A fun little experiment : Test Cindicator signal with 0.1BTC

I’ve been a Cindicator’s Beginner plan user for quite a long time, traded a few times according to the prediction it processed and the result is not disappointing. And then I lost interest in trading after a short while mainly due to the fact that I cannot make it consistently profitable(Yeah I’m a honest guy).

With a strong signal received few days ago, I was inspired that why not spare some fun and buy according to the prediction signal to test the accuracy in a real way. The condition for the experiment are as follows:

  • Test against only with bullish indicator.

  • The indicator must exceeds 80% which interpret a very high probability event.

First experiment = SUB/BTC trade above 0.0000209 BTC (+11%) in a week

The Indicator


Substratum is a interesting project and I do not own any of it now. Would be great chance to test this signal.

The mini fund


I will spare 0.1 BTC(I’m a Bitcoin plankton) to kick start for the experiment and use whatever total amount after gaining/losing in each experiment in future tests.

The buying


Bought the SUB at 0.00001908 which is already a little bit higher than the starting point(0.00001882) in the indicator. The buying is done after 1 day of indicator which is not a ideal situation and I shall try to act as soon as possible whenever I see a new eligible indicator. Bought 5227 SUB at the price 0.00001908 SUB/BTC.

The selling


Immediately after the buying I set up a sell order which a selling price a little bit higher than the price stated in the indicator as well just to cope with my delay in timing. Selling 5227 SUB at the price 0.00002105 SUB/BTC.

Let’s see if I’m gonna score the 10% gain before 30th Aug!

用 0.1 BTC 来作为 Cindicator 市场预测的试金石。这次的信号是在八月三十号之前,0.00001882 SUB/BTC 有高达 86% 会达到 0.0000209 SUB/BTC。我进行操作的时候已经迟了一天所以在买卖上的价格也做了些调整,但应该不影响操作结果。究竟是否能如愿得到 10% 的获利呢?让我们拭目以待吧。

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/a-fun-little-experiment-test-cindicator-signal-with-0-1btc/

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Bitconnect head was caught


The once top 10 coins in 2017, Bitconnect maybe got out of the sight of public for a long time since the epic fall. But there are much follow-ups to trail if you are interested enough in this biggest scam ever in crypto history. And I hope yoir interest was not raised as a victim.

The Bitconnect head in India has been arrested lately. But how would that makes a difference to the harm which has already been done? Trivial. The biggest lesson in this arrest is that if you are going to scam around next time, maybe be smarter and try not to get caught.

Don’t hope for the refund

If you are one of the victim, admit the fact that you are terribly scammed. The money is as good as gone, the best one can do is praying hard that the guilty scam executives be found guilty and put behind the bars for some years.

However, that doesn’t help those who borrowed loan from bank or splashing all his life saving on the obvious scam. Speaking of borrow a loan for crypto, this poor guy looks better assuming he did not pour the money into Bitconnect.

This is not the end

Crypto has been the great place for all kind of scam artists as it is mostly not regulated and thanks to the virtual properties of currency. Bitconnect is not the first and certianly won’t be the last. If you encounter any new project giving out a very ambitous promise like, 30% return in a week or even day, remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

消息指出在印度的 Bitconnect 头头已经被捕。但是那又如何?曾经进入十大的骗局货币如今剩下的只是各种被害人的辛酸故事,和外人看热闹的后续发展。头头被捕除了大快人心其实也起不了什么正面作用。被骗走的钱不会回来,借贷的钱该还还是要还。这不是第一个骗局,这绝对不会是最后一个。看热闹之余,在这个凶险的币圈里,keep your eyes and mind open!

Source of news:

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/bitconnect-head-was-caught/

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Bitconnect head was caught’

First physical gift from a cryptocurrency team, thanks Cindicator!

3 months ago I participated in a writing contest about the Cindicator Insight Challenge talking about how do I feel about this project as a crypto predictor. I was having fun back then predicting crypto future events every day so taking part in that contest was a perfect match after I picking up the writing every day habit on Steem.

I was lucky enough to qualify for the finalized 5 picks later and I never felt so excited to be so closed in winning my first huge crypto contest(5 ETH). I did not win it though, not even made it into final top 3 ranks. A little bit disheartening but I had fun in the process and that’s what matters the most.

But Cindicator team decided to surprise me in the other way. Knocking off from the office last Friday and went home only to find out this generous gift from the team. Check it out.


