Working like a boss, temporarily.

Serving my first proper resignation period from a professional job gives me a rather complicated feeling, mostly positive obviously. While not hating the job and the environment, I always had a dream not having to work or giving zero shits about executing orders from bosses. Although I’m not even close to that dream, quitting a job while already secured the next job gave me that kind of feeling I always wanted.

I’m still reporting to work every day, for handing over my stuff to the colleagues and get the remaining jobs done. Deep inside me, I’ve already given much less care about all this chore. I can slack all the way through the notice period but the professionalism in me just don’t let me. Carrying out the duty knowing that I have options is probably one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. I’m my own boss now.

Well, I’m well aware of the strong sense of security comes 100% from the fact that I’ve landed on the next job. Soon the honeymoon will pass, and someone else will be my boss again. I will keep working on making my self the one true boss. So does everyone.

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Seed the torrent after leeching

One of the online ethic is to serve the seed back when you have completed the torrent downloading, especially after having a good time with it. I got the old movie Good Will Hunting by a fairly quality torrent where the download was done within minutes. Great movie as I expected, superb video/audio quality and very nice embed caption. I’m not a human not seeding it back to the community.


They often say you should give back to the society when you have achieved enough. Well, at current stage I believe society give me more than what I can give it back. But at least I seed more back after I’ve leeched the torrent.

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Steemit is not ad-free at all

I remember one of the selling points introduced by Steemit when I get to know Steem, is that Steemit is free of advertisement. But that’s not true since the beginning. Advertisement is always here on Steemit, as it is on all the places when attention has a price. And I’m not even talking about the last implementation of advertisement on the platform, which could be blocked entirely simply by an ad-blocker.


Here you go, the Trending and Hot page is both the largest advertisement page that no ad-blocker could block. What defines something as advertisement? According to the definition of “advertisement” from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary,

A paid notice that tells people about a product or service.

Very short and precise. Close to none of the posts from Trending and Hot page are without the aid of voting-bots, they are paid to vote a post and transform that to essentially an advertisement on Steemit.

I’m not saying advertisement is bad, but people need to stop thinking that Steemit is ad-free. It is not.

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Hands down the Best BitTorrent Client


I was an avid Xun Lei user when comes to bittorrenting for many years. And getting more sick with its flooding ads and inefficiency downloading due to the free account usage. Signing up the subscrioptin service could solve this problem but I don’t feel right about this kind of kidnap business model anymore.

All the torrent folks should know about Transmission. This little software is the cleanest, leanest and easiest bittorrent client I’ve ever used. It just works. Maybe take a look at its UI first.


Tell me you if you have seen a cleaner look torrent client.

It is open source and

  • Transmission doesn’t bundle toolbars, pop-up ads, flash ads, twitter tools, or anything else.

  • It doesn’t hold some features back for a payware version.

  • Its source code is available for anyone to review.

  • We don’t track our users, and our website and forums have no third-party ads or analytics.

Cleanest in both the UI and functioniality. It literally does one job and does it great – torrenting. Give this a try if you are tired of the shits your typical torrent clients gave you.

身为一个前度重度迅雷使用者,他家的广告深度优化系统精彩程度一度赶上了我的屏保程序,把迅雷打开着,各式各样的广告就会不断的演幻着,精彩十足。然而,如果你使用种子下载器的目的就只是希望实实在在的下载种子,那就一定要使用这款开源免费的 Transmission

  • 零广告,零收费的手段,零追踪系统。

  • 连 Ubuntu 都选为原生自带的软件包之一。

  • 开源,相对的更安全。

  • 完全没限制,信息加密等功能也齐全。

  • 界面干净得不得了



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Google Stadia is going to make you sell your expensive GPU away soon


I was late 2 days to learn this new exciting service by Google called Stadia. It is basically a gaming platform which all the infrastructure built in own data center and stream the live gaming to gamers remotely. Thus gamers can play any supported graphic demanding games on local low-end machine like PC, tablet, phone and even TV.

The whole point is to eliminate the need of purchasing powerful and costly hardware in order for a top notch gaming performance. Goolge has it all for you, get the internet ready and you are good to go. I suppose it would be base on subscription model, or the famous pay-or-watching-ads model.

Interestingly, I know a crypto project name Playkey(introduced by @culgin) offers the same service but it is decentralized obviously. I have no experience in both services and at this point of time I’m just too afraid to predict who will be the final winner, what do you think?

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这多出来一倍的时间除了是因为距离更远了,最重要的还是换车的次数增加了。可见的模式就是打从出门起,巴士-> 地铁->换地铁->巴士/步行。其中巴士和步行的距离甚短但又无可避免,计划入手个折叠式自行车或是现在流行的电动滑板车,应该可以省下可观的时间。


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