The craziness of Betdice gamblers continues.

After seeing the great surge of gambling volume on Betdice, I know this could be the best chance selling off my DICE token as the demand for the dividend would be greatly supported. Initialled the 24-hour unstaking process yesterday when I was making post about this interesting gambling due to the bear market.

It was completely unstaked this morning and ready to put on sale. God bless, the DICE trading value is going up constantly during the last 24 hours. Means the unstaking process is granting me more EOS for the sale.


By the time I had access to the computer, the price hit the all-time high 0.0044 EOS per DICE a few hours ago and got chilled back down to 0.0038 and that’s my selling price for the 87k DICE tokens. It is anyway way more than the average 0.0027 for the last 7 days.


Checked out the trading market a few hours later and it got back up to all-time high price again. Missed out the potential extra 10% gain but who would know right? It seems like the gamblers are betting like there is no tomorrow, which is a great news for DICE token holder as they are getting that fat dividend every hour.

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EOS crashed hard and celebrated by EOS gamblers


The whole crypto market continue to crash under the bottom line setting the whoile marketcap below 110B which is thrilling for all the hodlers to see, I’m definitely one of them. After my curse on Factom yesterday by mentioning them in the post, the coin has finally corrected and follows the downward trend all together.

EOS has clearly became the biggest loser of the day losing about 20% and sitting at $1.74 at the time of writing. Again, no particular bad news for the project that I could find on the community but as a casual player at Betdice there is some interesting phenomena going on.

People are gambling way harder than before in the huge bear market.


Take a look at the Dapp Radar for EOS, all the famous gambling dapps were surging in the betting volume with at least 20% to 80%. Betdice was one of them and those who skating DICE token is having a great time now. DICE/EOS is now trading at all-time-high 0.003400 EOS.


But why?

The most obvious reason to me was that the price of EOS has dropped so much that the gamblers feels like the coin is now much more disposable than ever. These gambling dapps were having great daily volume when EOS was at $5, I’m certain that would be more relaxing and easier for gambler to bet crazier with the same token which has just lost more than half of its value.

If my local fiat’s value crash that hard tomorrow, maybe I won’t mind to use the paper cash to wipe my arse while the toilet paper is running out.

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Factom is swimming against the waterfall


Take a look at the recent 1-month graph of Factom, what can you observe? Yes, it is complete the upside down version of the whole crypto market or any random crypto!


So much green, such lovely!

A couple of random coins could disobey the overall market trend either up or down. But I rarely seen something rebellious like this, Factom has been rocketing despite its peers were swimming in a straight down waterfall.

Searched through the Factom Subreddit, I don’t find any significant news that is sufficient to explain this weird bull behaviour and the only interesting thing I could find is the GIF below that pretty much sums up what Factom is all about recently.


Trading market is never a reasonable place, especially the crazyass crypto.

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ETC was sucker punched, hard.

Ethereum Classic (ETC), one of the earliest coins that I learnt about when I was greener, one of the top 20 coins in the CoinMartketCap, has fallen victim to the ultra-bearish market.

The main developer team ETCDEV announced the rather shocking news to the community 2 days ago about the activities shut down and they are not going to continue the work anymore.

It was due to the finance issue, apparently.

The bad news has crashed the ETH price on top of the overall market crashing recently. Putting it down to all-time-low $4.23 in a year. I’m not familiar with ETC but I’m certain that a shutdown of the main developer should not kill the ought-to-be decentralized currency. After all, that is what defines the decentralization. A coin that crashes to dust after a small team(prominent in the very community) is left would be way worse than the centralized fiat that crypto enthusiasts hate so much. It would be a joke.

With that said, the temporary crash could be a golden opportunity for those who wanted to own some ETC at a cheap price? Given that the remaining developing teams or even the communities would now taking over the project. (not a financial advice obviously lol)

Steem 3/4 layoff looks cool and much more acceptable in the comparison. I’m so glad Steem is still functioning well. People are leaving the platform every day but those who stay still able to do whatever they were doing before the layoff. Staying afloat is the top priority.

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Webflow: Great tips on making a modern website by template checklist

Making web design template and put it on the marketplace for another passive sounds like a great idea. Since I’m indulged in Webflow, they have an active exclusive website template page that offers free and premium templates for a wide range. Could serve as a great source of inpiration nonetheless.

I ended up in the [Submission Guidelines page] that users should know before submit a template to the marketplace. Obviously the official authority have to filter everything before putting them up for sale in the public. Good practice to keep the marketplace clean and up to the standard.

The page also compiled a long list of template checklist that must be met for a successful template submission. And I found that while many of those requirements are Webflow-specific, there are many general, good tips of making a great web design.

  • Sections should have a min-height instead of a height so that it can grow when there’s more content added. This problem is usually found in hero sections.

  • Website should not have any horizontal scrolling.

  • For the sake of responsive behavior, layouts should be fluid and percentage based for the most part.

  • Components (tabs, sliders, etc) should not be nested. Ex: slider inside of a slider.

  • Links and buttons need hover states to show that they are clickable.

  • Elements that aren’t clickable/interactive should not have hover states.

  • Maps should not have scroll to zoom enabled

  • Class names should describe the element. Bad: “column2”, “text1” or “section-6”. Good: “Social Icon” or “Author Title” or “Testimonial Section.”

  • Classes should be Title Case and not abbreviated. Do not use dashes or other traditional css conventions (e.g. camelCase). Class names should follow correct spelling.

  • Interactions should follow Sentence case and be descriptive e.g. use “Slide nav down on scroll” instead of “Show nav”

  • Large background images should be less than 300kb and small assets should be less than 20kb.

  • Only Google fonts can be used - no Typekit or custom fonts.

This list sums up pretty well a general good practice on how to make a modern and attractive website. Furthermore, this would helps a lot for a Webflower during the design process. Practical and great find indeed.

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Material Design: Typograpy [Note]

Typography is another crucial element in a front-end interface as it is often the most direct factor to convey a message to users. Mastering the art of typography not only can bring out the value of brand and style, but also increase the website aesthetic dramatically.

Notes below are taken from the Material design page:

  • Serif or sans serif typefaces work well for subtitles. Do not use expressive fonts for subtitles though as it is only suitable for header text.

  • Smaller or more compact font size could use a looser letter spacing for better legibility and contrast. While larger type size can use tighter spacing.

  • Readability is crucial for body text. Ideal range usually between 40 - 60 characters. Could up to 120 characters in desktop mode.

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