Crypto market cap fall below 400B in Feb? 二月大泄?

Finally, I received my first indicator from Cindicator Bot, and the expectation from the crowd is not so enlightening. As the indicator suggests, total market capitalization is 65% likely to fall below 400B at any time before Feb 28.

What is it like to fall that hard?

Currently, we are at 550B according to, that would be at least a steep 33% crash despite the market hasn’t really recovered from the 800B to 500B correction.

Bitcoin could easily drop below $8000 with the same market dominance. Oh, I would suspect if I was dreaming to see Bitcoin that cheap again after so long.

From both emotional and rational perspective, I do not wish this to happen as I already bought the dip in this correction. Maybe I should change the strategy a little according to this scary indicator, after all they are having 72% accuracy by far. Why not?

Previous posts about Cindicator:

Cindicator #1 - Cindicator, another undervalued and strong project like old day’s Steem
Cindicator #2 - Cindicator Bot introduction


加密货币总市值在二月二十八之前,有没有可能在任何一个时间点跌破 4000 亿美金?

而大众给出来的预测居然是 65% 的概率会发生

跌破 4000 亿是怎样的概念?

以目前总市值 5500 亿而言,那会是个至少 33% 的大跌幅,而且还是在目前市场还没从上次的调整恢复过来的基础上。比特币以目前 34% 的市场占有率,那就是会跌破 $8000 大关。如果成真我一定会以为自己在做梦,毕竟上次看到这么平廉的价格可是上个世纪的事了。

从理性和感性的角度出发我都不希望这会成真,毕竟在这次调整已经把仅有的现金 Buy the dip 了。但基于 Cindicator 72% 的预测准确率,或许调整策略也是不错的选择。

Discord ID: fr3eze#8617

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Crypto market cap fall below 400B in Feb? 二月大泄?’

Use Cindicator Bot to access the wisdom of crowd 用机器人展现大众的智慧

In my long-term hold of Cindicator hoping it could rise to the moon, I also want to make sure I take full advantage what this project offers. In the previous chapter, I shared that you can take part in forecasting and win prizes depends on your prediction’s accuracy.

Today I would present you another main feature, the Cindicator Bot 1.0.

Cindicatorbot - a telegram bot which sends hybrid intelligence empowered indicators for traditional and crypto financial markets.

Depending on your possession of CND tokens, you can access different level of indicators as follows:

Beginner >5000 CND
Crypto: Community choice, Event probability indicators;
Traditional: Event probability indicators

Trader >200 000 CND
All Beginners indicators plus:
Crypto: Weekly support and resistance indicators, ICO ranking v.0.9 beta;
Traditional: Weekly support and resistance indicators

Expert >700 000 CND
All Trader indicators plus:
Crypto: Price level indicators;
Traditional: Price level indicators

I personally hold 5k of CND to unlock the Beginner level, can’t wait to setup and see what can I get from the bot. According to the record, their processed indicators on future events like price level and event probability were averaging at 80%. That is enough for me to call that high-accuracy indicator.

Register your ETH address holds CND using this guide. The process is mainly handled using Telegram as the Cindicator Bot is built on that.

Most important step is to send a 0 amount transaction to verify your address.

Done, I’ve got 5274 CND and able to access Beginner plan

Several options will be availble to play with after the verification.

Community choice

At the Beginner plan, community choice is one of the two features I entitled to. Every week we can vote for the listed option of different cryptocurrency. The highest voted crypto will be forecasted in the Cindicator app where the analysts and AI would take place to produce an indicator.

I chose STORJ for the next forecast topic, but if any other crypto assets won the race I wouldn’t mind too.

Market events probability

There are two market events probability currenctly under forecasting.

Select the first event, displays the forecast questions.

This forecast is about to find out the cryptocurrency total market cap by February 28 which is think is really important for all the investor to be aware of. Personally, I don’t think the chance for the market to fall below USD 400B is likely, but I would like to know how the people think about it too. Now we start to see the practical usage to Cindicator in collecting the wisdom of the crowd.

The result isn’t published yet since forecasting and processing about the event are still undergoing in the Cindicator app. By UTC 14:00 the processed indicator will be published and I shall share with you again in the next post.


Though active trader like me could make great use of the Crypto price level indicators in Export plan, access to the plan itself requires 700,000 CND which is equivalent to almost USD 200k and that is way beyond my entire crypto profile already. But we will see how the Beginner plan can benefit me.