Big and heavy parcel all the way from Russia to Singapore


I normally not so fancy of a backpack with a striking logo, fortunately, Cindicator logo looks cool enough.


A thick sweatshirt with some coding style font on it.

Let’s end this post with the cool message from the Cindicator team on the nice Moleskine notebook. This is probably my first time to receive something physical crypto-related stuff from a third-party and made me feel that crypto was not as virtual as I thought it is. Thanks Cindicator, I appreciate the surprise very much!


三个月前参加的 Cindicator Insight Challenge有幸最后进入了最后五强。 可惜最后还是没有机会赢取大奖,但是 Cindicator 团队却以另一个形式来安慰给我一个惊喜。前几天下班回家收到了这个来自遥远的俄罗斯的包裹,里面包含了以背包和衣服为主的数十样礼物,上面都印有 Cindicator 的标志。这应该是我第一次拥有物理的来自第三方的 crypto 物件,顿时感觉加密货币好像也不是我想象般虚拟呢。谢啦,Cindicator!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/first-physical-gift-from-a-cryptocurrency-team-thanks-cindicator/

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘First physical gift from a cryptocurrency team, thanks Cindicator!’

Will you hodl the in-red coins for 3 years before the break-even day?

I’m not suggesting the history can aid any kind of prediction but people always refer to the history for a reason. And the fact is, I witnessed history repeating a few times in front of my eyes especially in the trading field. Below is the picture of Bitcoin price chart from the peak of 2013 to 2017.


Bought Crypto in Nov 2013? Then Feb 2017 was your break-even date.

So if you bought crypto in Nov 2013 and hodling since you will have to wait till Feb 2017 which is almost 3 years to break even. Interesting fact indeed. Although this fact is not practically meaningful in future price prediction but it will be fun to swap the current position to that case.

I believe many of us here bouht crypto here and there during the market all time high Dec 2017 including myself. So if the market were to take 3 year to recover to the previous all time high level which is 800B total marketcap/ $20k per BTC, how strong is your hand to HODL?

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/will-you-hodl-the-in-red-coins-for-3-years-before-the-break-even-day/

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Will you hodl the in-red coins for 3 years before the break-even day?’

This is why we had $20k Bitcoin laste December


This picture was taken from this Reddit post, where a guy goes deep in shithole by taking a whooping $300k Dirham loan for cryptocurrency investment when literally every coins were at its all-time-high.

He is at 85% loss and paying 8k every month now for another 3.5 years.

Simple picture ans ahort story, but it hurts my eyes so much. Ouch.

While I absolutely feel for the unfortunate guy, on the other hand this is a real and lively example to teach us the definition of bubble.

Throw away all the obscure financial term to explain bubble from Investopedia, this is how a bubble was formed. People go all in FOMO mode even borrow money from bank which they can’t afford to lose and throw it all in the Bitcoin. When things go south, god bless him to have a job to pay back all those debt.

Greed don’t make you go all in, but beyond all in.

在这个帖子里,某人在去年十二月的高峰期贷款买了约一百千美刀的加密货币。崩盘后现在每个月要还上 8k 美刀长达三年半。这个活生生的例子完美诠释了何为泡沫。就是一大帮人完全不顾风险,向第三方借自己输不起的钱一次过丢进比特币这个比太平洋还要凶险的大海。这次终于见识到了何为勇者无惧!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/this-is-why-we-had-20k-bitcoin-laste-december/

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘This is why we had $20k Bitcoin laste December’

The longest Chinese New Year ever.


The crypto started the year 2018 with a crisp dipping from its all time high total marketcap from 800 billion. The FUB starts to spread around the investors and suddenly a bunch of experienced guys jumped out everywhere to claim such dipping was due to the Chinese New Year effect. The Chinese were cashing out crypto to buy stuff for the CNY celebration. I certainly laughed hard ovet that statement and took that as a complete joke. But soon I realised it seems like more than just a joke.


Seems to be a yearly dip around Chinese new year

Hmmm, it definitely looks convincing except I did not cashing out my coins for the CNY as a Chinese myself. Anyway, I was hoping they will end the celebration soon and get the hot money back in the crypto market.


Looking at the ever down trending chart, I guess the CNY is still going on. Gong Xi Fa Cai!


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fr3eze.vornix.blog/the-longest-chinese-new-year-ever/

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘The longest Chinese New Year ever.’

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