Never let your Voting Power overflown

Everyone’s effective Steem Power(SP) worth something, and what makes it worth something is our precious Voting Power(VP). In HF19, everyone has a VP meter where the maximum is 100% at the regeneration rate 20% every day. Use it or not, VP stop regenerate at 100%. By that, it means wasting.

Wasting the VP you could have used for voting, wasting the SP that make your vote worth something, wasting the money you could have casted to own/other’s articles. So the key is, never let the VP stays at 100% unspent.

There are several ways to make sure not to waste voting power:

  • Delegate SP to others. You receive nothing but the grace from the delegatees.

  • Rent SP to projects like @minnowbooster or @utopian. You receive Steem or SBD in return for the lending.

  • Actively casting votes, so that the voting power could never to be full.

  • Use custom/third-party bot to cast votes.

Any of the above-mentioned methods will keep your VP busy and not wasted. My personal favorite way is the last one. There is a ‘Sell Vote’ feature offered by @minnowbooster which you can set it up using this guide. You can define a condition whereby the bot will only use your posting key to vote when your VP is up to certain level. By this way, you will get to earn the curation reward at the same time @minnowbooster will pay you some SBD for selling them your vote.

As I always try to keep my VP around 90%, I set sell my vote to the bot whenever VP reach 99%. In other word, @minnowbooster will start to vote for me as long as my VP is above 99%. The bot reacts to the rule promptly so that I will never reach 100% while maintain at high level of VP. Not bad.

No matter what method you use, never let the VP overflown.

充分利用每天恢复 20% 的 Voting power (VP) 是非常重要的事,因为一旦达到 100% 而不使用,就意味着浪费 Steem power 赋予投票的力量,也意味着浪费金钱。

有几种方法确保不让 VP 过满而形成浪费:

  • 每天踊跃投票,让 VP 远远低于 100% 。

  • 把 SP 出租给@minnowbooster 或 @utopian 类似的服务,它们会提供一定的报酬。

  • 把 SP 无酬委托给别人,除了被委托者的感恩什么也得不到。

  • 用机器人定制自动投票机制。

以上的方法都可以确保 VP 不会过剩。个人而言,我最喜欢最后一个方法,但不是自己做个机器人那么麻烦,当然最重要还是因为我不会, 而是通过卖赞给 @minnowbooster 的方式来进行,不明白的可以参考这篇文章

我让他们的机器人只有在我的 VP 达到 99% 或以上时才执行卖赞,所以 VP 不会过剩的同时也确保时时保持在高 VP 的状态,卖赞也还会有 SBD 的收入呢,一举三得哦!

你又有什么高招呢?不管如何,请不要让 VP 过剩就是了。


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I don't want to spend Bitcoin in a store that accepts Bitcoin 讽刺的比特币

Finally I met the first store that accepts Bitcoin as payment in Japan, which is the Bic Camera, as suggested by @joywanderer as well.

We had a really long day inside this shop that located in Namba. You will meet many branches of Bic Camera in Japan but you don’t normally got to visit a 7-storey-high Bic Camera. Don’t be confused by the shop name, it sells all kind of stuff other than just cameras. From home applicants to digital gaming accessories.



I did not ask the cashier about how Bitcoin payment will be proceed as well as there is a huge language barrier between us. However I can guess the Bitcoin rate will follow the Bitflyer exchange as it is quoted on the board.

We bought something but none was paid via Bitcoin. Despite of having an empty crypto wallet, I don’t wish my transaction for some small home accessories will takes up to 30 minutes to complete. Nor do I wish my transaction will cost at least 10 USD for network fee. Not to mention that Bic Camera offers extra 5% discount for Visa payment.

To my humiliation as a crypto believer, I just can’t find a reason to spend my almighty Bitcoin in a Bitcoin-acceptable store.

Maybe people have to start to consider accepting some superior coins, like Steem?

今天终于遇到了接受比特币的实体店,就是遍布日本各地的 Bic Camera 。遗憾的是,我毫无用比特币消费的欲望。由于语言不通,我也没细问店员比特币付款的详细过程。不过可以确定的是,我不想区区几间件商品的付款过程要花上半个小时的确认时间,更不想为这交易付上至少十美金的手续费。就更别提使用 Visa 付款还可享有 5% 的折扣。

在接受比特币的商店我居然一点都不想使用比特币,真的好讽刺。或许商家们是时候考虑更高效的货币,比如伟大的 Steem?


This page is synchronized from the post: ‘I don’’t want to spend Bitcoin in a store that accepts Bitcoin 讽刺的比特币’

Malaysia's position about cryptocurrency made me proud


I have to confess that I’m not a big time pratonist to my country, nor I’m very proud of my government for what they do. I know, you don’t have to love the government to love the country. But a long-lasting, corrupted, and incompetent authority will just make you to lose some faith in the country itself.