  • Setting up Cindicator Bot is easy as a breeze.
  • 5,000 CND can access the Beginner plan only.
  • Limited indicators available in Beginner plan.

Previous posts about Cindicator:

Cindicator #1 - Cindicator, another undervalued and strong project like old day’s Steem

在长期持有 Cindicator 除了期待它会一飞冲天让我从此自由自在之外,我们也应该好好利用它所带来的各种功能。

那就是上次提到的 Cindicator Bot 1.0。这个机器人简单来说,会把处理好的市场预测信号发放给持有者。


Beginner >5000 CND
Trader >200 000 CND
Expert >700 000 CND

我刚好拥有 5k CND 可以解锁 Beginner 配套。那就看看里头有什么有用的吧。通过这篇教程把持有 CND 的 ETH 地址注册到网路中,这过程主要使用 Telegram 来进行。据我所知 Telegram 在大陆似乎需要翻墙才可以使用,所以大陆用家会有点不方便。


第一个就是 Community choice。社区在几个加密货币之间投票,得票最高的将会被选作为下期预测的对象。我选择了 STORJ,但是别的货币赢了也无所谓,我还是会得到预测结果产生的信号。

第二个是 Market events probability,也就是不针对某个货币而言的市场现象预测。现在有两个题目正在进行预测。其中一个我挺感兴趣的,那就是二月二十八之前加密货币总市值会不会跌破 400B ? 个人看来是不看好会发生的,但是听一听大众的预测又何妨?这就是 Cindicator 的有用之处,有效的集合利用大众的智慧。目前还没结果,有结果了我会再和大家分享。


  • 设置 Cindicator 机器人很简单容易。
  • 5,000 CND 只能解锁初级配套。
  • 初级配套并没有太多产品可以使用,但是表现还不好评估。

Discord ID: fr3eze#8617

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Use Cindicator Bot to access the wisdom of crowd 用机器人展现大众的智慧’

Which way is more profitable in getting EOS, trading or ICO? 众筹和交易哪个可以得到更多 EOS

aaImage source

Suddenly I was very interested in EOS and wanted to be part of it. Currently, there is two way to get you hand on the EOS tokens: buy them straight from the exchanges with the market price, or participate in the EOS Token Distribution.

The first method is pretty straightforward like how you trading just for any cryptocurrency pair available on an exchange. Topup your account with the mainstream BTC or ETC, and trade with market orders with the desired price.

The second method, however, is a bit tricky and interesting. EOS Token Distribution is now at the phase that 2,000,000 EOS will be distributed every day. People can contribute ETH to the crowdfunding address and the two millions of EOS will be distributed equally base to the total contribution of that period.

With that said, the more contribution the less EOS participant can get, EOS is more expensive here. On the other hand, if we get a lesser contribution, each investor can get more EOS from the fixed amount distribution. Cheaper EOS.

The tricky part is, the contribution is real-time so no one can tell what the final total contribution will be. Things suddenly become quite a bit of gambling, and I decided to give it a try.

Let’s do it!

In this gambleexperiment, I sent 1 Ether to the EOS crowdsale address. Thing was smooth, network was low in traffic, transaction was done within minutes.

Then I start to monitor the real-time collected contribution using two useful sites. The first is the official EOS site and the second is a really useful third-party site, EOSscan provides real-time calculation of the EOS token price based on the contributed ETH.


Official EOS site


As you can see, so far there is 7920 ETH collected and we are looking at $5.30 for a piece of EOS. Current market price for EOS on the exchanges is about $13. And we have less than two hours to close the deal.

Time is ticking, I knew the ETH will keep coming in. But so far everything looks good and I already starts to think about what to do with my cheap EOS later. Yay!

And things escalate quickly



Within two hours, total collected ETH has come to 23,566. This made the price of EOS token soared up to almost $16. Damn, my heart was just bleeding non-stop.

After the distribution period is done, I proceeded to register my ETH address and claim the EOS token. How much in total did I get in the end?

I got 80.91 EOS from the daily ICO with each token priced at $16 while the open market is trading at $12.40 according to

My EOS is almost $4 more expensive from the others. Such a tragedy right? Let’s see it in the real world perspective.


Let’s do some quick calculation

What if I choose to spend 1 Ether to buy EOS at Binance? How much could I get?

Let’s get the live feed price at Binance using EOS/ETH pair at 22:00 UTC+8 time which is the ending time of EOS token distribution for Period 215.


