Coins that lay eggs like a chicken 会下蛋的币


In my less-than-a-year activity in crypto, this is the biggest bear market I’ve ever seen so far. And this is the best time too for examining each of my holdings when they are literally stuck for trading at such a terrible price.

I scan through my long-term holding coins to identify which of them are able to self-generating income.

Coins that is not self-generating

  • Bitcoin: Not providing any value if not using for payment. Maybe can be a source to bring some bonus from bitcoin hardfork, like Bitcoin cash, Bitcoin Gold and etc.

  • Ethereum: Some new ERC20 tokens will airdrop to ETH holders. Except that, ETH is not generating income.

  • Cardano: ADA is mainly used for creating new smart contract like ETH and the platform is not ready yet. Not generating income.

  • Litecoin, Stratis, Bitcoin Cash, Golem, Siacoin, IOTA is not generating any income by just holding it.

Self-generating coins

  • Steem: Nuff said. Even you are not participating in the Steem blockchain by authoring and curating, simply power up Steem to Steem Power is enough to earn the dividend from inflation every day. You could even sell your SP by delegate to others via Minnowbooster for higher income as well. Steem is definitely a self-multiplying machine.

  • Neo: Holding neo will generate free GAS everyday and the price of GAS tends to follow NEO’s. Not a bad way to treat it as some passive income.

  • Byteball: The nature of this coin is not self-generating, but the strategy running the devs is unique. They want to airdrop almost all the Byteball supply and so far 65% has been distributed. Holding Byteball can earn more of it by airdroping.

These 3 coins are my holdings that are self-generating, what is yours?


  • 比特币作为支付用途,如果不用来支付就等于没用 。但是持有比特币还是有些增值的旁门左道,就是那些硬分叉币比如BCC 和 BTG 。

  • ETH 也不会自我增值,除了某些新的 ERC20 代币有时会空降下来。

  • Litecoin, Stratis, Bitcoin Cash, Golem, Siacoin, IOTA 全部都不会自我增值。


  • Steem 当然当之无愧的是以币生币的最佳母鸡。就算完全不参与写作和 Curation,Steem Power 还是能让你每天收到系统通膨带来的分红,更别说通过 Minnowbooster 卖 SP 能赚更多了。

  • 持有 NEO 也会根据一定的比率分发 GAS,而 GAS 的价格根据历史而言也是和 NEO 一起浮动的,所以也不失为一个被动收入的方法。

  • Byteball 虽然设计上不会自我增值,但是开发团队会把几乎接近总量的币靠空降的方式派发给持有者。目前总共才派发出 65% ,也是个不错的选择。


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Steem is better than MLM 比传销更好

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Multi-level marketing (MLM) to some company that does a great job at brainwashing people to work for the pyramid system.

“Join us, all you have to do is find 3 downlines under you. And if each of them finding another 3 downlines, those downlines keep doing the same…you can be earning $100,000 passive income without having to work for a day!”

A company like Amway is dominating the MLM market in Malaysia for quite a long time, not sure they are still having the same dominance like old time. I never have interest in such pyramid scheme. Maybe I’m a decentralized guy who doesn’t believe to solely depends on one source especially when it comes to income. Furthermore, I’ve seen too many examples of how my friends got brainwashed by the MLM tactics and accomplish nothing other than burning all his network down by hard-selling those products.

Guess they will do much better if they put the same dedication into Steem.

Phase MLM Steem
Capital Often needed member to purchase one set of product prior to joining the organization and it could be expensive. Zero capital to join.
Attraction Money Money, networks, knowledge, skill improvement, potential unleash
Join if want to Earn money Earn money, express talents, meet new friends, enjoy quality content
Way of earning Pulling more downlines, selling more products Do what you love to do. Writing, reading, filming(dTube), singing(dSound), joking(dMania), streaming(dlive), and more.
Point of failure One. If the company is gone, your network is gone, your downline is gone, your income is gone Decentralised, Steem blockchain stays forever.
Side effect Burning network, wasting money and time if the system failed to work Hmmm, tell me one?

多层次传销(Multilevel marketing,简称 MLM)对我来说就是一种很厉害的洗脑术。“你加入我们,拉三个下线,然后下线又拉三个下线,一年后就有年入 X 百万的被动收入了!”。每个传销的中心思想都离不开这种调调。


突发奇想,要是他们把同样的力气投入在 Steem 上,说不定会活得更开心?

阶段 MLM Steem
成本 要买产品才能加入,通常很贵 零成本。
卖点 赚钱 赚钱,人脉,知识见闻,技术深造,潜能释放
动力 赚钱 赚钱,表现才能,认识新朋友,享受高品质作品
赚钱方法 找下线,卖产品 做你喜欢做的:写文章,读文章,录影(dTube),,唱歌(dSound),写段子(dMania),直播(dlive),更多更多。
故障点 单一。要是公司倒闭,你的人脉就完蛋,下线就完蛋,收入也完蛋。 去中心化,Steem 区块链永远存在。
副作用 消费人脉,如果最后一切归零的话就浪费钱和时间 额,暂时想不到?

