Happy 10th birthday to Bitcoin

A few days ago, it was the 10th birthday to the king of cryptocurrency and people took its birthday referring to the day Mr Satoshi published the Bitcoin Whitepaper to the Cryptography Mailing List, which was on 31 Oct 2008.

Here is the brief introduction to the Bitcoin e-cash project by Satoshi himself.



A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, sounds very much old-fashioned and not attractive at all if I were to read this letter back in the day. Most of the readers of this letter would never be expected this “lame” project could impact and change the world at such a degree. And the ripple effect of Bitcoin success was just started followed by the recent market booming, although the crypto market is at a relatively bear market, it really depends on what stage of Bitcoin we are comparing to. Anyhow, a pile of random hash would worth a few thousand dollars per piece, I wonder if Mr Satoshi was expecting this coming or not.

Back in the day when this “e-cash” paper was announced, I was just graduated from high school and looking hard for the path to the university. A computer was nothing but a gaming station for me. Never knew I was going to end up with Computer Science in the U and never expected I could go this deep with cryptocurrency which is having a big deal with computational technologies.

Anyway, any project that could last for 10 years is celebratable, not to mention there is a huge potential for it to last for another 100 years. Happy belated birthday, Bitcoin!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/happy-10th-birthday-to-bitcoin/

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Webflow, the best drag-and-drop website builder tool.


After hard earned lesson with Adobe Muse, spending a little money on a worthwhile service that saves you tons of headaches and time is probably always the way to go. And Webflow is the best-paid service I could find that meets every one of my requirements:

  • Extremely easy to use interface

  • More customization than dummy website builder like Wix.

  • Relatively way lower learning curve than Muse and its competitors.

The best thing about Webflow is probably it is all free to use and host with some limitations of course. That means you study and try out the awesome website building tool for free all you want without paying a penny and even publish it with webflow domain.

Since my goal is just to use the builder tool to draft a website and later export it out the code. I can later subscribe to the cheapest monthly plan($16) and export the full code and then cancel it. The team is currently working on a flexible export option on the free plan which I think would come in great handy for a user like myself who just wanted to utilize the tool only. Not to mention that I heard Webflow generates clean codes which is really a bonus point to me.


Clean and intuitive UI with tons of features.


Export code interface. User can only preview limited codes on free plan.


I have to say their tutorial videos is one of the best I’ve been watched in a long while. Short, precise and sometimes accompanied with a humour sense. Love it!

Looking forward to seeing what I can do with this awesome service!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/webflow-the-best-drag-and-drop-website-builder-tool/

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Webflow, the best drag-and-drop website builder tool.’


年前入手了第一个 Kindle,记得金庸系列的小说就是最早进入里头的电子书之一。现在回头看,这个系列的重看率依然是我 Kindle 里的 No.1。就在几天前忽然很怀念天龙八部的部分情节,匆匆回温一遍后,就听到了金庸仙逝的消息。







Louis Cha Jing-yong GBM OBE(better known as Jin Yong(金庸)) has passed away. My top favorite Chinese martial art novelist that affect me the most for good. I’m to be a Chinese sometimes because that allows me to read his novels, and this is not a metaphors. May him rest in peace.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/jyxs/

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘金庸仙逝’

I'm a Dolphin finally! [Giveaway 30 STEEM as celebration] | 海豚升级之庆祝活动


“A dollar that is not working hard to generate another dollar is a bad dollar.” Powered up 200 Steem that has been idling for quite some time in the account this morning and the sense hinted me that might mean something at my current SP level. My total vested vest just climbed over the golden line, 10 MVEST

which is approximately 5k SP.

Imma Dolphin now!


I guess this is my first time writing a post celebrating personal achievements in Steem, because nothing else is worth celebrating here.

Shed a tear for gaining over 1000 followers? You must be new here.
Dance over the reputation 60? Cycle 10 SBD through voting bots is another great alternative.
Hitting 100 upvotes in a single post? C’mon, @smartsteem can get you 200 upvotes easily with minimum vote buying.

However, status upgrade from minnow to a dolphin is something else. That means I now have more SP and more influence in the voting, more power in the network after all. Either I earned those SP back via writing posts or buying with real cash, that’s still a solid achievement that actually impacts my status in the network.

Predict Steem price and win 30 STEEM!

This is probably my first and only celebration as I do not see the possibility of achieving the next Orca status(which requires 50k SP according to this definition).
And since this is some celebrations on top of Steem, I think something more related to the very platform itself would be more suitable here.

First of all, there are 3 prizes:

  • First place - 15 STEEM
  • Second place - 10 STEEM
  • Third place - 5 STEEM

The rule is simple, predict the Close Price of Steem in term of USD on 4 Nov 2018(UTC time). Closest prediction wins the first prize, the second best prediction wins second prize and so on.

  • The result would be based on Coinmarketcap’s historical data. chrome_2018-10-30_22-15-54.png
  • Game expires at 2359, 2 Nov 2018(UTC time)[Edited: shorten the game to 3 days long to improve fairness to early predictors.]
  • One prediction per account.

How to participate?

  • Vote on this post. Resteem is not required but would be very much appreciated if you do.
  • Leave a price prediction under the comment section below with precision of 6 decimal digits. For example, $0.812230 or $3.235543 (LOL).

