How comment's reward is distributed? 评论奖励的分配


I was wondering how actually is comment’s reward is counted in the system, so I did a little investigation base on my recent payout by comments.

Commenting is authoring or curating?

First of all, you can find the comments payout under Author reward. This makes perfect sense to me as when we are typing a comment, we are essentially expressing our thoughts just like authoring a new post. For an informative and insightful comment, sometimes it could be longer than a post. So it is perfectly fine to take comment under Author reward.

Calculation of the reward.

The example above, I was receiving 0.240 SBD and 0.040 SP for a comment. From that, it is clearly not 100% SP payout we can conclude that comment’s reward is following the 50/50 payout distribution.

How much does commenter take from the comment’s reward?

As we know the SP is finalized by the market price of Steem after 7 days, we could ignore the SP and just focus on SBD. In STEEM algorithm, SBD is forever pegged to 1 USD despite how fluctuating the price actually is in the outer market(which is much higher than 1 USD now).

Since SBD is 50% in the reward payout, commenter take-home pay percentage is SBD in reward x 2 / Total comment reward. Apply the numbers into the formula, we have 0.240 * 2 / 0.64= 0.75.
In this example, I as the commenter took the 75% author reward just like how the post reward works.

Let’s try on the other cases

With this comment, I got a total payout of $1.03 and the reward distribution is 0.516 SBD and 0.086 SP.
With the formula, we got 0.516 * 2 / 1.03 = 1.00. In this case, I as the commenter took 100% of the author reward.

You might notice that my reward come from self-voting rather than voted by the others, and this may be the cause of different reward percentage. Let’s continue to have a look at another self-voted comment.

Actual reward is $1.12, I got 0.421 SBD and 0.074 SP out of the reward.
0.421 * 2 / 1.12= 0.75. I got 75% out of the total reward instead of 100% although this one was self-voted like the previous example.


  • Comment’s reward is considered as Author reward.
  • Comment’s reward is not distributed in 100% SP.
  • Commenter gets 75% ~100% out of the total comment’s reward.
  • Reward source (self-voted or voted by others) doesn’t matter in reward distribution.

Please enlighten me if I was doing any mistakes here.


  • 评论奖励算是作者奖励。
  • 评论奖励是使用 50/50 的分配方式。
  • 评论者得到 75%~100% 的评论奖励。
  • 评论奖励的来源(别人投还是自己投)对奖励的分配不造成影响。


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人比人气死人 | 月旦评








Steem 上同理。大鲸们都付出了你不曾想象的毅力和洞察力。多数刚加入这里的新时代玩家包括我,都只看到 Steem 由一刀上到六刀,没有经历过由当时的巅峰 $3.5 狂跌至 $0.15。抚心自问,你有可能在那个时候坚持过来吗?恐怕很难。所有承担风险得回来的回报都应该受到尊重,世上没那么多早知当初



很多人都在埋怨错过了 2009 年那可以令人改变命运的比特币,然而某些嗅觉敏锐的人们已经发现了 2016 年超级廉价的 STEEM ,大量入手并持有就成了今天的大鲸。相信以目前的价格和收益早已胜过许多人的工资,财务自由了。


This is a Chinese version of previous post : Don’t be envious of the whale’s payout

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Don't be envious of the whale's payout


The easiest thing to do in order to quit doing something is simple, just compare your current return with those giants in the same field.

The first advice I gave to friends who are going to start their journey in Steem is to ignore the money. I know I used money as the main point to sell the idea of Steem to them, but they really have to ignore the return part in the beginning phase. I’ve been there. I know being a total plankton you will get way less payout than you expected no matter how much effort you’ve put in that article. And comparing the money to the whale’s post could be the last straw to give up Steem forever.

But are you even in the position to start the comparison?


We often envy of the tremendous wealth that people made with the early investment of Bitcoin. The fact is, they deserve the handsome return for every reason. They spent time to detect the presence of Bitcoin and put effort into studying it, while you were partying hard in the clubs. They dared to risk their capital to something that everyone sneered at, while you thought “better play safe with the bank’s fixed deposit‘. They have the determination to hold it through several crashes, while you were cheering that you didn’t step into that obvious trap.

And they got the biggest smile at the end than most of us.

