作画,从不认真到认真|谷哥点名#10 How I'm getting serious with drawing

作画,从不认真到认真|谷哥点名#10 How I'm getting serious with drawing




自此妈妈就给我贴上了“不认真”的标签。之后每当我偶尔兴起作画时,也总会在旁冷言“你一定会半途而废”之类的;小时候的我偏爱素描类的画风,觉得上颜色很麻烦,各种颜料道具的,素描类的就容易多了,一支铅笔或原子笔和一张纸就可以乐趣无穷。然而妈妈总觉得一幅画没上色彩就是不完整的,也就是半途而废。虽然后来我才发现其实绘画是完全自由的,没有束缚的。也不知道她当时是真的对我失望还是处于激将法,无可否认的是这样的确造成了我的困扰。当年处于叛逆期的我很多时候心理直接就说 “好吧,我就三分钟热度给你看。” 甚至一度怀疑自己是不是只会画,不会上色?好像完成一幅画就是为了讨好谁以证明自己,叛逆的小孩是不会允许自己去迎合别人的哦。以致那段时间放下画笔很久,因为整个过程有压力了,不有趣了。

后来慢慢放下小时候对会绘画的种种不正确的观念,网路发达了,牛人见得多了,对艺术的理解更深刻了,明白了自己作画的真谛就是 “自己爽”。一支笔乃至一张树叶都可以是作画的武器,美和不美也完全是主观的,每幅作品中有人弹,也一定有人赞。那时候起就不再有证明自己的想法,不需要这么做,因为也不吃这行饭。只想不断的开发新的画风,素材和技术。

有没试过当做一件自己喜欢的事的时候,仿佛进入了 “精神时间屋”。明明感觉才过了一会,外面的世界已经过去了好几个小时,作画于我正是如此。从收集素材到构图,上色到修改,整个过程真会让我不自觉的过了一大半天。长大了有经济能力了,我也开始投资较为高档的绘画用具。有些用具的价格稍微高了点,只要觉得需要的我都在所不惜。因为真正有价值的不是那些颜料画笔,而是经由它们所产生的艺术品。



Drawing is my biggest hobby since I was a kid. But I wasn’t really into it. I draw when the mood come and stop whenever it stop interested me. I was good at drawing the Japan manga, Dragon Ball was my favorite. My mom spotted my talent and thought that I can use some help from art classes to develop my skills.
So in the class drawing, I was. I always thought the assignments given by the tutor was too easy for me. Every time I was the quickest to finish my drawing and I would stroll around the class.

One day I spotted there was a comic corner at the living room. My interest soon got attracted and since then, I finished my assignment on the class quickly just for reading more comics on the couch. Until my mom caught me bloody-handed as I made the drawing class’s fee that she paid worthless. That was my last art class ever.

Since that day, whenever I occasionally started to draw, my mom would keep doubting if I can finish it. As she thought I wasn’t serious into this art stuffs. She would challenge me to finish it. But her tactic didn’t work as I was so rebellious back then. And I stopped drawing for a long time because it was not fun anymore.

As I’m growing, I started to correct my misunderstanding towards the attitude of art. Creating an art should be free and fun. It can be any form of materials and styles. The truth is, I felt like I don’t have to do it to please anyone. As soon as I realized this, art creation becomes fun again. From the material collecting to sketching, coloring to framing. I could not feel the ticking of the time when a few hours was actually slipped away.

Doing something so serious that you throw whole mind and body into it wholeheartedly, and anything could be enjoyable.


>Can you tell who this is??


>The most handsome guy I thought back in time, Andy Lau.


>Bruce Lee will always be my favorite.


>I save my art class friend with this for his assignment.


>Hero on canvas—Spiderman!


>Entry for a contest in Steemit and ended up with 3rd prize.


>Another entry for a drawing contest.


I have this hanged on my living hall, appetizing isn’t it?

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