You are going to fall

果然,滑板界那句名言不是假的,“You are going to fall”.

自学了大约有一个星期吧,已经好久没有摔得这么惨过了,最后一次似乎还是在上学的时候。对新手而言,滑板最恐惧的莫过于无法控制好那可前可后的感觉。前一秒战战兢兢好不容易的站上去了,还来不及得意,重力稍微倾斜就会让滑板如箭一般射出去(往前还是往后都一样,人是摔在原地的,呵呵)。好在平时对平衡感都有锻炼的我而言,摔了几次情况就好很多了。估计现在的水平去买个电动滑板专门 Cruising 问题不大,再学学看其他的技巧吧。


Never been falling so hard since I was a kid, learning skateboard somehow constantly reminding me that this is how the life be like, “You are going to fall”. I never doubt that and I did fall, but I’m getting back on my feet and reducing the falling frequency a lot more after a few days of crashing hard on the floor. Stepping out out of the comfort zone wasn’t easy, but the process is certainly fun. Skateboarding was my biggest fear before I put my feet on one, for now, not so fearful anymore.

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Not too excited about the little bull

Not sure is it the Steemit layout or SteemPlus plugin added this little Coin Marketplace on the home page. Reminds me that the recent market has bulled a little and we all are glad that happen so “soon”. Personally I’m not too excited about it, I’m glad that my current holdings became a little more worthy that dirt. Maybe I would be cheered more if I bought the low in significant amount when I could.

But I didn’t. Not because I lost trust in the crypto market (opposite, I know it will come back anyhow), but I had a financial hard time this period. Else I would really load my ass up in the low tide.

Let’s see if the market would holds up for long.

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EOSKnight's in-game economy is crashing, as expected.

自从上次退出 EosKnight 之后,间中还是不是会进去看看,主要是因为那时候收获了传说级的宠物,(卖不掉,不然早就卖了),放出去打猎回来还是有几率得到好货以出售。最近货物的售价一如预料的随着玩家的成长和增加一路下滑,新的玩家我真的不知道要怎么玩才会获利了。

比如说这个在我那个年代还算挺值钱的稀有类材料,现在待售的数量竟然是千余个,还好官方也限制了价格在 0.01 EOS,不然 0.00001 也大有人会在卖。就算放上了是市场,面对那么大的供给竞争,同一个材料现在放好几个星期都出不了手都是正常的。

再看看这个传说级材料,当年那可是 20+ EOS 才会买的到的神物,那时候每次很稀有的打到时心情就像中了大奖般。现在也沦落到了只能卖在官方最低价。

难道说区块链的游戏一定是不能长期维持健康的状态运营下去的吗?不见得.这个很明显的是游戏的机制和经济设计出现了问题,反观我们这里的 Steemmonster 就是最佳模范。

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Nice looking Cheatsheets collection


I would say nowadays the designof cheatsheets for various tools have been one of the most important factors to attract users. Rico’s cheatsheets has a really wide set of cheatsheet collection on GitHub. The cool thing about the project is, it really has a nice UI and layout. Much easier and attractive to read compared to the others.

The only drawback is that while the collection covers a huge variety of product and tools, the content richness and quality varies too. Some having solid content like the Bash cheatsheet while some you might just want to look in other places like the Regex.

This is still a nice place to visit if you are looking for some eye-candy in the mid of development though.

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VPS application rejected


As expected, my last application on the Linode was failed. The reasons were all about I did not expose true identity enough. Although I didn’t try to hide it intentionally and filled up those forms as real as I could.

So be it. Some other better service providers can have my business.

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