How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

Passed by this interesting article while trying to get my hands dirty installing a Linux system the hardcore way. This particular article is teaching how to deal with your technical problems especially when you need to seek help from the geeks(or the hackers as described in the article).

The whole thing was written in a rather geeky and cold tone that educate the idiots who always ask stupid questions on the web. It was rather a long read and I have not yet finish it. But the following do-before-you-ask list is rather accurate and pretty much spells that, probably you shouldn’t ask that question at all.

Before asking a technical question by e-mail, or in a newsgroup, or on a website chat board, do the following:

1. Try to find an answer by searching the archives of the forum or mailing list you plan to post to.

2. Try to find an answer by searching the Web.

3. Try to find an answer by reading the manual.

4. Try to find an answer by reading a FAQ.

5. Try to find an answer by inspection or experimentation.

6. Try to find an answer by asking a skilled friend.

7. If you're a programmer, try to find an answer by reading the source code.

I doubt there would be still a need to ask the question after performing all mentioned 7 steps. But that was a great guideline before asking any tech question online though.


1. 尝试在想要发表问题的论坛上,先搜索你想要问的课题是否已经被问过。
2. 尝试在网上搜寻答案。
3. 尝试在使用手册里搜寻答案。
4. 尝试在*常见问题*里搜寻答案。
5. 尝试在实验和探索中搜寻答案。
6. 尝试在高手朋友中搜寻答案。
7. 如果你是程序员,尝试在源代码中搜寻答案。


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The world is at mercy of the root password

“To err is human; to really screw up requires the root password.”

Probably this is the only time I laughed that hard reading a technical book.

In the early days of my sysadmin career, I always failed to see why is the need for sudo since we can just su root to enter full root user mode and do whatever we want without typing the password every time. Now I see the point, after washed by some real site working experience. God bless that I never bring the site down yet.

Annoyance caused by sudo is exactly the purpose of this command. It prompt user that he is going to do something that might be destructive thus the decision might be considered again. Also, allowing a user working freely with the highest root permission is never a good idea in a working environment. I should stick with sudo more from now on.

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Awesome tooltip library

After a few weeks of learning web development, whenever I wanted to add some new features on the website, the first thing I do is to Google whether such features are already available as an extension or plugin. Most of the time, the result is positive so I can save up tons of time custom engineering one up myself.

This time, I wanted to add an information icon which will pop up a tooltip over a mouse hovering. Poppers.js and Tippy.js appears to be really famous projects to choose from. They have an amaizng introduction page and the overall programs are really easy to apply. Plus, they are actively maintained thus I expect least bugs and issues.


Development nowadays is all about not to reinventing the wheels.

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Learning the Bash

Bash or shell scripting has been one of the most frequent things that appears in my daily job while I try to avoid all the time. I understand how powerful and essential Bash is, especially for me move up in the ladder of my expertise. The lazy bug deep inside just get the best of me every time.

Not anymore. Picking up this book tomorrow and it’s time to rolling deep in the shit that I was once so afraid of.

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Should system python co-exist with Anaconda Python?

Linux system like Ubuntu, usually comes with Python installed which was usually referred as system Python. Anaconda gains huge reputation in simplying the package and environment management which was quite a pain in the ass for system Python. When I started using Anaconda as the main Python package manager, I was always confused that is the system Python still matter? Can I just uninstall it to reduce the seemingly redundant Python installation?

The answer is no.

The built in Python comes with the system is best not to be modified or even removed as it might break the system. Some other programs or applications might already depends on the system Python. Furthermore, the new Python installed beatifully on in the same system without conflict. It usually installed as a 3rd party software in the directory /home/username/anaconda, and modified the ~/.bashrc to add the new Python into the PATH.

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Old folks tend to fall to the myth of “organic stuff is the best”. The other day I found out my mom rather bitten by mosquitos than to sweep them off with a chemial mosquitos repellent. As she claimed, “chemical repellent harms the human body by inhaling molecules that aren’t natural.”

Well, I’m pretty sure that dengue fever kills faster and more effective than mosquitos repellent.

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