Material Design: Color [Note]

In a webpage or any UI, color is far more than providing a striking graphic or visual effect. Proper assignment of colors could give meaning that reflects the brand and style. It could also give meaning to elements on the interface or subconciosly make the state of element understandable without text explanation.

Notes below are taken from the Material design page:


  • Use a secondary color is highly recommended distinguish element with different features.

  • Use a layer of color as text base for better legibility when a picture was used as background.


  • Use color from different family for alert message to make it outstanding.


  • Primary or secondary color is suitable for header or sub header color but body text color should remain subtle at all time.


  • Opacity of 100%, 60% and 38% bring different meaning to the text.

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    Material Design: Environment, Layout [Note]

    This post serves as a note from what I’ve learnt from the

    • Defualt elevation could be useful in creating a reasonable sense of depth in multiple layers like dialog, top bar, floating button and etc.


    • Breakpoint system sums up a great reference of columns amount and gutter size for various screen size.

    • Most measurements align to an 8dp grid applied, which aligns both spacing and the overall layout. Smaller components, such as iconography and typography, can align to a 4dp grid. Use any number that is dividable by 4dp in spacing would be a good idea.

    • Increment is a block with same height and width. To create a consistent sense in overall design, try to use the increment as building blocks to form the size of element like cards, bars, dialog and etc.

    • Again, for the sake of consistency in layout, use a consistent aspect ratio on elements like images, surfaces, and screen size.

    • Density is good to apply in list, tablesm and long forms which allow users to manage more items at the same time. However, focused task like dropdown menu, picker, and alerts and dialogs are not suitable for increased density.



    • Higher density, wider margins and gutters. Vice versa.

    • Touch targets should be at least 48 x 48 dp, with at least 8dp of space between each target. Lower than 48 dp there will not as user-friendly for the touch target’s accessibility.

    • Click targets should be at least 24 x 24 dp, with at least 8dp of space between each target.

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    Cut all the shits away, use Steem for note-taking only

    Not every blogger on Steem are equal, just like there is no equality for all the human out there in real life. Steemit biggest marketing is that every content could be monetized. But that’s really not the case for 90% of Steemians and if your post worth more than $1.00 you are probably in the top tier of the pyramid.

    The wealth distribution will never be fair here. And not everyone enjoys flattering around for the sake of vote as the fact is “networking is king” in Steem. So how we can utilize the Steem except for the write-for-vote purpose?

    Permanent notepad

    Forget about the networking and socializing if that’s not your cup of tea, Steem blockchain is a wonderful note-taking application that:

    • Store the text data forever as long as Steem still relevant.

    • Ultra high availability, would easily outlast what you have stored in Evernote.

    • Over 100 witnesses and hundreds of server running 24/7 to make sure your note is secured and available.

    • Cost zero resource for users. Zero disk space is needed even if you upload the whole series of Harry Potter ten times.

    • It is completely free.

    With that said, if you don’t mind making all your note public while sick of vote-hunting, why not taking Steem as another innovative notepad?

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    Material Design by Google is an awesome piece of reading for all the web designers


    For the recent months, I’ve been deeply interested in the web design aspect since the first touch with Webflow. Now I know how @roundbeargames feels for his dedication 3D game making and dive deep in the development without looking back. Because I feel the same towards web designing now. Passion delivers the same feeling I guess.

    As a computer science graduate, the only relation with the design was my hobby to draw something on the paper/iPad. Never took a relevant artistic course or class before. Had no clue about the colour thesis or any fundamental design concept. Feeling this could be the next thing I should work on. The first thing comes to my mind is the book. Those books full of design concepts written by gurus should be my targets.

    Well, I found a great free resource in the process of finding book recommendation. The by the great Google.

    Make beautiful products, faster. Material is a design system – backed by open-source code – that helps teams build digital experiences.

    If you are a fan of modern design, material design should sounds familiar. aims to educate every designer what material design is all about, in a material design style. The very site itself is a textbook design model for inspiration already. Every section and page within the domain are so well coordinated that makes the reading process enjoyable and addictive.

    I have not yet finished consuming the whole site but this is definitely what I’m going to do in the next few days. You should pay a visit too even for the sake of little web designing sense development.



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    Steem laid off 70% of manpower. Is this a Buy or Sell signal?

    I’m in the middle of making a decision whether this is the time to get some seemingly cheap Steem at around $0.30 and our dear Mr Ned boomed the community with a huge laid off news for the STINC, the backbone of the decentralized Steem community.

    • Great and bold move by the company to make that announcement especially in such a market where everyone with fragile and sensitive nerve. Hats off to that kind of courage and transparency which the blockchain folks value so much.

    • How would this announcement impact the Steem price? At this point of writing the overall market seems like recovering hugely from the previous consecutive crashes, including Steem which has raised 20% and sitting around $0.35 now. We can’t tell by now.

    • I guess it would be a big trigger for the weak hand Steemian to start power down and getting out of the sinking ship. And I assume weak players always take up the majority portion of everything.

    • If that’s true, Steem shall keep falling due to the selling activity which is like to happen in the next couple of weeks.

    Alright, I decided not to pull the buying trigger now for above-mentioned reasons. Another honourable reason is that I have a tight pocket with fiat now. LOL.

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    Some tips for travelling in Macau

    Finally my family trip in Macau has come to an end. Nothing can be more interesting than combing from a 6 days travel to find out my Steem wallet worth almost 30% less. Oh, I should have stick to the travel topic, let’s talk more about crypto in the next post. I’ve now spent 1 month combined in Macau both from a business and casual trip, what about sharing some tips for travelling in Macau?

    • Bus and walking is the best travelling method in the island. Walking probably would be prioritized more.

    • Bus fare was 6 MOP per trip regardless of travelling distance.

    • Prepare coins or small value cash for the bus fare as there is no change would be provided.

    • Most famous restaurants shut down at 10pm. Less format food one could find after that hour except for some snacks.

    • In some casino wide variety of drinks are provided for free, as well as food like the instant noodles.

    • Baccarat is the most famous game among all the Macau’s casinos. Pontoon is nowhere to be seen(my favorite game) but BlackJack is easily available as alternative too.
      -Spend MOP instead of HKD for daily expenses.

    • Make use of free casino buses whenever possible.

    • Free wifi is a thing here in Macau. It is even available on bus.

    So far these are all the tips I could think of. Maybe I should add in more and tidy the list up in the future.

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