Piracy with conscious: Microsoft Office


Microsoft office is the golden standard in dealing with my daily documents, Word and Excel especially have been my most reliable friends over the years for its offline editing ability. Google Doc would be the best if I ever need the online syncing and quick edit feature in a multi-peer collaboration. However the MS Office pricing has been steep since my school day and still is after I started working, maybe I’m just stingy, OK I know right. Not to mention the Office 365 yearly plan is another kind of thing I hated the most, pay something every year that I would use for the rest of my life? That is not happening.

Piracy with safety

If a cracked MS Office is all you ask for, a simple google search can easily locate more than a page of the result but I’d suggest you avoid most of them. They are ready-made executable files that you can install without further ado, but you can never know what is underneath those executable other than the software you are looking for. Malicious programs could be packaged together with it and the PC will be infected the moment you execute it.

/r/piracy is a great place to look for legit pirated software

I used Office_2013-2016_C2R_Install_v6.0.6 Download
to get my Word and Excel with minimal effort and zero cost.


The installer has been verified by the Redditors and should be very safe to use. Also, make sure you confirm the checksum before installation. This should be treated as the rule of thumb every time for risky piracy attempt like this.

Beside this one, the tool page also contented with another list of useful tool which I did not try out yet. You can give them a try but beware the information in the page could be outdated, perform a search on the subreddit itself before deciding which one to use is a good idea.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/piracy-with-conscious-microsoft-office/

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Digital drawing: Steem in the street


Never created fan art for our beloved Steem before, guess with my new gears it would be the perfect timing to get this started. We’ve been in the bearish market for a very long time, and it has dropped from my 1 year-old entry point and hovering around $0.7~$0.9, there are are about 30 more coins ranked above Steem which IMO, are not very worthwhile compared to Steem.

It is like everyone is busy shopping in the street hunting for good deals, but leaving the real gem in the corner remains hidden.

人们在繁忙的商业街熙来攘往,寻找着更有价值的交易,却把真正值钱的珠宝遗忘在角落不去发掘。正如 Steem 在各大加密货币的排行榜中那样。







Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/digital-drawing-steem-in-the-street/

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Digital drawing: Purple Sea


Device: Ipad Pro 2017 and Pencil
App: Procreate

As an absolute beginner of digital drawing, I suppose the natural scene is a wonderful way to build up the fundamental techniques while I’m still picking up skills with the Procreate apps. Wanted to create a wavy sea but ended up giving the painting too much of purplish tone, it looks unnatural for a sea and more towards a mana pool in the magical world. Well, I guess this is part of the art creation as we cannot always control for how the final effect is formed.

原本要画个自然的大海图来好好练习尚未上手的技艺,怎么知道却把紫色放得太重手,变成了紫海,看起来更像是魔法世界的魔法池。也好,艺术创造有时候就是这样,不一定尽如人意,那就顺其自然吧,想不到我还能自圆其说 哈哈哈!








Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/digital-drawing-purple-sea/

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Did the Bear change how you see Steem?

The fun thing about crypto is, especially for those who claim themselves as a Holder(like myself), no matter how firm and tough they think will hodl and buy low in the big bearish market, the market will keep challenging them with new downturns.

Steem for the first has been crashed lower than my initial entry point which was around $0.9 ~ $1.0 one year ago. I thought I will never see the same price again when we were on our way to the moon last Dec. But yeah, I guess crashing 90% of the holdings one of the paths that everyone must go through. Regretted not so sell some to keep the profit while everything is raging, regretted throwing BTC for some random shitcoin ICO.

But Steem is an exception

I still have no idea why this awesome project doesn’t get much traction at the price while it’s community and activity on the chain would probably be greater than all the higher ranks coins combined.

It came out as a social media platform but has transformed into something which is bigger than that. You can do tons of things without blogging and posting comments at all and experience the advantages of the tech.

Feeless, 3s transaction, and the freaking part are, the community is developing new Dapps on the network like they are working for the Steemit.inc but they are not. Some are doing it for personal profit, some are purely for the welfare of the ecosystem. This speciality alone is making Steem so much more superior to many other competitors and it is one of the biggest reasons I still have much faith in it.

Is the ultra-bearish market change how you view the Steem?

加密货币真的是个很有趣的东西,当你自称 Hodler 无论如何不会放手时,就会不断地用新低来挑战你的底线。就譬如我们亲爱的 Steem,已经突破了我一年前进场时的 $0.9,往着零的方向义无反顾地掉落。但是,尽管充满了各种高位不知知进退放手获利的遗憾,和胡乱投资不知所云的 ICO 的后悔,Steem 依然是我最钟爱的最有信心的货币之一,尽管在如此低迷的市场。各种优势就不必再赘述了,无手续费,3秒出块,更绝的是还有一大块自觉热心的社区不断地为平台创造工具和应用,为公为私都有,简直是目不暇给,这也是其他同类项目所比不上的。

如此低迷的熊市有没有颠覆你当初对 Steem 的看法呢?

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Procreate Digital Art Timelapse - Mountain

Device: Ipad Pro 2017 and Pencil
App: Procreate

This is the static picture presentation post. Sorry if you notice sometimes the video is like staying still and not moving at all, it is not a defected timelapse video but I was caught up in a really minor part of the work for quite a while. So here is the tips for beginner digital art creator, don’t zoom in too far to tune things up! You will be ended up spending too much time for a barely noticeable modification LOL.

如果在观看这个视频的某些时刻你发现视频好像静止不动,不是视频出了问题,而是这期间我不小心/忘我的专注的在某个小角落浪费了太多时间来修改,导致甚至在 Timelapse 中都看不到太大的整体变化。所以数码艺术的新手们,记住这个教训咯!

▶️ DTube

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Play game and earn some EOS for real


Another way to mine EOS

This is a great game based on EOS blockchain with tight gaming mechanism and economy concept after a series of beta testing. It is currently one of the top Dapps on EOS network as well. Founded by the Bada Studio from Korea, this hot game is highly addicting for the following highlights:

  • Easy to play. All player need to do is hire a knight and let him fight for you as deep as he can in the floors. Rebirth he and he would bring back a material which you can sell directly or craft an item.

  • Earn real EOS. Earning EOS over a game is the coolest idea and my biggest motivation in playing. Anyone could sell a material for at least 0.01 EOS and up to around 6 EOS!

My recent sales

  • Not time consuming. All the fighting is autopiloted, the player just has to revisit the game once in a while to rebirth the heroes or upgrade the gears for better power.

  • Safe and secured. EOSKnights uses Scatter to authenticate every transaction which is acting like the SteemConnect on Steem.

Use my referral to earn some Magic Water

The referral is system is not really automated now. The player can get the referral reward by Menu button(top left corner) -> Setting -> Referral Bonus and type in my username gq3dsnzsgige and 1000 Magic Water will be rewarded.

@fundurian if you still playing this game I would like to use your username as my referrer, what is your username in the game?

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/play-game-and-earn-some-eos-for-real/

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