Procreate digital art - The Nun


Watching The Nun next Tuesday and it is the end of Chinese Ghost Month currently. Couldn’t find a better time to draw this nor I can find a better subject to draw upon at this time. The supernatural horror film series by James Wan like the Conjuring and Insidious are my favorite horror series in the recent years and they have been great in both cinematic experience and rating. However, this time round The Nun is suffering a low rating in IMDB score. Not sure how true this is but probably the fact is not too far away. I’m going to watch it anyway.

Do you like horror film?

在华人鬼月和鬼界大片《The Nun》 初上映之际,还有什么比来一幅这样的画更来得应景??








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Digital drawing: Mountain


Device: Ipad Pro 2017 and Pencil
App: Procreate

Wanted to have quick sketch within 1 hour, whole night gone for the drawing alone – story of my drawing ‘career’ so far. Lanscape painting is much more easier than drawing the human face which I’m never good at. Experimented a few techniques on this one, hope I could continue to pick up more skills along the way.











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Digital Art first attempt - Drawing my big-headed nephew | 数码绘画大头之处女作

Device: Ipad Pro 2017 and Pencil
App: Procreate

I was intented to draw it with realistic style but obviously I failed a little. He looks cuter in the photo than in the drawing but it was a great attempt to print his big head in my first trial of digital art creation. The drawing process is addictive as usual once the basic techniques is being grasped. Lost count of hours poured into the drawing process but I guess it should be around 5 hours. The best thing about Procreate is the built-in timelapse auto recording. Really a handy feature without having me to setup external camera like what I used to do in traditional pen & paper art.

Keep drawing and have fun!

噔噔噔,这就是第一次的数码艺术的创作啦。虽然对写实派的风格来说还是有点小失败,原相片中的侄儿比较起来还是比较可爱,不过作为处女作,算是这样了啦!可喜的是,数码绘画和传统绘画对我来说居然是一样的画起来就物我两忘,还好 Procreate 里有内建的自动记录功能,才不至于错过了这个视频的制作。一时兴起画一画,大约五个小时就过去了。期间还是乐趣无穷的,继续画吧!

▶️ DTube

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Did you read the first ever created whitepaper? | 白皮书始祖

Reading the first ever whitepaper for the first time after consuming much of garbage whitepapers, my shame, Mr Satoshi. I have a deeper understanding of the blockchain than my average peers prior to this reading, but reading this 9-page PDF gave me another chance of witnessing what a great whitepaper/thesis should be like.

Below are some highlighted notes which interested and wowed me after the consumption:

1) If the majority were based on one-IP-address-one-vote, it could be subverted by anyone able to allocate many IPs. Proof-of-work is essentially one-CPU-one-vote. The majority decision is represented by the longest chain, which has the greatest proof-of-work effort invested in it.

After reading much of other voting systems in all kind of blockchains, it is an interesting perspective to interpret the electricity-consuming proof-of-work activity as voting with CPU power. This is exactly what happens in the POW. Much like with the DPOS voting mechanism like EOS/Steem, who could gather more miners(gaining witness votes) and afford to spend more electricity(stake more Steem power), have more power in getting more coins.

2) To compensate for increasing hardware speed and varying interest in running nodes over time, the proof-of-work difficulty is determined by a moving average targeting an average number of blocks per hour. If they’re generated too fast, the difficulty increases.

I constantly have a problem in understanding how is the mining difficulty be determined. This sentence explained in a simpler way but I think digging deeper into the technical part would be more helpful in getting the clearer picture.

3) Nodes always consider the longest chain to be the correct one and will keep working on extending it.

In other words, the attacker is almost impossible to take over the longest and honest chain because, in order to do that, he will have to rework all the previous blocks while catching up with the latest increasing blocks. Man, it would be easier for betting on the Dogecoin to dethrone Bitcoin over the crypto ranking.

4) Once a predetermined number of coins have entered circulation, the incentive can transition entirely to transaction fees and be completely inflation-free.

