This Coke is obesities savior 减肥可乐

食事から摂取した脂肪の吸収を means absorption of fat ingested from meals. Finally a Coke to improve our health.


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Hi the nation of crypto! 拜访加密货币大国


Hey Japan!

Finally got the chance to visit this amazing country, things got really different compared to the time when I added Trip to Japan in my bucket list. The biggest plot was the rise of cryptocurrency and Japan just happens to be the most crypto-friendly country in the world. And I happens to be a big time crypto fan as well.

Prior to this trip, I did a little research on which cryptocurrency is is widely transacted in the Japanese society but to no avail. Will it be the mainstream BTC or ETH? Or the made-in-Japan Monacoin? We shall see.

Anyhow, I’m not willing to spend my crypto as I still treat them as investment rather than a payment method. So I arrived with a 0 balance crypto wallet in my phone.

Let’s see what you got Japan!



不知道这里流行的货币是什么呢?主流的 BTC ETH?还是日本的猫猫币 Monacoin?在网上都找不到答案,就让我们拭目以待吧!


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Will bitcoin trade over $17000 before March? 狠狠的一次预测


It is part of my routine making forecast in Cindicator application, just like how I used to post at least one time on Steem. Days ago I was stumbled upon this question in about Bitcoin after a minor slide down to $9000.


Will Bitcoin/USD manage to recover and trade above $17,000 at any time before February 28?

And my prediction at that time was an aggressive 0%.

Good and bad.

Good is I made this prediction just before the major crash for Bitcoin to score a 2018 low record at $6000. And chances are I am likely going to be right on this one.

Bad is having part of my fund invested in Bitcoin, it doesn’t feels good for an investment to stay at red, though it is just a paper loss.

Let’s see what the market has to offer before March.

之前在 Cindicator app 被问到了比特币有没有机会在二月二十八号之前的某一个时间点,突破 $17,000 的交易价?我的预测是狠狠的 0%。

这个预测还是在比特币大跌至 $6,000 之前所做的,现在才恢复到八千左右的水平,离十七千还有一倍的距离啊!看来这次的预测很可能成真了。



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May be I need to hacked as a trigger

View post on dMania

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My ALL IN story in crypto(part 1) 币圈梭哈(上)


Encountered an interesting question on a forum: Can a loser break the bottleneck in life by ‘all in’ cryptocurrency?

I would not consider myself a loser, but I’m cool if someone regard me as the average or ordinary guy that normally fill up 90% of the street.

As an avearge guy, I have a dream of becoming financially success too. Without any solid idea of how should I achieve that, for the first time I see the light of hope in cryptocurrency.

I gradually ALL IN the crypto

But not really the same all in philosophy as people might assumed.

Starting from the first day study about Bitcoin and blockchain and much other altcoins, my confidence and interest level grows everyday. There was a sense telling me that this is likely the future, grab it now or grab it later with higher price.

I slowly invested most of my investable money into crypto. Moving other investment asset to crypto. Selling away my index fund stock for the Bitcoin. Invest in ICO using ETH occasionally.

Crypto is now a huge part of my investment portfolio. I know the risk is getting higher with a more centralized profile. But this is the risk that I’m willing to take, and I can only sustain this kind of risk with one condition:

Never invest in something I do not know

At least finish the whitepaper and take part in active community like Reddit for a particular project is crucial to keep one informed on the latest development or news.

Always invest for long term instead of speculating for short term trading. The time is more well spent on studying projects rather than on frequent buy and sell.

After all, you want to make your ‘all in’ decision as comfortable as possible to stay with. So stop selling the house away for crypto investment.

On the other hand, money is not the only way to all in crypto…

币圈目前这个阶段,屌丝 All in 有机会翻身吗?

我也是屌丝,我也是 All in。但是方法可能跟你理解的有点不同。



最后,而花钱还不是 All in 币圈的唯一门道…

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Song A: “Yesterday Once More” by Carpenters. Music Challenge - 7 favorite songs|音樂挑戰 - 七首喜愛歌曲

This is the entry of the “Music Challenge – 7 favorite songs” by @kona. Thanks for the nomination by @ygern.

In this challenge, you have to share your 7 favorite songs. And my first favorite song is Carpenters’s Yesterday Once More.

Accidentally listened to this song when I was working in the Casino back in 2009. I know this song was released in 1973, how late I was to discover classic song like this one. There was a live performance on the mini stage in the middle of the casino, and I was dealing the Roulette game as usual.

The moment the music started, I was immediately attracted. Could not fully focus on my job but pay a big portion of my attention to enjoy the wonderful rhythm of it. After that shift, I quickly search for this song, download it(illegally, sorry), and loop it all day long.

This was the song that leads me to others great songs by Carpenter as well. Karen Carpenter had the unique tone of voice and that makes her the best to sing this song ever, second to none even after bunches of reproduction by others. This song is simply made for her.

《昨日重现》是当时我在赌场做荷官时无意听到的一首歌,由现场的小乐队所演唱。前奏一响起就完全被吸引了,导致那几分钟有点无心工作。下班后,赶紧找出了这首歌,然后下载(不好意思,非法的)。当天记得就是无限 loop 了。Karen Carpenter 的独特声线简直就是为此歌而生,绝配!

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