What the hell is going on with Busy.org?


My most favorite Steem UI is a mess now

Upon loading the Busy.org page, the news feed will just keep refreshing non-stop as shown in GIF above. The rotation of different news will be never ending even after waiting for a few minutes, it just keep rotating.

Heading to own profile page, I either getting the same issue or just a really long page full with one of my old posts. It just repeating til the end of the page.

Steem feed price is messed up big time as well

Due to the big rally of overall crypto market today, it is good to finally see some green colors in the red market. Steem has just went to all-week-high $0.27 from the bottom $0.20.


Feeling a little bit relieved, I want make sure the feed price is reflecting something similar but lower due to the 3.5 days delay. Only to find out Steem is worth a whooping $0.39 in internal market!


Obviously some witnesses has gone nuts and reported some crazy numbers to make the average feed price this high. On the witness listing page, it is my dear @busy.witness again.


$4 dollar worth of Steem? I would LOL even in my worst nightmare tonight.

Ranking at 28th on the list while being one the most visited platforms, I have totally no idea what is going on with Busy.

Please wake up and get things fixed, @busy.org and @busy.witness!

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A WiFi saviour in my room


Looks nice and neat. I’m growing more confidence in TP-Link networking products recently.

Finally received the saviour of my room’s WiFi today from the Taobao double 11 festivals. Yes, it took a whole damn month for sea shipping all the way from China to Singapore. I almost forgot I did purchase this batch of items.

In my rented room, there is only one WiFi router for in the living room and I have no idea why the telco provided stock router sucks so much. It is just a thin wooden door between my room and the living room and we only get 50% of the WiFi’s signal and speed. I did install a powerline adapter to serve a local LAN cable straight to my PC but all the other mobile devices are suffering big time from the weak WiFi.

So I decided to get a new router, and direct the local LAN cable from powerline adapter to it and cast WiFi while supporting the PC LAN connection at the same time.

This is the speedtest result using native WiFi provided by the router in the living room. I did several tests and this is the one with the highest speed.


And this is coming from the new router WiFI speedtest and I even took the lowest speed to show here. No description is needed anymore.


I’m glad that this workaround works and it never felt so good all my devices are feeling more alive now. WiFi is LIFE!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/a-wifi-saviour-in-my-room/

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Material Design: Don't ever distort it!


Google’s Material Design is clearly not a big fan of distorted design style. I can tell it clearly makes sense by plenty of demonstrations the page presents. Be it a logo or any graphical illustration, they exist to grab the attention of content consumers and the last thing they have to do is to distort themselves up to grab more eyeballs. It would be like attention whores who are demanding while destroying its own natural beauty.

Keep the design straight and simple is a timeless lesson all designers should learn.




Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/material-design-dont-ever-distort-it/

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Scrimba nails the code learning interaction so well

It has come to the stage that I have to pick up some real coding shit to make my project frontend a reality. While I love the idea of coding which always looks like a real-life superpower to make anything possible, I often find myself not really a good coder whenever trying to dive deep in it. That is also the biggest reason I found Webflow such an amazing web designing tool.

However, the project I’m working on is more than just a static page and that web development skills are necessary for the process. I’ve learned that Javascript frameworks like Angular, React and Vue has been really hot among the web dev circle and the great thing about those frameworks is that they aim to greatly simplify the complex frontend coding process.

Decided to go with Vue for its lightweight design and the relatively flat learning curve compared to Angular and React, I’ve found Scrimba a really fun and interesting project to make code learning a fun process.


Scrimba is a powerful new way of learning code. Play around with the instructor’s code any time, right in the player.

Scrimba is a rather young project which you can find all of the tutorials are web related like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, Javascript frameworks, and so on.


Scrimba is making the code learning process to another level in term of user interaction. Basically, all tutorial are playing full screen in the mode of text editor view where you can see the cursor moving around and coding happen real time while the tutor explaining it. Pretty much like watching a Youtube video. But wait, the real magic starts when you paused that video. Users get to edit the code and the built-in browser will show result real time as if you were doing the same thing with a real text editor and test with a real browser. Except with Scrimba, everything is included in a single page.


When users have done messing around with the code, resume the video and the tutorial will starts from where it stopped and erases all the user’s changes. Users can pause the tutorial anytime when they feel like playing around with whatever code to understand the concept better. This has made the learning process as fun as it could be. Personally, I think this very fascinating!

Hopefully, they would add more tutorials to the Vue as it as relatively younger than the big brother Angular and React. Happy coding!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/scrimba-nails-the-code-learning-interaction-so-well/

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Unboxing the best deal I got from Black Friday 2018

I was constantly looking for a secondary device to work with when I was on the road, away from my main productivity workstation at home. Wanting some that is nice-looking, minimal, running desktop OS, sufficient minimum spec, the Surface Pro series is always my favorite line but the hefty price has been the biggest obstacle.

Surprisingly, Microsoft announced the Black Friday deal on the SP with an irresistible offer. $799 Surface Pro bundled with Type Cover which is $300 off the retail price. That deal is so nice that I had to put it in my cart and check out within 2 days while I was on my family trip on Macau.

After 10 days of shipping all the way from US to SG, and paying up to S$1300 in total(S$130 worth of insurance meh), this baby has finally arrived sound and safe.

Let’s get the unboxing began.

Top notch build quality and amazing unboxing experience. I suppose this is my first major physical product from Microsoft and I’m not disappointed so far. To be honest, I would not have bought this if it weren’t for the huge discount and my plan B to resell it locally in SG market since Microsoft SG official store is still selling SP5.

We will see this device is going to perform and for a couple of weeks before the next review write-up.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/unboxing-the-best-deal-i-got-from-black-friday-2018/

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The fabulous crypto phone!


If you haven’t heard of the famous crypto phone HTC Exodus 1 which you can get a quick look over the official landing page, check them out as it is quite hyped up now.

But I don’t think it is a worthwhile investment as a phone.

I took a quick look on the phone specs and selling points. Exodus 1 comes with a modern spec that many other phones are sharing, nothing short but nothing outstanding on the paper.

While the biggest selling points could be summed up as follows:

  • The only crypto is acceptable for payment.
  • Build-in crypto wallet.
  • Integrated Brave as the default browser.

Basically, it is just a smart hardware wallet. A hardware wallet that is able to make calls. While crypto security is the main attraction here, making your hardware wallet a smartphone just degrade the security so much. Simple, when a device offers a dozen ways for decryption other than just the 12-word seeds, it makes the device more vulnerable.

Furthermore, this crypto phone just supporting coins like BTC, LTC, ETH and ERC-721 and they called it All-in-one wallet. Just buy a Ledger Nano for under $100 would be a much wiser choice.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/the-fabulous-crypto-phone/

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