受伤的 Kindle 更好读

这个 Kindle 好像跟了我差不多三年,老实说,前面的那段时间都没什么实际利用到它。也就刚收到货的那几个礼拜重温了一下最爱的金庸武侠系列,然后又是手机当道了。尽管如此,我还是配了个小包在身边,好让它随时能跟着我,随时也可以打开起来打发时间,尽管使用率真的比不过手机。


Kindle 最大的优势之一就完全可以在飞机旅途中体现出来(当然是对喜欢读书的人而言)。因为飞机上没有信号,手机对我而言没了流量就几乎没有用武之地,看戏玩游戏等线下活动不是不可以,只是比较起来我更愿意把时间花在阅读上。所以这时 Kindle 就很重要啦,已经拯救过好几段枯燥的飞机行程了。

就在最后一次飞去印尼的时间,不小心在飞机上把手机砸在了还没合起来的 Kindle 屏幕上,屏幕倒是没爆裂,就是中间出现了一个刮伤。平时要是把背光完全关闭的话是看不出来的,开启背光的话,越亮这个伤痕露出的光线就会越明显。



Own a Kindle for about 3 years and has not been using it actively until I scratched the screen a little and the backlit leaks whenever the backlit was turned on. Upon the consideration of selling away this injured unit and buying a new one, why not to give it a reading test and see if the backlit leak does bother me that much or not.

Turned out it was not, the reading experience isn’t much affected as long as I don’t rely on the backlit too much, which I usually did. And the best thing is I picked up the reading habit that I missed for so long. What a great scratch!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/%e5%8f%97%e4%bc%a4%e7%9a%84-kindle-%e6%9b%b4%e5%a5%bd%e8%af%bb/

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Have you ever buy any in-app purchase in a mobile game?

Just quit a game not long ago thinking that I can now put the time into something productive, fell into another game. And worse, it seems to be more addictive hence consume more of the time than ever.

Tower of Saviour is the first ever mobile game that successfully lured me into buying those virtual in-app purchase. Did not spend too much on that but I think it well worth the investment since I had a crazy time with this game back to the University time with friends. I was once a firm believer that no one should fall for the in-app purchase of any game as that makes no sense at all.

Then I started to think from another perspective, gaming is all about entertainment. I’m all good to spend $10 for a cinema ticket, similar to the game in-app purchase, I get nothing back physically but I’m entertained well. So why not?

Have you ever buy any in-app purchase in a mobile game?

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/have-you-ever-buy-any-in-app-purchase-in-a-mobile-game/

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Take the gain from EOSKnight and buy DICE


Right before I was officially quitting the EOSKnight, I invested the EOS that earned by selling material into the DICE token in BetDice, which gave me a nice return in the days that I starting to bet in EOS dice game.

What I did just keep buying the DICE tokens and stake it up for the bonus distribution for any incoming bets. As you can see in the graph, DICE/EOS has been declining for the whole of January and I kept buying in without any doubt. After that wasn’t a big sum of fund(around 70 EOS) and I already made my capital back in the EOSKnight as well as in the dice game. I could totally suck it up in case everything goes down to zero.

By the way, the DICE price went up 20% today and it was nice given that I just bought in some before the price spike. I’m not too excited about it though since this market is usually more volatile than the overall crypto market.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/take-the-gain-from-eosknight-and-buy-dice/

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The January Chinese New Year is here again


The long-awaited Chinese New Year crypto crash is here again. Since yesterday, the total market cap has been crashed from the average 120B to 112B as of today. This, of course, brings down the altcoin price including Steem which was hitting $0.42 and now sit back at $0.29, which is expected by the most.

The bad thing is, my speculation attempt failed due to the 7 days power down cooldown period was just one day off from the $0.42 which was a few days ago. When the liquidity was ready, the price went down accordingly as well. Damn it. I knew I was right haha. (Lucky you @joythewanderer)

Speaking of the Chinese new year and crypto crash, I heard their weird relationship during last January which the whole market suffered from a sharp crash from its ATH. People pulled out all kind of analytical historic charts proving that was normal as January is usually a bad month for crypto, and some jokingly said that was due to the Chinese needed to cash out for the CNY festive.

Well, I guess that was the longest Chinese new year I’ve ever seen since the price has been going down every day, til now.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/the-january-chinese-new-year-is-here-again/

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Never get into the comfort zone again

Now I regretted not to always keeping myself up in my industry as a system administrator. Found out a large part of the demanding skills are not available on the current working place, or I just those was not as crucial to pick up. I was always trying to keep myself out of the comfort zone and I think that’s everyone biggest enemy in every aspect. Ironically, it seems like I’m in the zone now.

Nothing is too late to be fixed. At least I know what is the more marketable skillsets and I can always pick up from here. At the same time, I get myself a couple of sysadmin books that I wish I read at the beginning of my career. It is always good to see how the true experts and gurus get their jobs done.

Heard good things about these books and I’m reading the first one:

  • The Practice of System and Network Administration
  • UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook
  • Essential-System-Administration

Head over Library Genesis if you are just want to have some test reading sample, but always remember to support the author by purchasing the book in store if you think they worth it.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/never-get-into-the-comfort-zone-again/

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The best productivity mouse?


I’m getting sick of the wired mouse which occasionally restricts the mouse movement(maybe due to poor cable management). And I have a secondary computer(Macbook), so I think this Logitech MX Anywhere 2S could be a real solution for my case.


The best part about this mouse:

  • Wireless and very portable due to its small size, I like a small mouse.

  • It is rechargeable and ultra lasting, one full charge claims to last about 3 months. Have no comment on that yet as I was just using it for the second week.

  • It can be paired up to 3 devices. So my main desktop PC and MacBook can share the same mice seamlessly. Tested and it works like a charm. Super fast on pairing and almost no delay in the process.


The gimmick part about this mouse:

  • The Flow feature is somewhat not necessary in real life. It sounds cool to use the same mouse across 2 different system without even switching the pairing. But I guess most of the people just won’t utilize this feature.

  • The hyper scrolling feature. Not as useless as the Flow but I find it rather replaceable by the keyboard navigation key in the long document where a fast scrolling up and down is needed.


The bad part about this mouse:

  • The middle click is not working! Most annoying surprise when I found this out. The scroll button is not clickable and there is no way to use it as the average mouse like open a link in the new tab in a browser or so. I did a workaround by setting the side press of scroll button to mimic the middle click function.

By far I’m very satisfied with this mouse and it quite lives up to its fame except for the middle click part. I heard the MX Master series retain the middle click function but it is like 50% more expensive, also I’m afraid the bigger size of it will be another problem for me to get comfortable.

If you are still doing productivity stuff on a gaming mouse, you are doing it wrong. Give the Logitech MX series a try!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/the-best-productivity-mouse/

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