Are you Panic? Capitulation? Or Anger?

Deep dive of the crypto market is inspiring. The brutal 20% crash of overall market cap make me thinking deep again for my self-claim status as a brainless Hodler. I wasn’t as brainless as I thought especially when everything was on a raging bull, right?

Interestingly, the famous Wall St. Cheat Sheet start to appear around the Internet these two days.

And if you notice, we often found this kind of emotion analysis stuff when things are going south but see none when everything was booming. Because people were so busy picking the money up from the street and the good feeling tends to trick the brain that the upward trend is going to last forever. Exactly what I was going through the last 2017 crazy bull.

Steem has officially halved my entry point which was $0.90 one year ago. I’m expecting a $0.10 and I really wonder how my news feed will look like by the time.

Hold tight my friends.

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Webflow: Learning Flexbox via interactive games is fun

Spending the whole Monday learning Webflow in the process of building my first website again. The more I spend time reading and watching the awesome courses in Webflow University, the more I realize how powerful is the Designer tool to make any design style comes true provided you have some fundamental HTML knowledge.

However, putting all my recent hours learning the skills to use Webflow instead of going the proper way of learning hand coding a website which programming enthusiasts would have called the right way, I was doubting if such effort investment is worthwhile.

Turned out, Webflow could an really effective way of reverse learning.


Take Flexbox as an example, I have never heard of this CSS implementation until use Webflow. It is one of the most powerful ways to organize the items within a container or div block. Webflow provided awesome tutorial like the simplegrids to showcase how it allows designers to implements flexbox in their website with ease.

To make things more fun, Webflow even made a Flexbox game for beginner to test their skills while learning new tricks.


Well, although I mostly get the idea what a flexbox does I still don’t have an idea how to hand code it in a real project but that was never my goal to web design nonetheless. The coolest thing is, starting from the visual drag-and-drop web building process I did picking up the basic HTML and CSS concept much quicker than I expected. Or at least, quicker than to pick up from the w3c.

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I lost 50 EOS in BetDice but ended up with 170 EOS in the account

Is the economy-sharing casino model the next big thing in gambling games?

I was enthusiastically devoted to the EOC dice betting game after the first try in BetDice. Despite the first few wins, I’m not going to lie that I have lost all the gains on top of the capitals eventually, just like the 1000 stories the other gamblers would have told you how they ended up sleeping under the bridge. Except, I’m still able to keep my cosy bed after the loss.

I then found out the DICE tokens that I accumulated during the gaming time now worth something!

Actually, it worths way more than my past gain and lost capital combined!

Here is how the DICE tokens work:

  • The smart contract in BetDice gives you 12 DICE tokens for every 1 EOS being bet.
  • Staking up DICE token granted the ability to share the payout pool every hour.


For example, the active payout pool for EOS is now 149 EOS and you are going to receive 0.00206 EOS per 10k DICE token staked, every hour. Bam! You have a steady stream of passive income now.

Pretty impressive and brilliant business model I would say. Considering the how generous the banker to set up a payout pool from their pocket, Betdice actually did gain more than losing by encouraging users to keep betting.

Bet more to get more DICE -> Stake more DICE to gain more passive payout ->. According to Newton’s Law stated that

Banker always win.

Gamblers are pouring the EOS to Betdice non-stop in the hope of getting more DICE and winning the actual bets, of course.

I was getting 90k DICE.

Looking at the native exchange system, 1 DICE is now worth 0.0019 EOS. 90,000*0.0019=171. Dang, my loss was way under 50 EOS and those token that I gained along the process which I thought was shitty now worth way more than everything I had bet with the game? Fantastic!


Sold half of the DICE away not long ago and this is what I have left. Hoping for a better price now to sell them all away!

In no way, I’m encouraging gambling but if you want to have a little fun, feel free to use my referral link to try it out:

Pro tips: Only login amount of EOS that you are willing to lose and stake the remaining EOS up before betting.

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Computer > Phone (2)

Combined all the reason stated in previous post, I think that a great idea to spend my next gadget budget on a new laptop instead of upgrading my 2 years old Oneplus 3. Being one of my most loved mobile phones over the years, it still going strong despite the 2016 spec and technologies. The 8GB Ram which was a huge selling point back then became a norm nowadays. And the used to be smooth and crisp rear camera became almost a crap comparing to the latest phone dual/tri/quad camera system.

Other than the camera, everything actually still works as fine as day 1. So why not spend the money on something I needed more?


Latest look of my 2 years old precious, other than messaging and calling, the Chrome browser is probably one of the most used app.

Hunting for a highly portable and middle-low end laptop

No tablet or any mobile OS device as it would just limit the productivity. Since most of my productivity will be some light documenting and browser-based work, monstrous spec to make the notebook fly is probably trivial. Also, as it would be only used when I’m away from the main desktop workstation, spending a fortune on a spare machine is not a wise investment.

