-promised performance test.

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