Material Design: Button [Note]

I never thought a single button could be this complicated standing from the designer point of view. Maybe nothing is if one tries to design a really nice looking UI that makes sense. Read more at Material Design Button.

  • Type 1 being the least important button while Type 3 with lots of emphases could be the most important button on the page.

  • There is nowhere else in a single webpage that should have a cleaner text within.

I never thought a single button could be this complicated standing from the designer point of view. Maybe nothing is if one tries to design a really nice looking UI that makes sense.

  • There is nowhere else in a single webpage that should have a cleaner text within.


  • A simple with outline container could be just as beautiful if the style matches the overall theme of the app.


While Material design is mainly meant for the mobile application, I genuinely think this spec for button design is a great advice and fundamental to follow for any application including web. Those extra padding and dimension not only give sufficient of breathing room for the text and icon within the button, but more importantly, it provides a bigger target for clicking.

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Bringing back the Smartnode after idling for a month

@privex few weeks ago undergo a maintenance periods that they will shut down their servers batch by batch and this is my first time experiencing a downtime in the recent half a year subscription. Amazing uptime!

I start renting this VPS for running my first SmartNode aka a POS miner for SMART cash. I was quite excited having a money-printing machine working in the background 24/7, as it literally mining the SMART coins which worth something back in the day when crypto was a hyped beast.

Lost track of the VPS and miner after months

The first reason, because the excitement quickly washed away as the process was quite linear. I’ve got nothing to do but receiving constant notification that my miner was receiving another payment. Everything is well set up and worry-free.

The other reason, of course, was due to the sinking of crypto market the whole 2018. I was distracted by other more profitable things and was too busy to keep an eye on the monitor bot messages.

Check my miner last running date and it was one month ago. What a shame, where was the promise I gave myself that I will keep mining no matter how the market does?

Resurrection of Smartcash mining

Logging in the VPS and I realized I have lost all the memory how to check the node status, where to check all the config files, etc. Luckily I decided to note down the journey setting up the Smartnode on Steemit. Quickly I was able to retrieve the all-in-one guide and follow it to resurrect the node. Luckily there wasn’t any major update for the last month so the process was rather smooth.


Hail the Smartnode!

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Material Design: Motion [Note]

Motion is one of the biggest parts in creating an interactive UI, if not biggest. Doing it wrong or overdo it could spell a big disaster to the overall feeling one application gives to its users.


  • Exiting and closing can have a higher speed than the opening animation. As it requires less user attention than the user’s next task.

  • Relatively, animation of small area should use a shorter duration than those that traverse larger areas. For example, animation for icon has a duration of 100ms while a full screen popup could use 300ms.

  • Animation duration is best around 300ms. Make it shorter for a bolder feel, longer for a more relaxed effect.

  • Determine the orientation to use by considering the motion of an expanding surface. The arc should match the primary scrolling axis of the UI. For example, a card in a vertically scrolling UI will expand using a vertical out arc. When the card collapses, the motion reverses, first moving vertically and then horizontally.


The Motion teaches tons of lesson that make sense and was a little bit overwhelming for my current standard to absorb it all. Definitely coming back to revise this chapter again when I had more experience in UX design. Great read!

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Nothing beats a LAN connection on desktop!

Days ago my desktop used a very saddening way to welcome me home from work, by showing me the PCIE network card has been dead all of a sudden. Due to the network card was my sole input of the network connection, I was immediately doomed to a very emotional state while realizing I’m going spend a night with the PC without internet connection(I’m a huge internet addict, but who aren’t?)

Got me a spare wifi dongle the very next day hence the speedtest post the other day with the new router and WiFi.

But nothing beats a PCIE network card with LAN connection on a desktop PC. My TP-LINK Gigabit PCI Express Network Adapter TG-3468 has finally arrived 5 days after putting the order in Lazada(Shipping speed in SG sucks big time).


The single LAN port is all I wanted and needed. This piece of card also comes with 3 years of local warranty so I probably don’t have to suffer from the heart attack of a card sudden death again.

This is a random speedtest right after the installation of the card. It was previously at 30 Mbps with WiFi connection. I can die peacefully now.


Picture source

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Long-awaited big green day for Steem, alone.

Every time when I see any random coin outperform the overall market trend on a particular day, I used to check out their social media to find out what was the good news. Today our dear Steem had a big surge that was close to 20% and pulled the price back to a nice $0.33.

And I have no idea what was the exact reason what is the cause for this to happen despite Steem is my most participated crypto space. Anyone mind to share?

By the way, the current market price $0.33 made the wronged internal feed price $0.39 as you can see in steemd, less wrong, I expected a quick drop to below $0.30 level in the short future though.

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Poker night on the Xmas eve


I was having a great time attending my gf team member’s house warming plus Xmas party at the very nice timing. The night started out a little bit dull as I was the outsider in the crowd. Alcohol is always the best ice-breaking tool in the history of mankind. Not long after everyone had a cup or two, we find some common language among us, the atmosphere started to get warmer as the night grows.

However, if I were to suggest a way to bring people together, that works better than drinking, it has to be gambling.

Not everyone drinks, but I’m quite certain gambling is part of human nature. There are some people took an oath not to touch the betting games, even just for fun. Not that they don’t like to gamble, but they are the rare race of human kind who has a strong discipline and conscious mind to acknowledge how additive and destructive gambling can be.

The leisure Texas Poker was starting with S$30 for every player. The Ante was just S$0.2 which is almost close to free compared to actual game outside. I lost focus once in a while in the games not just because it was a long day for me, but the betting amount was just under my adrenaline threshold. Nonetheless, I had a great game session with lots of mind tricks here and there. We shared some laughter, exchanging chips on temporary green poker layout.

I ended the night with a net winning of S$30, but It would still be a fun night without the win.

Do you gamble?

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