While there is less than 20% of Bitcoin to be mined and the block reward expected to be halved in the coming early June 2020, I once wondered what would keep the miners incentivized to secure the network. Seems like they will be living fully on the transaction fee by then. With technology like the Lightning Network incoming to reduce the fee by a large extent, it sounds like a conflict of interest here in the short future.

5) Nodes are not going to accept an invalid transaction as payment, and honest nodes will never accept a block containing them. An attacker can only try to change one of his own transactions to take back the money he recently spent.

This is referred to the event of a successful attack on the honest chain, it doesn’t mean an attacker could generate new coin out of thin air nor taking coins from other’s wallet. Double-spending is all he can do. Of course, he can still proceed all the wrong-doings on this own chain but it is subjected to the majority miners whether to continue investing computing power to acknowledge it. Owning a chain which is owned by a single entity worthless.

说来惭愧,在币圈混迹了一年多直到今天才朝圣了白皮书始祖,不好意思了, Satoshi先生!尽管里头很多概念已经是耳熟能详,还有好些 concept 也让人读来由耳目一新的感觉:

1) Proof-of-work 其实就是用 CPU 来投票的一种运作方式,和 Steem 上买 SP 投见证人票上没什么本质上的不同。
2) 挖矿难度时取决于一个小时的出块速度,出块越快难度越高。
3) 节点永远会倾向认为最长的链就是诚实的链。
4) 当最后一个比特币被挖完(也就是 2020 年六月左右),矿工的将全面被交易费取代。
5) 当区块链攻击成功,攻击者能做的最多就是二次消费(double-spending),而不是凭空生币和偷别人钱包里的币。

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Deleting the Microsoft Store may not be a good idea


Months ago I did something I thought that was so smart and I have a little regret over it now. The 10AppsManager is a wonderful tool to get rid of Windows 10 preinstalled bloatware which you have never heard or use of.

It does remove most of the unwanted apps and it does make me feel good at the moment. I believe it does smooth the PC starting up speed a little bit as well.

But, I probably should not get rid of the Microsoft Store.

For the job demand I need to experiment with some Bash shell scripting on my Windows PC and Google told me there is an Ubuntu Shell which I can get from the Store and it would meet my needs.

Tried to restore the Reinstall feature from 10AppsManager but to no avail. Googled some tutorials to restore it via PowerShell, refer to the first picture as result. I’ve screwed up the Store I guess and I was just too lazy to dig deep into the painful troubleshooting hole. Damn.

Forget the Store, I will get my Bash shell another way. Just install a Linux/Unix operating system on virtual box is another great idea. I can live without the stupid Microsoft Store!

之前 手贱把很多 Windows 自带的软件移除了(尽管真的有很多是绝对冷门的)。今天在要用到 Microsoft Store 来下载某个要应付工作上需要的 Bash Shell 时,找不到 Store 了,囧。在谷歌的多方援助下,也依然无法也懒得去解决回复过程中遇到的种种 error。路不转人转,我就干脆在虚拟系统上装个 Linux/Unix 吧!

Microsoft Store,你吹咩?

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Not sure what to do with the idle CPU or GPU power? Mine some Merit!

2 months ago I started mining this coin(which I called shitcoin) skeptically but it turns out to be quite lasting than I thought. It is the first invite-only coin which new users can only join with invitation from the existing members. The hungry strategy, well-design website and wallet caught my attention I decided to give it a try. It is the Merit!

User base seems to be increasing steadily over times

And the team set up a marketplace for miners to trade the MRT and the price has been hovering around a nice $0.3/MRT.

I was mining casually with my GTX 1080 which could mined around 10 MRT per day which equivalent to $3.0 which is totally not bad considering the demand is increasing day by day. The mining rate improved exponentially after the introduction of the new version Proof of Growth. Mining Merit will now get you the pool reward as well as growth reward if your network is extended by inviting new miners in.

Join the Merit mining club

The best thing about mining Merit is that you dont have to download the complicated miners and set up things like doing a rocket science, just download their light wallet with their mining feature built in. CPU and GPU mining are both supported!

I have limited invites to giveaway to interested miners and those who are intendted to extend their network, click the link below to setup your wallet and I shall send out the invite ticket ASAP if I know you are legit:

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