NOIA Network Testnet + Airdrop 200 tokens every week

NOIA Network Testnet + Airdrop 200 tokens every week


What is cooler than earn some coins(even if it is shitcoins) while doing nothing at all?

I’ve been running NOIA Network Testnet for months and every week they award 200 NOIA coins for just 72 hours of uptime which is just keeping a mini program running in the background of computer.


  1. Sign up on NOIA Network Dashboard(referral link)
  2. Complete the KYC.
  3. Download NOIA Node Client from the official GitHub page
  4. Configuration of NOIA node client :
  • Put the same ETH address as you put in the KYC application.
  • Open both the 8058 UDP data port and 8048 TCP control port. The previous WS 7676 TCP port is now irrelevant and can be closed.
  1. Keep the Node Client up and running for at least 72 hours a week (aggregate time).(Timer resets every Friday 12pm utc.)

Proof of reward

I was at 800 NOIA last month. Keep accumulating while doing nothing!

This can be checked via the NOIA Network Dashboard(referral link). The total NOIA nodes has been steadily increasing and development team is active in intereacting with the public and project development.

I don’t see a reason for anyone not to join this Testnet.

NOIA 是个挺有趣的新项目,正在筹备 ICO 。现在参与 Testnet 可以每个星期领取 200 NOIA 呢!好处是除了开始的 KYC 和 设置软件外,几乎就什么都不用做了。而且这软件非常绿色环保,几乎完全不占用电脑资源。

1)去 NOIA Network Dashboard(referral link)(推荐链接)登记和完成 KYC。
2)去 official GitHub page 下载 NOIA node client 最新版 0.6.0, 安装之。

  • ETH 地址必须放和 KYC 的一样。
  • 开启 8058 UDP data port8048 TCP control port
  • 一个星期内起码让软件跑 72 小时。

4)可以在这里查看领到的奖励。记得币还没真正发送,因为 ICO 还没开始。

一个月前我介绍这个项目时已经有了 800 NOIA, 目前更是累积了 1800 NOIA,所做的就是让这个小小 Client 椅子运作而已。NOIA 团队近来与也很活跃,社区上和公众的互动也很积极,NOIA 的活跃节点随着时间也慢慢上升。未来真令人期待呢!

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