


We were playing Three Pictures in a friend’s house during a gathering last night. We had a great night and the poker game lasted long til mid night around 3 o’clock, and this is when something weird happened. There was about 5 players on the tables and they all got a score of 4 out of their hand, when we were all stunned a little, someone took a look at the watch, it was sharply 4 o’clock.

(4 pronounced the same way as die in Chinese)

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听说近来有个叫 BitcoinHEX 的东西很火,看了一下,是个自称比特币第一个高利息储蓄计划的东西。不少人都说这是个骗局,就像 90% 的币局一样。然而我看到了一个很有道理的虚拟币骗局检验方式,那就是去看看有位叫 Trevon James 的仁兄是否和该项目时候有牵连,有的话,那该项目十之八九是不靠谱的

有听过这位大神名头的人都很很清楚他的来历,我个人则是通过他大力推荐的 Bitconnect 才认识到他这号人物的。此人似乎无骗不欢,接触和推荐的项目几乎都是有庞氏骗局的成分在里头,这可能也是一种天分吧!

How to judge if a crypto project is a scam? Like the recently trending BitcoinHEX? Check it out if the infamous Trevor James has anything to do with it. If yes, then stay away from it at all cost.

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Astrology is one of the Chinese was of fortune-telling, today I’ve met my cousins who has been learning for a few years and of course I asked for free fortune-telling service for the first time. The analysis based on my born time is kinda accurate and thrilled to learnt that she can know some of my past which I’m certain she wouldn’t have known beforehand. I’m always interested in the astrology, hopefully one day I can pick up this skill myself and to aid the life planning strategies better.

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从很小的年纪就加入了亲戚的醒狮团,那天起到将近而立之年,每年的大年初一和初二都踏上了不归路。在这两天我和兄弟们都要义务去一家一户舞狮采青, 一帮人坐在卡车上到处奔波,日晒雨淋。起初好几年是很好玩的,因为新鲜也因为对舞狮这门技艺也很感兴趣,小孩子心性嘛。



FIrst day of the Chinese Lunar New Year is almost as significant as the whole 15 days of lunar new year period. I was once committed in a lion dance group for almost 20 years, which requires all the member to perform on the first 2 days of the festive. It was fun when I was young as everything looks new and exciting, but became not so after I have more commitment and options especially after graduation and started working as an adult.

This is the first year we can finally get rid of the boring yearly activity that is starting to be haunting. Such a relaxation I don’t have to get up so early for something that I’m not enjoy doing anymore, nothing feels better than this!

This is how a holiday should feels like!

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Is your Steem blog quality corresponding to the price?

If I was asked by this question one year before when everything is mooning, I would say no. I blog because I found out this is a better habit to develop.

It records down my thoughts, shares my experience, gathers some social power over the blockchain space, betters my writing skills every day, put my time and effort in a better way rather than gaming brainlessly… I can keep going with the list because blogging on Steem makes me feels so good about myself. There is no reason my motivation has anything to do with the market.

Dead Wrong

It has everything to do with the price. All the good causes and motivational force are unfortunately based on the hope to get a higher return in whether is it STEEM, or SBD, or SP. The fact is, I told myself that bilingual post is cool and I’m going to do it anyway on the platform, and it turns out that it didn’t play out as I expected.

The price of Steem is definitely impacting my quality of blogging, however, at least I’m trying not to post just for the sake of posting and so far I think I have live up to that standard quite well.

What about you?

之前牛市的时候,还记得自己信誓旦旦的说不管币价如何,在 Steem 上写博客这样酷的事情,无论如何都会延续下去。唯一没有想到的是,延续下去写博客的习惯是说对了,但是博客的质量和篇幅也随着币价而下降也是不争的事实。可能心目中有更重要的项目要做了,有可能稍微改变了写作的方针,但这都不是借口,感觉追根究底还是因为报酬不够


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/is-your-steem-blog-quality-corresponding-to-the-price/

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  • 入手了一个 MacBook 作为离开 PC 的备用电脑,以便随时上网和做些编程上的东西,发个 Steem 帖子也比用手机方便的多对吧。

  • 买了五六个卡牌游戏以供大伙相聚时的娱乐用途,往年来都是麻将扑克牌等等的赌博性质活动,是时候来点有趣的了。



Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/%e5%9b%9e%e5%ae%b6%e8%bf%87%e5%b9%b4%e5%92%af/

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