For a Muslim-domniated country, our government has been very strict and sensitive with every issues. For example, Avril Lavigne’s Malaysia concert was once banned for being too sexy.

However, this time round M’sia surprised me very much. The government is not trying to ban the very controversial crypto at all. Instead, they will let the public decides on the fate of cryptocurrency. The prerequisite is that developers of various crypto project team has to be at maximum transparency.

What a wise decision, feels like a total fresh breeze amongst other closed-minded decision the government has made. I’m confident the public will make things to go smooth for future crypto development on our land. And soon we shall all benefited from the finance revolution leading by blockchain.





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Test if Cindicator could be another wealth-generating tool


From my previous post that we’ve witnessed how accurate Cindicator’s indicator could be as it successfully indicated the most recent crash of crypto market.

I take their signals more serious since that day. Therefore I took some experimental action base on their recent signal.


At the point when Stellar(XLM) settled at 0.00004473 on February 11, with a probability of 78% that XLM/BTC will trade over 0.000055 at any time before February 25.

I’ve never hold on any XLM and this is my first time taking a small bet on this indicator. We shall see how it plays out.

之前的帖子分享了 Cindicator 的指标是如何的准确,那次它成功的预测了最近的这个市场大崩溃,准确得让我有点心痛。

而这次它又预测在月底之前 XLM/BTC 有高达 78% 的机会突破 0.000055 。

我决定用一点小钱买点 XLM 进行亲身实验,祝我好运吧!

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Japan crypto whales is getting away from home? 大鲸逃离日本


This is my third day in Japan, still no sign of any merchants that accept cryptocurrency. At the same time, I got to know a bad news that, Japan crypto investors face tax up to 55%.

This is scary enough by just reading the title itself. Imagine that you have 1 BTC and by hook or by crook you managed to flip it to 10 BTC, total profit 9 BTC. Therefore you’ve decided to cash out for a celebration trip, only to find out 4.5 BTC out of 9 will be paid to gavernment as tax. Absurbly ridiculous.

Not hard to understand big digital coin investors start to leave the country for a safeguard their property. Places like Russia who made a promise not to tax any capital gain on cryptocurrency before 2023 could be a really great choice for whales.

If Japan opens every doors for crypto just for the sake kf taxing all of them, things is not going to end well for them.

在日本第三天了还看不见有任何街头商家接受加密货币支付,倒是看见几天前的一则新闻,那就是日本准备向加密货币收取高达 55% 的所得税。

那就是说你要是有 1 个比特币,历经辛苦炒币变成了 10 比特币,想变现好好庆祝一下时才忽然发现,需要支付政府 4.5 个比特币的税收。那还有心情庆祝吗?日本大鱼们纷纷把资金转移不是没有原因的。


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My ALL IN story in crypto(part 2) 币圈梭哈(下)


Continue from the part 1 story : My ALL IN story in crypto(part1)

Besides of all in cryptocurrency financially, I devote my time and effort into this space as much as possible as well. One can simply all in to any market by just investing money, and that’s easy to do. The hardest part is invest the time and seek information on build faith and knowledge about them.

Involve in the projects, not trading the coins.

There are several crypto-related activities already become part of my routine:

  • Keep posting on Steem. Trying out new application like @zappl or @dmania. Socialize with others. If someone tell me that I would blog a several hundreds of word daily, I would call them crazy. And now this is exactly what I’m doing everyday with much joy.

  • Making forecast in Cindicator. Being a frequent visitor to and reader to crypto-news site like, I can’t help but addictively following development of the crypto space. Good that I could express my prediction using Cindicator while stand a chance to win some prizes.

  • Answering question in This is a Quara-like Q&A site for the Chinese community. Bitask is specifically designed for crypto-related discussion only, I could express my thoughts and opinions on the topic I’m interested. Good answers or questions could be rewarded with YOYOW coin.


Never stop studying

Other than the above-mentioned, I also read books and watch videos about crypto, for example, Mr Andreas @aanton is always my best source of knowledge and I encourage everyone to learn his insightful thoughts.

All these helped me to build a solid understanding in blockchain fundamental. Therefore, I found it easy to stay calm no matter in bull or bear market. At the same time, I was enabled to differentiate real blockchain or bullsh*t projectss while seeking for new opportunities.

This is how I all in to cryptocurrency.

上文提到金钱不是唯一 All in 加密货币的方法。除了早期频繁的交易货币,我从不懈怠的投入时间精力在学习新信息上。

有些事情已经成了生活的一部分。比如每日在 Steem 坚持发文,和别人互动交流;在币问回答我有兴趣的问题赚取Yoyow;利用我对市场的研究心得在 Cindicator 进行预测。


我想这样的 All in 方式最是正确不过吧!

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