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Andreas M. Antonopoulos landed on Steem! 大神来了

If you are not aware, Andreas M. Antonopoulos @aantonop has already landed on Steem! This is his first post “The “real” aantonop“ for public verification.

Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a technologist and serial entrepreneur who has become one of the most well-known and well-respected figures in bitcoin.

He is my most respected figure in the crypto space. His educational video on Youtube and books have educated me so much. One thing that separates Andreas from the rest of Bitcoin public figure, that he never discusses the price but always focusing on the fundamental knowledge in laymen term.

He is also the author of Mastering Bitcoin and The Internet of Money which I regard the latter as the Bible of cryptocurrency. A very good read to all the crypto lover. Without his help, I couldn’t possibly build up a solid faith about blockchain but become the dumb money who always speculating on the crypto prices.

Not sure he would actively participate in Steem as he just started with a single post, but anyhow this is a great start! And his first post already scored hundreds of votes and worth thousands of dollar now, apparently many whales in Steem has been benefited by his influence.

Make sure you check follow him and check him out for more!

后知后觉的我,才发现原来昨天 Andreas M.Antonopoulos @aantonop 已经正式登陆 Steem 啦!这是他发布的第一个自我认证贴子,毕竟仿冒者太多了:The “real” aantonop


他和众多所谓比特币或是区块链知名人物最大的不同就是,他从来不把焦点放在价格上。他众多的讲座和书籍讨论跟更多的是背后的技术,也就是区块链,讨论从古至今钱币的角色转变,和这项新科技将如何颠覆现在和未来。角度新颖,有条有理,尤其是他所著作的 《The Internet of Money》更是让人看得拍案叫绝,我管它叫比特币的圣经

总之,没有他的帮助我就不会对区块链有现在如此深刻的了解和信心,只怕也会沦为市场上追涨杀跌的韭菜。这样大神般的人物登陆了,不 follow 一下还像话吗?

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Bear market like this only makes STEEM more outstanding 熊市让Steem更突出了

I stopped trading altcoins for almost a month now. Why? Because all the altcoins are at a deep loss as most of them were last traded when the total market cap was at 800B. I’m not panic nor worry about this situation as I knew this could happen prior to doing those trades. All this bear market means to me is that I could take a short break until the market is recovered.

And I have a list of altcoins that I believe will have a long-term value, I put them into private wallets and do not trade them at all. They serve as a long-term investment asset to me. Value of that list plunged of course with the market. There is nothing I can do about it other than waiting for the bear out of the market.

Steem, however, still providing value to me no matter how the market does


I’ve been on this platform for more than 5 months, writing something every day on it has already become part of my routine. Started when Steem was at $1, been to ATH $8, still continue my journey at current $4. No matter how bad is the crypto market now, my investment in Steem keeps generating income non-stop.

  • Everyone still got the free 20% Voting Power to spend, combined with SP, this outputs wealth.
  • I still got curation reward by participating in other’s posts.
  • I still got author reward by creating contents and commenting.
  • My Stemm Power still receiving dividend by Steem inflation.

Even better, I got more SP in reward as Steem price went down recently.

I believe Time is the best touchstone for a coin’s value. A great coin/project must be able to deliver despite bear or bull market, like a self-sustaining machine. I’m glad that Big bear market like this makes me realized Steem is way more durable and profitable than expected.

Keep creating!

已经停止交易货币近一个月了,原因很简单,那就是因为市场这一阵子的大跌把全部货币套住了。我其实是不慌的,这样的情况之前也不是没遇到过,只是这次熊市似乎维持更久。再者,交易之前当然也知道这样的情况一定会发生,所以也不存在 panic sell 的情形,当放个小假等市场回复吧。

在众多我长期持有的货币当中,Steem 在这时就显出威力了。

因为在这样的大熊市,Steem 依然不断的为我创造价值。

  • 每天自动回复的 20% Voting power 再加上 Steem Power 就是源源不绝的财富输出。
  • 我依然从评论和文章中赚取作者奖励。
  • 我依然从从点赞别人的文中赚取 Curation 奖励。
  • 我的 Steem Power 依然每天根据 Steem 区块链的通膨而得到分红。

更好的是,在 Steem 低价的现在我所能得到的 SP 奖励更多了。所谓路遥知马力,真正验证一个币的实力就是时间。而 Steem 充分展现了无论在牛市还是熊市都可以同样产生价值的属性!

