Switching from Chrome to Firefox after years of being tracked online

Okay, Firefox Quantum is not even close to new.

Ashamed of myself to learn that the Firefox is a non-porfit organization after all my time spent online for years. Maybe the neatness and sleekness of the browser itself make me think it does not look like something created by a not profit-oriented company.

As I dived deeper into the idea of digital privacy and anonymity, there are lots of useful tools and tricks could enhance those important aspect average users used to ignore. Browser is probably the best place to start within the process of strengthening privacy. Have a good read here: A Healthy Internet is Secure and Private, Firefox Privacy Notice.

  • Firefox is open source and deployed by the non-profit Mozilla Foundation.

  • Firefox is more lightweight than the memory monster Chrome.

  • Firefox is built with privacy protection in mind.

  • Firefox has no tracker built-in as Chromium browser do.

  • Firefox is fully-customizable.

  • Firefox Private Window makes Chrome’s Incognito mode looks like a joke.

While Firefox is a great browser with a clean base to start working on enhancing privacy, it needs to be hardened by a series of configuration for the best result. This is a list of must-have privacy add-ons like the uBlock Origin, HTTPS Everywhere, NoScript and etc.

Surprisingly, I found the switching the from Chrome to Firefox as I can find most of the extension I cannot live without easily on Firefox, import the bookmarks and boom. Transition completed!

What is your favourite browser?

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/switching-from-chrome-to-firefox-after-years-of-being-tracked-online/

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Advertisement on Steemit is REAL

This is probably the top efficiency I’ve seen in a long time by STINC to deliver their promise. They mentioned that the idea of advertisement placement on the Steemit fronted could be tested in order to seek for a new source of income two days ago, and it was implemented today if not earlier. That’s another level of efficiency if you compared to the development of SMT which was supposed to be delivered last year.

At least the good thing here is, I know that STINC is still functioning.


Thanks to the handy uBlock Origin ad blocking tool on most of my main browsers like Chrome and Firefox, I did not realize the advertisement implementation on Steemit just yet. I have to move to the naked Edge to make see how the ad looks like, this is probably the first and only time that I actively looking for an advertisement.

The advertisement placement is very minimal, I can only see one or two in the Hot or Trending page. Of course, this could be adjusted all the time, but so far they are not disturbing the reading experience on the platform. Steemit might want to make the advertisement more ‘blend-in’ with same photo size, heading and description as the other listing of the posts.

Let’s hope this is the change for good.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/advertisement-on-steemit-is-real/

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First job hopping makes the great resolution in 2019


When living off the Steem or any other cryptocurrency become nothing less than a dream, and the current day job is staggering at one’s personal growth, looking for another day job is the only way out in most modern society.

Made my first resume for the current job I’m working on and never look back anymore. I wish I implemented the practice that always updating the resume and keep attending job interview even if I’m not intended to get the job. Best practice to keep my focus sharp and be aware of what the market is demanding.

Not at once I execute those correct practice, I called that the effect of the comfort zone. Time of getting out of it, and still hoping the day that I no longer need the corporate work life.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/first-job-hopping-makes-the-great-resolution-in-2019/

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From Surface pro to MacBook, best trade ever!

Bought my first Surface Pro 6 one month ago mainly due to the Black Friday Sales is simply irresistible. With that said, the deal was done with a flipping purpose in mind at the same time allowing to experience the famous 2-in-1 that I always keep an eye on. Even before the shipment has arrived, I put the hot fresh SP6 on sales on the local marketplace which much higher price than what I’ve paid which should be still reasonable considering local official Microsoft store does not sell it yet.

And I received the best trading deal of my life after one month of sale listing.

Someone offered to make a 1-to-1 trade for my SP6 with his MacBook Air 13 which is the very device that I’m going to try if the SP6 can be sold away. And now I can skip all the trouble of selling, get the cash, walk in the Apple shop for the MacBook. This is the perfect deal. The devices from both ends have a really same background and condition that makes the deal even swifter for both parties. Both are around 1 month old, both are having the same technical specification, and both’s the owner is eager to try out each other’s device.

The deal was done on the very same day the offer was made I’ve tried the iPhone(iOS sucks), iPad(gave it to my mom), and now say hello to my first ever Mac OS device which I believe should be the best line of product Apple is ever made.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/from-surface-pro-to-macbook-best-trade-ever/

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Are you mad about Steemit is going to sell ads soon?

Finally Steemit took the second thought to accept advertisement after the infamous 70% layoff. Personally, I don’t feel anything towards this change of attitude but I clearly understand hardcore no-ads users who raged and sneered so much down in the comment section.

Let’s don’t take the huge SP and significant position of Steemit is currently holding in the Steem blockchain, in the perfect world, Steemit is nothing but just another DAPP that runs on top of Steem and it should be treated as same as the other DAPPs, from the view of blockchain. With that said, Steemit could do whatever they want to do with their own application even if they decided to make everyone’s thumbnail a naked girl. If they screw up big time, it is always the matter of time something better will arises and replace them.

Users always got the right to choose the frontend platform and frontend platform can do whatever they want at their own consequences.

Some even said Steemit betrays the users, cashing users content by advertising, just like the notorious FB and Google. Well, content creators on Steem need to realise the fact that they are not submitting their daily blogs to Steemit, but Steem, where all the data is readily available for anyone to retrieve and making use of it. An undergraduate with basic web knowledge can create his own fronted and cashing all the data he could collect on the blockchain in whatever ways.

No one is able to stop that from happening, and this is exactly why it is called a decentralised technology. Let’s keep an eye on how things are going to play out, this is getting more interesting.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/are-you-mad-about-steemit-is-going-to-sell-ads-soon/

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Cons of Surface Pro 6

This is could generally apply to the other model of Surface Pro since the series has been using the same design and most of the complaints are related to the design and hardware.


  • The famous fabric type cover is very comfortable and great for the stylish hipster look, but too bad it is made of fabric. It gets dirty easily when the usual metal material laptop base. I find myself starting to wipe clean the public tables every time before putting my Surface on it. The fear of contaminating the crispy clean type cover was growing to the extent that I feel like I’m serving the device more than it is serving me. And this is totally against my principle.

  • While it has a generally good mouse pad, the clicking is rather not comfortable. The clicking is tough and requires more force to press down to register a click. The clicking sound is loud as well.


  • Lack of Thunderbolt 3 port. I’ve no idea what the Surface Pro team was thinking that they decided to exclude this industry standard in the year 2019. It was such a deal breaker for me and I wouldn’t buy it if weren’t for the huge discount on Black Friday sales. Wake up, Microsoft.


  • Due to the lacking of TB3 ports, Microsoft has to make their independent charger brick. Although it is much smaller and portable than the traditional 1KG charger, user still has to bring the whole charger since the the charging cable is unique and undetachable from the charger brick.

One last complaint and this is more a personal thing, I intended to use the Surface Pro as a laptop mainly, which wasted the “table” side of this 2-in-1 tablet device and I think is another form of wasted resource as well.

Overall, Surface Pro is still a solid device and a leader in 2-in-1 tablet. Make sure you will make full use of both the laptop and tablet side of this machine and I think that would be a great investment to make for anyone.

Picture source: 1, 2, 3

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/cons-of-surface-pro-6/

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