Finally I realize why to use Conda and why is setting a proper Python environment important.

Everyone recommend to use Anaconda for setting up Python environment at first and I’m no developer but to follow this advice without knowing what Anaconda really does. Until I tried to setup the Python in my Ubuntu VPS and enable some automation python scripts there.

Normally, Linux OS like Ubuntu comes with Python installed, so I thought “Oh so I don’t have to get Anaconda for Python again since the system comes with it.” Importing the necessary packages via pip and very soon, I’ve ran into a trouble because I have several different version python installed like the python2.7 and newer python3.6. Without a Python environment manager, the pip will just install packages to the site-packages directory of active python environment and the other environment will not see the same package.

This is when I realized the true usage of conda as package and environment manager. Silly me. Have a great read in detail how to make use of the awesome conda manager:

Why you need Python environments and how to manage them with Conda

Some useful tips in the article:

  • Use Miniconda installer instead of the full Anaconda version as the full version comes installed with 150 packages that hobbyist mostly don’t use. Users can always pick up additional packages if they want in future. Miniconda keeps things lean and minimized.
  • Use conda to as package and environment manager and not pip. Althought pip is one of the package within conda as well.
  • Setting up different Python environment is very helpful in switching between different project that might need different settings.

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    Some thoughts of EOSKnights after 2 months

    I’ve been playing EOSKnight for months and while it sound like a lot, the actual time spending on the game was decreasing readily as I stopped upgrading the equipment for the knights(the only way to go to higher floor for better loots). The gaming part in a day was just about log in the every 3 or 4 hours and tap the Rebirth button for the knights to auto-fight til their death.

    The leftmost Ancient class material Golden Bloodium is by far the most valuable item I’ve ever looted which was successfully sold for 7 EOS. The economy of trading market is falling fast, the same class of items is not worth that much anymore. Judging from the market trending, I guess there are 2 lessons I’ve learnt if the purpose of gaming is to profit:

    • Top your knight as soon as the game starts so you get higher chance to get better loot than others, which means you can sell the items/materials for higher price.
    • Sell items/materials as soon as possible instead of saving them up and speculate for future higher price.

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      Sucking blood in term of finance: $33 Billion of Remittance fee

      Someone tweeted about some crypto shilling:

      The World Bank estimates that 7.57% of each remittance transaction goes toward transfer fees. This means that the fee levied on remittance going to the developing world will likely amount to more than $33 billion in 2017.

      To have a more vivid idea of how much does $33B worth in term of crypto:

      • Total marketcap for crypto is $209B now and the all-time-high was about $800B. $33B is close to 15% of all the crypto combined.

      • It is 60% more than what Ethereum worth($21B)

      • It is 83% more than what Ripple worth($18B)

      • It is 164 times bigger than what Steem worth($200M)

      The fee alone could make 164 more project that worth the same as Steem while the project like those could largely aim to eliminate the traditional bank fee. Mind-blowing.

      These blood-sucking fee are mainly the feeder to bank and banker and somehow I can relate their dislike towards the crypto. Whales already are sending multimillion worth of coins globally with a few cents of fee, if not free at all. Stop whining on your red crypto investment portfolio and think about that for a second.

      Blockchain is ground-breaking, and I’m certain banks are on the ground.

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      We won the contest of spamming!

      I’m glad this contest has finally comes to an end and our dear Steem won the first place 2 days ago. Basically, this is exactly the game Steem should not lose as the competitors were not as community-based as Steem was designed for.

      We had the innate advantages over the over coins like Verge, Pac, INS and so on. Yet embarassingly, by hook or by crook they did a great job putting up a huge contest for us who claimed to have 50k active daily users.

      Well, it seems like probably we don’t even have 5k real human users to struggle so hard for the first place. This is in fact a good information for all of us to clear that illusion like Steem is the most active and participated crypto network ever or things like that.

      Let’s see the free listing on Netcoins would bring in some actual users from the market as expected or not. Keep on Steeming!

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      Use Greymass wallet to transfer EOS custom tokens

      After EOS network gave me my first EOS account with a random name like ggadfzinefdh afer June, not only it is meaningless but also almost impossible for me to memorize for the sake of easy transaction. I decided to create a proper and memorable name and use it as main account after months of holding EOS in the first account.

      During this period the staking of EOS already received dozens of airdrop tokens. While most of them worth less than a penny combined, I would like to find a way to move them to the newly created EOS account.

      Greymass and is all an average EOS user need

      I love the simplicity and functionality of Greymass(aka eos-voter) coming from Simpleos wallet user which is lacking features. It is open source, audited and easy to use even if for multiple accounts management.

      Go to the Tools then Airdrops/Custom Tokens. Click Add Custom Token if the token list does not contain your desired token.


      I got stuck looking at the Contract Account Name while all I know is the Symbol of token I’m going to add. Let’s take the famous DICE token from the Betdice game as an example here. DICE is obviously the token symbol what is the contract account name? is my favourite EOS block explorer which can be of great help here. There are several ways to identify the contract account name for a certain token.


      EOS Tokens page listed out all the available on the network at the moment. The 12-characters in the bracket is the contract account name that we are looking for.


      Or you can key in own account name in the explorer shall show all the holding in a very neat manner.


      Lastly, click on the Symbol name and the site will lead to the specific token page and you will see the account name tied together with the symbol.

      Add them accordingly in the Greymass wallet and the newly added token will show up immediately with current balance. Proceed to the wallet page and Send Tokens, the new token should be available now in the Token Selection + Quality dropdown.


      Sending custom EOS token has never been easier with these 2 awesome tools.

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      Your Wordpress site is vulnerable due to Xmlrpc.php

      Google the keyword ‘xmlrpc.php’, there will be a full page of search result that saying Why You Should Disable Xmlrpc.php. It almost seems like having this file in a hosted Wordpress site is generally a bad idea.

      What can xmlrpc.php do?

      Basically, it allows all the operation that is supported in XML-RPC WordPress API to be executed provided the request have valid account credential, the username and password. To name a few, it can:

      • Insert new post

      • Delete post

      • Edit post

      • Add comment

      • Get any information related to the site.

      So you get the idea, almost everything that one can do with a Wordpress GUI as a site owner.

      These behaviour make xmlrpc.php worse

      Type in the URL column in such format and hit Return. Likely the returned result will be XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only. That means the xmlrpc.php file is on and ready to be called anywhere anytime while the site is staying alive. Plus this file mostly comes installed while setting up a new Wordpress site. Hackers are just 1 step away from controlling the whole site – getting the correct login credential. And the best part is(for hackers), they can just make a script to infinitely brute-force the username and password with no limitation of trying.

      Delete the file to be safe? Don’t need to be.

      While deleting the xmlrpc.php away or disable it through htaccess.php file are what most people would suggest doing in order to cover this Wordpress vulnerability, it is only true that if the site owner does not wish to make use of the powerful Wordpress API like making a bot to automated posting process.

      The best trick to maintain the usability of xmlrpc.php while not risking of compromising the whole is simple, rename the xmlrpc.php to another name. Any random name will do. For the best result, make it as complicated and long as your Crypto private key.

      Guessing the correct name of original xmlrpc.php would take a long while for any malicious attempt and no one is really sure if xmlrpc.php is even enabled on the targeted site. Of course, for the average user who never make use of such advance feature of WordPress the best to do is probably just disable it.

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