I narrowed down the requirement of the notebook as follows:

  • 8GB RAM(Chrome is consistently consuming over 4GB dammit)
  • 128 SSD is just(HDD on a notebook is embarrassing)
  • Type-C port(Who doesn’t love this sexy port!)
  • 14 inch or smaller(for the sake of weight)
  • 1.5kg or bellow(Please don’t my on-the-road trip a workout)

I can also cut off the fancy useless features like:

  • RGB lighting(Oh come on.)
  • CD-Rom(Come on again.)
  • Dedicated GPU(I won’t even playing the Windows card game at all.)
  • Touchscreen(Biggest gimmick ever happened to notebook)

And the most important point is the pricing, I’m looking for something around $500 USD but most of the new notebook I can find in that price range are equipped with the crap spec. 4GB RAM or shit like that. I’m considering the used laptop like the 2013 Macbook which matches my requirement just nice but I decided to give it a try on the Chinese notebook market and I found this gem.

Ryzen powered Honor Magicbook



Looks sexy, isn’t it?

Modern design + 8GB RAM + 256GB SSD(woohoo), and a tempting 3999RMB price tag! I mean, this machine is just around $570 USD which I don’t think can be found anywhere!

I shall keep an eye on the product reviews while waiting for next big sales day aka the 12.12 in China. What do you think about this notebook or you have a better alternative to recommend?

有鉴于平时的电子用品使用习惯,我个人是没有电脑就生存不下去的,所以手机平板这类移动系统产品对我来说真的越来越不重要(虽然在通勤时大多数时候还是盯着手机看,可那也是因为手上没有其他的便携性电子产品)。这也是为什么从 2016 年尾就跟着我的 Oneplus 3 还一直被沿用至今,除了没升级需求,此手机顽强的性能也是主因之一。

好吧,既然不打算换手机了,那不如把这个预算的钱来投资一部可以提高生产力的笔记本?Good idea!每次放假回到老家都只有巴掌大小的手机可用,把眼睛都快看坏了。


  • 8GB 内存(单是 Chrome 一个已经吃了起码 4GB)
  • SSD 更是不可缺少的要素,也是最值得投资的电脑零件,没有之一。
  • 最好有 Type-c 接口,大爱这个接口。
  • 1.5 公斤以下,便携性超级重要,我也不想在路上锻炼身体。

其他的就没什么关系了,什么触屏 RBG 酷炫灯等等,都是废话,屁用没有。发现了这个荣耀 MagicbookR5+8G+256G 居然满足了几乎所有的要求,还只是需要 3999 人民币?有点不买对不起爹娘的冲动啊!这款还貌似是爆款啊,四月份出品,如今入手的人不在少数,看评价什么的啊都很不错。


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Computer > Phone

I didn’t spend a lot of time to find out that I’m a deep computer-guy. Without being said that I’m a computer scientist at all, I’m just value the PC/computer/desktop more than all the fancy portable mobile devices like tablets and phones.

I remember back then when my brother and I was sharing a rented room in Singapore, we often spending out night leisure time on electronic devices. Me on the performance laptop which I just bought not long ago with the credit-card-based loan, my brother was happily dealing with his iPad. And it is his only bigger device other than a smartphone. How can one survive a life without a fully functioning computer? This is the unanswered question till today.

Why I put computer above all the mobile devices?

All in all, the most obvious argument that mobile devices still not capable of doing what a proper desktop OS could do. For example:

  • Mobile devices cannot torrenting/seeding which was a huge part of my online activity a few years back. Maybe some geeks might argue this point and I believe through some hard work it is still possible to torrent on a tablet/phone but that’s just too much of a hassle.

  • Mobile devices smaller screen is making them not the best tool for long-hours work. I’m not a fan of switching different poses while typing a blog due to soreness.

  • Desktop computer is the best productivity tool. Period. Bigger screen, tons of tools that specially designed to work better with desktop mode(like my recent favourite web application Webflow), tons of connectivity, tons of fun.

And the last point above could be the biggest reason why I rather spend my time and money on a fully capable machine than those fancy and expensive tablet/phone. Speaking of being frugal on phone investment, my current phone has been spending the longest time with me than any other pre-owned phone – 2 years and still counting! I’m proud of myself, damn.

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Crypto marketcap down 16%. Bitcoin down to $5500. Steem down to $0.58.


After a sport and late supper session last night, my buddy and I talked about how crypto market was doing lately as he is trying to catch up a little with the shady investment field as he would assume. We both knew the bearish market(compared to 2017) was constant all these days it even appears to be less volatile that some of the most famous stocks.

Base on my lower-than-novice level of pattern reading skills, I jokingly mentioned that soon or later the market will be making a breakthrough by either rocketing up or plummeting down, hopefully, it was the former case. I’m bored looking at Bitcoin hovering around 6000+ for weeks, some 7000+ish or 5000+ish figures will be enough of entertaining.

To our information this morning. It was the goddamn latter case.

Holding Steem as one of my biggest crypto investment, it is fun and thrilling at the same time watching a new all-time-low pricing every now and then given I $0.90 was my entry point 2 back at the time.

The trick to make this constant price dipping less bothering is that I’m going to expect it to go all the way down to $0.10 and still gonna hold it tight.

What would be the price for tomorrow?



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