I hope I have made things clear enough. As I don’t usually get good user engagement in the post, I would still give away the prize even if there is only one participant with a ridiculous prediction like 99.123354

as that would be the closest prediction.

Let’s get the prediction game started shall we?

今天刚巧 power up 了 200 Steem,直觉告诉我有点东西起了变化,尤其是我现在这个敏感的 SP level。点开 Busy 一看,果然,


在这个 Follower, Reputation, Upvotes 数量可以被操纵的平台上,SP 的的实质变化是我发现唯一值得开心和庆祝的里程碑了。毕竟变成海豚,意味着更多一点的话语权,更多一点的影响力,更有力一点的点赞!这不是比那些突破 1000 追随者什么的有意义多了吗?

有鉴于这是我第一个也非常可能是最后一个在 Steem 上的个人里程碑庆祝活动(毕竟看不到变成杀人鲸的可能性,那要 50k SP 啊我的妈),就来一次Steem 价格竞猜游戏吧!


  • 第一名 - 15 STEEM
  • 第二名 - 10 STEEM
  • 第三名 - 5 STEEM

再来玩法很简单,那就是预测 Steem 在 4 Nov 2018(UTC 时间)的收市价格(close price)。

  • 游戏结果将基于 Coinmarketcap 的历史数据 做出决定。
  • 游戏截止时间为 2359, 3 Nov 2018(UTC 时间)
  • 一个用户只可以参加一次。


  • 点赞此贴。不需要 Resteem 但如果你坚持,我只好说声感激万分咯!
  • 在此贴下留言你的价格预测,预测精度必须是小数点后六位数。例子是,$0.812230 或是 $3.235543 (哈哈).


, 首奖还是会如约送出的,谁叫那是最靠近的答案你说对吗?!


This page is synchronized from the post: ‘I’’m a Dolphin finally! [Giveaway 30 STEEM as celebration] | 海豚升级之庆祝活动’

Thumbs down to the Adobe Muse. Look elsewhere, web developers!


I was in a need to design a simple a web page as quickly as possible without going to the learning curve of HTML and CSS again. Drag-and-drop website builder will be the top choice in this case. Since most of the visual website builders are available as online service, that means they are mostly base on subscription plan which I did not plan to dive in yet. After all, I just need a simple one-page web page with the least complexity.

I thought Adobe Muse was a great choice

Despite the End-Of-Life announcement that Adobe Muse is going to stop and remove from the Adobe product list soon, existing users can still continue to build a website on it. Muse is also the only standalone web page builder I’ve found through some intensive research which makes it my first priority to try as I have some ways to pirate the Adobe Cloud(shameful and I know it).

Like any other visual-based web page builder, Muse biggest selling point was build a website without coding at all. The famous Adobe brand gave me confidence that this product would be worthwhile if I invest some solid learning hours on it.

I was dead wrong

After spending 3 to 4 days of googling, watching tutorials, and experimenting on the product itself. I gave up.

  • While you might be able to crack the Muse, it requires a valid Adobe account connection to use the Adobe Typekit to use the font database which is crucial to the design.

  • Since this is a drag-and-drop site with very limited coding ability, one will mainly depend on the ready-made widgets which is often selling independently on a widget market.

  • Since my ultimate goal is to draft the web page and export HTML code for hosting purpose, people said the Muse generated code was dirty as hell.

  • The software learning curse is steep, especially there is only minimal tutorial and support resource available online.

  • Picking up the software skill’s at such difficulty might not worth it since it is going to be obsolete soon anyway.

I wish I could spend the time and effort somewhere else for the simple site building, seriously. Stop looking at the Muse if you are about to explore the world of web development like me.

On top of that, I found Webflow suits most of my need with a really intuitive interface and awesome tutorials. More on that in the next post I guess.

Have a great day!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/thumbs-down-to-the-adobe-muse-look-elsewhere-web-developers/

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Thumbs down to the Adobe Muse. Look elsewhere, web developers!’

How to stop and restart Crontab service when something is wrong

After I’ve completed my first working Python script, the last step was to automate the script execution in my Ubuntu server via crontab. As a Unix sysadmin I thought this was a piece of cake but I made a noob error somehow.

Used * in the minute column of entry

18 /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/bin/python /home/ubuntu/vornix_posting_bot.py >> /home/ubuntu/logs/vornix.log 2>&1

This was what I added in the crontab file with simple command just to execute the script and output errors into a log fine. The execution time was ideally plan to be at 1800 every day. Note that the first * here was representing the minute.

Luckily I did not put the script into produection straight away as the next day I found out crontab was executing the command once every single minute.



Huge mistake and here is what I have done to fix it:

  • Apparently we need to fix the crontab syntax which is replacing the * with 0.

0 18 * /home/ubuntu/miniconda3/bin/python /home/ubuntu/vornix_posting_bot.py >> /home/ubuntu/logs/vornix.log 2>&1

  • Secondly, changing the crontab file itself is not enough to stop crontab service to keep executing the old command which is repeating every minute and I have no idea when it will be ended. Restart the cron service by service cron restart in Ubuntu OS and check the status with service cron status. The previous job should be ended now.

  • Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/how-to-stop-and-restart-crontab-service-when-something-is-wrong/

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