Same applies to the world of Steem. Stop staring at the whale’s payout with the greened eye. If you have to, I would suggest that you spend some time to dig out their earliest posts, bet they did worse than what you’ve achieved now. Most of the new generation joined Steem in the flowering season, witnessed it raised from $1 to $6. But would you stay if the all-time-high price of $3.5 has dropped to just $0.15? Those whales did. They deserve every bit of their reward now.

So stop comparing and start focus on our own instead.


Start putting the focus on something you can control rather than complaining other’s payout. Believe me, you have more problems to deal with on this platform. Is your article typesetting good enough for a comfortable reading? Do you know how to set an attractive title? What is the most effective way to promote your posts? How can you do more to contribute to the community?

Envy will bring you nowhere but stuck on the same ground. When people were busy grumping at missing the 2009 Bitcoin lottery, some wise people who keep their eyes opened found the STEEM gem in 2016.

Move on!

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Claim BTG in Trezor via Firefox

What Will I Learn?

  • How to claim BTG in Trezor using Firefox browser


  • You have the Firefox browser installed.
  • You have Trezor device configured and ready.
  • OS: Windows 7
  • Browser: Mozilla Firefox 57.0.4 (64-bit)
  • Trezor firmware: 1.6.0 (latest)



Tutorial Contents


1) Open in Firefox browser. To connect the browser to Trezor, we will need a bridge. Select the applicable OS and Download.


2) Run and install the downloaded Trezor bridge.


3) End the installation with Start TREZOR Bridge ticked or you will have to manually start the program in the Start Menu.


4) Be sure trezord.exe is running in the background processes in Windows Task Manager.


5) Plug in Trezor device to the PC and open up again. Unlock the device and select Bitcoin Gold (BTG) from the wallet drop-down menu. Then select coin-splitting tool.


6) Select whatever account that you hold Bitcoin in during the BTG fork. In my case, it was ‘Legacy account’, click Connect with TREZOR.


7) A pop-up window will appear loading content in relevant accounts. Wait it out.


8) Select Account with the available amount, it could be more than one if you hold Bitcoin in multiple accounts during the fork. Target Address is auto-generated and it would be your BTG address. Amount that you want to claim from the fork, leave it as default. I chose Low for the Fee as I’m not in rush to claim those coins, the default value is ‘Normal’.


9) Check the recipient address on Trezor and follow further instructions to confirm the transaction. You can check the transaction status using the Hash value, this is mine for example. When the transactions are confirmed, you should see them appearing in your wallet.

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齐白石杯#1 年 Drawing contest


I’ve spent 2 hours on this artwork mainly using Copic markers on a white sketchbook.

This is also an entry for a drawing competition hosted proudly by @angelina6688 for the first time with an interesting title, 年(nian). I could not find an exact meaning of this word in English, literally, it means Year but in our case this means New Year more, especially in the Lunar favor.

As a Chinese, the Chinese New Year is a festival that I value the most, second to none, not even my birthday. Couldn’t explain why I have such a deep love with it, but I guess it was all due to the celebration feeling, so jubilant, everything seems back to live for the CNY is always tied to the spring.

这幅作品花了两个小时来完成,是一幅完全以马克笔完成的画。这同时也是参加由 @angelina6688 首次隆重主办的绘画比赛,主题是玩味无穷的









Discord ID: fr3eze#8617

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Trezor cannot claim Bitcoin Gold with its Claim Tool

Expected behavior

Trezor should show me the BTG amount that I can claim using the tool. Picture below is the expected result taken from official Trezor blog.


Actual behavior

After selecting either Standard account or Legacy account to claim BTG, the page will wait for about 16 second and return with a error message.

How to reproduce


1) Login Trezor via If you are prompted with firmware update, do it and update to latest firmware before the claiming process. Ihe the latest firmware, there will be a new wallet Bitcoin Gold (BTG). Select it.


2) Clink on the coin-splitting tool and a new tab will be opened up.

The alternative way is access Claim tool via


3) In the Tool page, you will have to choose which Bitcoin account you want to claim from. In my case, I choose Legacy account as I store my BTC there during the fork.


4) Wait for about 16s, an error mesasge Reading of accounts failed. will poped up. Same thing happened if I claim from Standard account.

  • Browser: Google Chrome [Version 63.0.3239.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)]
  • Operating system: Windows 7 & 10
  • Trezor firmware: 1.6.0

Recording Of The Bug (2).gif (1).gif

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