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Cryptocurrency will only achieve real adoption without the need of fiat conversion 加密货币的真正普及

The winter season in crypto market has been longer than usual compared to the previous ‘January crashes’. Weak hands already sold their holding in loss and panic while some people said this is all due to whales manipulating market prices by spreading FUD. Although I’m buying the idea of the latter, a couple of real news did impact the market cap like the recent Tether drama. Looking back at 2017, the main theme of bad news has the biggest impact was obvious, government regulation. China ban ICO, South Korea regulate exchanges, India bans cryptocurrency, so on and so on. The market has been dancing to the government decision.

Cryptocurrency is meant to be decentralized. Why is the centralized government still able to manipulate the crypto market?

Because we need to convert crypto to fiat anyhow

Although cryptocurrency has gained much attention lately, more and more shops and commercial units start to accept payment in crypto. But it is hard to deny that we are still far away in adopting the crypto in full scale in real life.

You can’t buy house property or car using crypto, even if there may be someone will claim this is not true, but one cannot do this without a supportive government and they better be ready to answer the calls from IRA. You still need fiat put food on the table. Fiat is still the only way to buy dinner or snacks from the street vendors or restaurants.

Majority treat crypto as an investment asset rather than a currency. Of course, I would love to have the option to pay in Bitcoin. But considering it’s fluctuating characteristic and I’m on the bright side that Bitcoin could gain more in value, I rather not to spend it.

Stability is the key for a currency, and the crypto’s fluctuation decides us couldn’t live without fiat at least for the near future.

It’s good for them to cut away the bridge of fiat and crypto

To me, the real adoption is not everyone starting to use crypto as payment or exchange method, but in the end still, need to convert into fiat in order to communicate with the world. In this way, fiat is the base layer and crypto is atop of it. We will get back to the fundamental base somehow.

It should be in reversed instead, cryptocurrency should be the base for fiat, everyone communicates to each other in crypto.

If a government want to demote crypto all it has to do is shut down the exchanges, this has been effective in chasing people away from taking part in crypto. And it will remain as effective as there is still a demand to convert crypto into fiat. I foresee such need will decrease over time and more people will start to talk purely in crypto.

They try to use cash realization as an obstacle in the way of crypto adoption, this will only force us not to use fiat anymore.

币圈的冬季似乎比往常维持更久,相较前几年的“一月冬季”,尤其是昨天总市值更一度跌破 400B 大关。回顾 2017,每一次熊市的主调都离不开“政府”,从中国政府禁止 ICO,南韩实施管制交易所,到印度公开禁止加密货币。伴着政府们每一次的决定,市场都会随之起舞。为什么会这样呢?







This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Cryptocurrency will only achieve real adoption without the need of fiat conversion 加密货币的真正普及’

Cindicator actually predicted this crash 为什么我不听话

7 days ago, in the post Crypto market cap fall below 400B in Feb? I shared the first indicator I got from the Cindicator bot with the question:

In your opinion, will the Market Cap fall below 400B at any time before February 28?

And the indicator was 65.25% which could interpret as high probability indicator; the probability for the event to happen is high.

By the time this indicator was given out the Market Cap was around 550B and I was kind of disappointed with the bot performance. Because I don’t think a 33% steep fall like that could be happening, and I proceeded to bought the dip as I thought we were already at the bottom.

And look at what we’ve got now

Taken from

Oh dear, this is already happening. Combined with all the negative news and FUD and shits, the market plunged at least 100B in a single day! I have a real complicated feeling towards this situation. A little worried about my investment while truly amazed by the accuracy of the indicator provided by Cindicator bot.

Those guys from Cindicator actually forecasted this way before this was showing any sign of happening! At least I couldn’t tell at all a steep crash like this was incoming. And this is a great example of the “wisdom of the crowd” that Cindicator believe in.

I received the indicator, I didn’t believe it, I ignore it, and it happened. If only I did something in favor of the indicator I could have bought back those coins I’m holding for 30%. But yeah, there is no ‘if only’.

Maybe I should take the Cindicator Bot more seriously next time.

Previous posts about Cindicator:
Cindicator #1 - Cindicator, another undervalued and strong project like old day’s Steem
Cindicator #2 - Cindicator Bot introduction

七天前,我在《 二月大泄?》这篇文章介绍了我在 Cindicator Bot 收到的第一个指标,问题如下:

加密货币总市值在二月二十八之前,有没有可能在任何一个时间点跌破 4000 亿美金?

当时的总市值是 5500 亿,而指标竟然是 65% 也意味着这件事情很有可能会发生。说实话,乍一看到这指标我心里是失望的,因为我对 Cindicator 的期望是很高,而他们处理出来的指标却如此不靠谱。要知道 5500 跌到 4000 可是 33% 的大崩溃,在市场已经滑落一波的前提下,我真的不看好这件事情会发生。


还是在短短七天里面就发生了。我的心情是相当复杂的,一方面开始有点小小担心自己的资产,同时却又对 Cindicator Bot 指标的准确性惊叹不已!这是我首次见证大众智慧的一次。



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