A rather half-baked dice game on Steem


The old chinese proverbs sums up pretty well to the latest SteemBet launching, “there is zero harm caused without the comparison”. After a few days of counting down to tease the potential clients, the launch of the offcial dice site is rather dissapointing.

Bet takes abnormally long to be completed. No provably fair mechanism found in the website and users have no idea how the random dice number is generated. The worst part is, it utilizes the Keychain browser extension but did not implement the user verification at all upon login, in other words, one can log in as any username.

To maximize the ugliness of this design, SteemBet implemented a live chatting system. I was on the site for less than 1 hour and seeing various weird conversation going on like @ned is promising a 10m SP delegation to the project, @magicdice is announcing to shut down their own service to make place for SteemBet. OK, I have to confess that it was me.

There are worse conversation going on for next couple of hours before SteemBet decided to shut off the disastrous chat system, which should have be done in the beginning. In short, SteemBet is so half-baked especially compared to the rather professional MagicDice.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/a-rather-half-baked-dice-game-on-steem/

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难道办公室都是生人勿近的地方吗?对我来说想必是的。另外,今天也创下个人最长的工作时间,早上九点到第二天的十一点,26 个小时啊我的妈。

Same activities has different effect on the productivity and comfortability depends on the location. I could be working in front of the PC whole night in my own room and not giving a shit about sleeping. But working the same thing in the office while burning the same midnight oil? My body will keep sending me the message that “you are going to die soon”. All kind of physical discomfort will keep insulting me the whole night which makes the whole process(overtime) even worse.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/%e6%b2%a1%e4%ba%8b%e7%86%ac%e5%a4%9c%e5%92%8c%e5%8a%a0%e7%8f%ad%e7%86%ac%e5%a4%9c%e8%bf%98%e6%98%af%e5%be%88%e4%b8%8d%e4%b8%80%e6%a0%b7%e7%9a%84/

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KeePassXC - Cleaner and nicer KeePass client


Back in the days when MacOS is my only device to perform my daily tasks and there was a need to access my crypto keys that stored in Keepass, I had a hard time finding original Keepass client to be available on MacOS. Here is where KeePassXC shines. Not only it has a rather nicer UI, more importantly it is cross platform for the major system like Linux, MacOS and Windows.


KeePassXC is also open source and that’s the everything in the essence of making it the perfect crypto vault personally.


It looks similar to the original Keepass client but just cleaner and nicer, I will switch to this client on my Windows PC as well.

How do you store your crypto keys?

KeePassXC 是个比起 Keepass 原生客户端更为好用的另一个选择,会发现这个开源软件皆因在 Macbook 上完全找不到 Keepass 原生客户端, 而 KeePassXC 则是跨平台的,从 Linux,windows, 到 MacOS 都支持。最重要的是它的设计还较为时尚好看,顺便就把 PC 上的客户端换成这款软件算了。

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/keepassxc-cleaner-and-nicer-keepass-client/

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The best buddy of CSS


Many said that a proper CSS cannot live without the LESS, and after a brief checking it out, LESS works exactly like the name suggests, frontend developers can now type much less. Various techniques makes hand coding the CSS less painful like the powerful **Mixins, Variables, Nesting, Operations and so on. If you are struggling with CSS and cannot stand the messy document, give LESS a try and this is probably the solution you didn’t know exist yet life saving.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/the-best-buddy-of-css/

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新春长假终于告一段落了,最令人开心的莫过于可以再次回到我台式电脑的怀抱(用电脑用得有点病态了)。为免这次的长假回家没有电脑可用,还特地入手了基础班的 MacBook,再加上觉得笔记本自带的触控板未必足够应付长时间使用,还特意换了个无线 Logitech MX Anywhere 2S。

结果就是,这个无线滑鼠在为其八九天的假期中使用时间不超过十分钟,原因有几个吧。其一,MacBook 系列的 Force Touch 触控板绝对是我用过最好的,要说最接近可以取代滑鼠的触控板绝对是它。其二,我习惯了在房间都躺在沙袋上在大腿上用电脑,所以滑鼠也没有用武之地。

综上,真是越来越爱这台 MacBook 了。

I bought an MacBook and a wireless mouse to prepare for the long holiday in Chinese New Year for productivity, and it turned out that the wireless mouse wasn’t being used for more than 10 minutes out of the 8 days of holiday. The most prominent reason is that the Force Touch trackpad is so nice to use and it totally has the ability to denies the traditional mouse which I thought would be hard to be replaced. Seems like it was not the case.

I’m getting more impressed by the usefulness and design of MacBook.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/%e8%a2%ab%e5%8f%96%e4%bb%a3%e7%9a%84%e6%bb%91%e9%bc%a0/

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近来几天都沉迷在“捕猎真人秀”之类的 Youtube 视频,像有名的华农兄弟的山里生活,还有赶海系列等等,现在才发现这类视频对我是挺吸引的。可能自小没有什么在这类大自然的环境生活过,对这类大自然寻宝的活动更向往吧。


I’ve been watching the “treasure hunt in the nature” kinda vlogs on Youtube lately and found out I was quite attached to the nature series(here and here, whether it was hunting in the beach area or in the deep mountain. These vloggers are so smart that they recording and sharing what they have been doing in their profesionnal day job, people living the cities will normally found these videos interestings and they can harvest an army of fans along the way while doing nothing extra. Working once but encashing twice from it, very smart.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/%e6%b8%94%e4%ba%ba%e5%92%8c%e5%b1%b1%e5%86%9c%e7%9a%84%e5%8f%a6%e7%b1%bb%e5%b7%a5%e4%bd%9c%e5%8f%98%e7%8e%b0/

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