破解这张图,310 比特币就是你的。



事情是这样的,某个匿名的(当然啦,不然分分钟被人肉)极早期比特币信仰者,眼光独到的不止在难度奇低的时候挖矿挖了许久,还花大钱买了好多比特币。完全改变了自己命运的同时,出于分享就是快乐的原则(原话是:it would be fun to make someone else happy),他/她决定把 310 BTC 的私钥加密在上图中,破解者得之!




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One text editor to rule them all -- Atom


Notepad++ has been my favourite choice of recording ideas or drafting my Steem post whenever I’m on my desktop. Recently due to the need some simple development, I start to look for something more powerful that than the Notepad++(it is still my favourite for the sake of simplicity and lightweight).

Atom impressed me a ton!

Atom almost meets all of my requirement as a dream text editor:

  • Open-source

Oh yeah, I have indescribable love toward all the open-source projects and products! Community support, rapid development, free of charge, lively product, and more.

  • Ultra-customizable

If you like to make things truly yours, Atom is the text editor for you! Even if you are not, the default setting is so powerful that might be the only tool you need in a small to medium project!

  • Powered by Github and strong community

Tons of plugins to make Atom more than just a text editor. The famous Linter catch programming syntax error while coding in real-time. Markdown Preview is my favourite package allowing to live preview the markdown post in the making. There is a lot for useful gems in the repo!


  • Damn sleek and modern design

While packed with almost thousand of features, the Atom is probably the sleekest (as sleek as notepad) and powerful text editor I’ve ever tried. It is just like the Notepad++ on the steroid.


This tool has way more to offer than what I’ve covered as mentioned above and it is one of the most loved products amongst the devs. They definitely have more weight in their opinion to use Atom as a development tool.

Check it out even if you are just going to use it as a pure text editor for Steem blogging!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/one-text-editor-to-rule-them-all-atom/

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Are you using one of the top used Username and Password?


My Computer Hacking Forensics Invetigator trainer has shared so many interesting sites with us that I’ve have no idea even existed. One of them is definitely the SecLists.

SecLists is the security tester’s companion. It’s a collection of multiple types of lists used during security assessments, collected in one place. List types include usernames, passwords, URLs, sensitive data patterns, fuzzing payloads, web shells, and many more. The goal is to enable a security tester to pull this repo onto a new testing box and have access to every type of list that may be needed.

While this list is maintained by security professional, it could be ultilized in so many ways including the at the blackhat hacking side. I’m not so creative so the best I could think of is making of the huge list of passwords for brute-force password cracking.

Top used passwords and usernames

Let’s take a look at some other interesting fact as well, did your favorite username and password fall in the top list below?(Which you should feel bad upon)


Treat the first line of defence the right way

If any items in the list looks familiar to you, I hope you are using them only in some testing environment or anything that is insignificant for the sake of convenience.

Username and password act as the very important barrier for any malicious attempt in the evil world so we better treat it as life-and-death matter. Things could go so wrong when you are hacked. Using a strong password manager which could help generating high security password and remembering it for you is a no-braniner, I would suggest Bitwarden to anyone.

Stay safe and easy!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/are-you-using-one-of-the-top-used-username-and-password/

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Don't ever defragment your SSD


Are you using a Solid State Drive on Windows? If yes, do yourselve a favor and check if the auto defragmentation option is turned on for the SSD along with other HDD. The SSD works differently from HDD and does not need defragmentation at all for performance optimization.

Turn off defragmentation for SSD now.


The recent computer class I attended reminded me this fact and I got this option turned on god-knows for how long. Dammit. SSD biggest weakness id they are having a finite number of writing operation to the disk itself.

Running disk defragmentation is the perfect way to wear SSD down and soon you will need to replace it. I’m pretty sure I did not turn on that optiom for my SSD partition and Win 10 should intelligently handle it but apparently it did not.

Pay attention to the costly SSD would you?

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/dont-ever-defragment-your-ssd/

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Better stay away from picking Computer Forensics as a hobby

As a computer security novice, I had so many myths about the Computer Hacking Forensics Investigator. Though the motive of attending this course is not purely improving my ability, the course name itself is attracting enough for any computer lovers.

Here are some facts that I learnt through the courses:

Computer forensics is difficult, sometimes boring.

Because there is so any rules and regulation to comply with. Anything an investigator do must follow strictly with all the procedures and policies so that the finding result could be claimed valid in the court.

Opposing to the blackhat hacking which is ultra fun because there is no rules at all. The downside is only that always comes with legal responsibility.

Computers forensics is not amateur friendly

A capable forensic investigator must have a very comprehensive set of toolkit in term of software and hardware in order to deal with all kind of computer assets.

Looking at the overwhelming variation of computer hardware alone, preparing cables ans connectors for harddisk storage would cost a fortune. For example of forensic software, Encase is the gold standard that would cost 20k USD for a single license.

Computer forensics is all about teamwork

I really doubt if there is anyone who can handle every aspect of digital forensic at professional level. One must possess deep knowledge of computer science before capable of digging the ultra volatile digital evidence.

From OS and database, to mobile and malware forensic, each of them could simply form a independent discipline in forenaic field. Especially the malware would require investigator to have great fundamental of programming of multiple languages.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/better-stay-away-from-picking-computer-forensics-as-a-hobby/

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Convert PDC to PDF

Locklizard Safeguard Secure viewer is a secure PDF viewer that is specially designed for its license-protection mechanism on the mutated PDC file format.

PDC file is just like the PDF except users will have to install an authorized license on the Secure Viewer in order to view it. It does only one good thing which is offering great intellectual property security to the document publisher, but most of the time it is causing more annoyance to the readers.

PDC sucks as a reading material

First, the license is not permanent and often limited to the specific amount of devices to activate it at the same time.
Second, all the text in the document is not selectable thus not copyable. Which means no bookmarking and highlighting is allowed.

All in all, user don’t get to own the documents themselves and I don’t like that although this is what the PDC system is designed for.

Convert PDC to PDF

This is the only way that I found working for the PDF conversion at the time of writing this article. We are going to take advantage of the PDC printing function.

Download CutePDF and take note that this is the only working PDf converter software during my test. Install it and open Printer setting and select Manage on the CutePDf Writer.


Select Printer properties, change the printer name to HP Printer literally, OK to save the setting. Set this printer as the default printer.


Now open up the PDC file and here is another trick, the PDC file should be virgin which means it was never opened before. Else the printing button will be greyed out. If that is the case, proceed to download the PDC files again from publisher’s source or wherever you get the files from.


Up to here, you should be able to print to PDF format and do whatever you want on it as if the true owner. However, it is advised to keep the extracted version to personal use only, unless you don’t mind to breach all the IP protection against the publisher.

Happy reading!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/convert-pdc-to-pdf/

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