

Since I was working a few years ago I heard that a little of alcohol could boost one’s sleeping quality. Not that my life was so pressure that I went insomnia every night, in fact, my work life balance is pretty awesome. I was just enjoying taking few random sips from a shot before bed time, the presence of some light amount of alcohol really chills the whole body and mind down pretty well. Now I can’t live without those few sips before sleep. What about you? Any special sleeping rituals?

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/%e7%9d%a1%e5%89%8d%e5%b0%8f%e9%85%8c%e7%9a%84%e4%b9%a0%e6%83%af/

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Switching from Evernote to Joplin, for the sake of better privacy.

Evernote has become not compatible with my rising awareness of privacy for quite a while, Joplin is a perfect alternative to it. I was using Evernote mainly for note-taking for a few years on a free plan as I could not justify the the rather hefty subscription fee. With the free plan, the ability to attach photos on a note is very limited and the worse is there is no encryption on the whole notebook even in the premium plan.

Joplin is very favoured my privacy minded users as they are able to store and manage their own database which is integrated with Google Drive or Dropbox or some other cloud services. Notes only decrypted on the device and encrypted every time before syncing to the cloud. Hence, no one will ever have access to your private data.

Furthermore there are some other interesting useful features that Evernote lacks of:

  • Support of Markdown format, this is a huge bonus point for me.
  • Cross platform, although the mobile version are not as good yet.
  • Open source and free.

近来把用了数年的 Evernote 数据全都转上去了 Joplin,一个以隐私为主的数码笔记本。最根本的变化就是数据库不再是由别人来掌握,而是全在自己控制的范围内。不会技术的也别怕,Joplin 把设定的过程傻瓜化了。换言之就是利用既有的云服务如 Dropbox 或是 Google Drive,在上面建立一个数据库就好。其余的全部设备比如手机电脑平板等等,都会直接登陆这个数据库来存取资料。

Joplin 以下几大好处,都是 Evernote 所没有的:

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The crypto market shows this Chinese New Year ended earlier than usual


For a long time I have not paid attention to the crypto market, it is great to be notified by some friends lately that the market has shown some bull signs. It was a famous saying that the January is a bad month for crypto as it would usually crash due to the Chinese New Year, and the market will get back on the up-going trend soon thereafter.

Well, we had the longest Chinese New Year starting from January 2018, this is just another myth busted.

Two days left for the CNY 2019 to end completely , I’m glad the market has show that very sign at this moment if we are still talking in the tone of that myth.


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/the-crypto-market-shows-this-chinese-new-year-ended-earlier-than-usual/

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Google 元宵水彩涂鸦


不知不觉居然元宵节了,虽然我对这个节日非常的不感冒,看到 Google 换上水彩风格的涂鸦时还是惊喜了一下。不得不说这个 Doodle 做得还是很不错的,Google 的字样中间加上一只猪代替第二个 “O”, 配色也非常的和谐。或许是我对水彩画情有独钟吧!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/google-%e5%85%83%e5%ae%b5%e6%b0%b4%e5%bd%a9%e6%b6%82%e9%b8%a6/

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Lost the desire for chasing latest phone, swap battery of 2-year-old phone and keeping it.

I’m a technology guy and I love exploring new tech whenever there is something new available. However, the more I appreciate how powerful new tech is making our life better, the lesser I value the currentness of the mobile phone. I used to the kid who can spend a whole day or even week on a particular aspect of the phone like customizing the theme and launcher just to match my using style, or to enhance the battery life by flashing all kind of custom ROM and kernel for the best performance.

Phone is just a tool for convenience

Nowadays, I value PC and laptop which can bring serious productivity power on the table, mobile phone to me is just a tool for convenience and most of the time, a tool for entertainment. This is why I’m still using my 2-year-old One Plus 3 even it looks really under par after the comparison with the latest phones.

No full and borderless screen, no face recognization, no 100MP camera, no all the cool tech which is the standard specification now. I can live with all the disadvantages and in fact, it stills going strong and meets all my requirement as a phone. The only drawback is that the battery does age, and it is now at its 80% of capacity which troubles a little as it runs flat pretty quickly.

That is far from a deal breaker

I can easily fix it with a battery swap. Ordered a 3rd party battery from Taobao and it arrives today. I decide not to send in for the swapping service but to DIY. It turns out it was not as tough as it was to open up the case. Let’s see if I can keep using this phone for another 2 years.

The battery pack that comes with a bunch of tools, which is nice.

The 3rd party battery.

Finally opened up the case for the first time myself.

身为一个科技迷,追求最新的科技发展从来都是我的乐趣之一,尤其前期是在手机领域。那时候可以为了简单的一个调整手机主题和 Launcher,或者是提高电池效率而不断的固件和 ROM 等等,轻易就可以花点一天或是一整个星期。现在不同了,注意力和重心都放在可以提供更多工作效率的 PC 和笔记本电脑上,手机对我而言已经沦为通讯和娱乐工具,不再值得花钱追求最新最好的了。

这也就是为什么这台用了两年的一加三手机我还是不想舍弃,它一切都还很好,也完全可以胜任我对手机的基本需求。唯一的缺点就是电池无可避免的老化了,只有大约 80% 的容量。

最好的解决方案就是花个 50 人民币买个第三方电池自己手动换了,又可以再战多两年啦!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/lost-the-desire-for-chasing-latest-phone-swap-battery-of-2-year-old-phone-and-keeping-it/

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今天工作上发生了一件令人啼笑皆非的事情。系统维护小组的一位阿姨管理员,带着两个小鲜肉一起为线上系统做调整。期间,她叫其中一个小鲜肉把另一个伺服器的设定用 GUI 的方式抄过来在另一个伺服器上,我在旁听了就给个聪明点的建议,好让他不用像个终端用户般用滑鼠一个一个按,毕竟是个系统管理员,这样做也更专业点。



Four years in my working place and I saw this ridiculous shit for the first time. There is another group of maintenance team consist of an senior old lady and two young lads, they are responsible for upkeeping a live system on client side.

Today, the old lady instructed those lads to copy the same configuration over to other server using the GUI clicking method. I wasn’t in the team but as a senior administrator from the same company I advise them to use the smarter way to do it, which is copy the configuration file over and modify some variables, which is much quicker and more admin way of doing things. Young lads agreed that was a good idea and proceed to try this way out.

While they are trying the old lady came back to the room and found this out. Out of nothing at all she started to get upset, claiming that they weren’t respect her. She started to throw out unreasonable word like “If you are not listening to me, I will just go home.” “Do whatever I told you to do.” While obviously our workaround works much better with high efficiency. We were stunned a little and carry on our way and the issue was solved in no time.

I ‘m glad I wasn’t mentored by an unprofessional sysadmin like her.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/%e5%80%9a%e8%80%81%e5%8d%96%e8%80%81%e8%a6%81%e4%b8%8d%e5%be%97/

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