It was trading at 0.0129 EOS/ETH.

1/0.0129 = I will get 77.519379845 EOS by trading 1 Ether neglecting minor fees.

To calculate the value of each EOS in fiat, 1 Ether cost $950 at that time and the formula will be 950/77.519379845 = $12.26

Pretty close to the price at which was $12.40.

Now what is the fiat price for EOS token I got from the ICO? 950/80.910557854999802311 = $11.74


  • 1 Ether at open exchange can buy 77.51 EOS while EOS ICO can get you 80.91 EOS.
  • EOS token in ICO Period 215 costs $11.74 yet in Binance it would cost $12.26.
  • I got extra 3.4 EOS via ICO which is equivalent to $43.
  • ICO is the more profitable way to get EOS than trading in the open market.

Disclaimer: Conclusion is based on the comparison at the mentioned specific time only. Performance may vary. Luck is playing a big factor here.

昨晚心血来潮想入手一些 EOS。目前入手的方法有两种,一就是直接在自由市场比如 Binance 上进行交易。第二种就比较刺激有趣了,那就是参加为期一年的 EOS ICO。现在每天都有二百万的 EOS 会被发放,每个时段投资者得到多少取决于当个时段所筹到的 ETH 总数。

换言之,筹到的 ETH 越多每人可以得到的 EOS 越少,单个 EOS 的价格相对就越高。没人会知道最后会筹到多少钱,所以相比可以在市场上用明价买卖的方式,这个每天都有的 ICO 会更有赌博性质。我决定试一试。


  • 1 ETH 在 Binance 可以买到 77.51 EOS,而通过 ICO 可以得到 80.91 EOS。
  • ICO 得到的 EOS 单价为 $11.74 而 Binance 上需要花费 $12.26。
  • 通过 ICO 我多赚了 3.4 EOS,等价为 $43。
  • EOS ICO 比自由市场交易更为划算。

声明:这个结果只是基于特定的 ICO 时段(Period 215)和当下市场情况,不能一概而论。运气还是占了很大的部分。

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Which way is more profitable in getting EOS, trading or ICO? 众筹和交易哪个可以得到更多 EOS’

Transfer ERC20 tokens from exchange to MyEtherWallet via Trezor

Image from myetherwallet

What Will I Learn?

  • How to add custom token in MyEtherWallet(MEW).
  • How to transfer ERC20 tokens from exchange to MEW via Trezor.

Recently I plan to hold Cindicator(CND) for long-term and an exchange is never a good place to hold your coins. I have a Trezor hardware wallet with a MEW tied to it, by using this combination I can secure my coin safety at maximum level. Hence, we will use CND token (one of the ERC20 tokens) to demonstrate the depositing process.


  • You have a MEW created.
  • You have some ERC20 tokens to play with.
  • You have a Trezor.

OS: Windows 7
Browser: Google Chrome



Tutorial Contents


1) Connect Trezor to your PC. Open and unlock the wallet. Select Ethereum from the top left drop-down menu.


2) Select TREZOR in the access list and select Connect to TREZOR. You can access the wallet according to your personal setup method, we will stick to Trezor in this method.


3) Select the correct HD derivation path and you will see several addresses being listed in the bottom part. Simply choose any address you would send custom tokens to. In this case, I stick to my original ETH address. Press on Unlock your wallet.


4) Inside the wallet you will able to view your ETH balance and public address. A ERC20 token list is located at the right bottom part Token Balances.


5) First we have to add CND token to the list as it doesn’t host it originally. Click on ‘Add Custom Token’.


6) Fill in all the 3 fields. Put 0xd4c435F5B09F855C3317c8524Cb1F586E42795fa in Token Contract Address. Refer to to verify the official contract address if in doubt, you can use this site to determine any other ERC20 token’s contract address as well. Put CND into Token Symbol and 18 into Decimals. Save it.


7) Click on the Show All Tokens you will see the newly added CND tokens with zero balance. Click on the minus button beside it to remove if you want to, but the fund attaches to this address will still remain in the network. You can add it back anytime by redoing previous step.


8) Go to the exchange where you want to withdraw CND from. In my case it is Binance. Put your ETH address in the CND Withdrawal Address as all the ERC20 tokens are using ETH address to receive transaction. Transfer any amount and click Submit.

Tips: It is always a good habit to send the minimum amount to newly generated address just to make sure things are fine. For CND, the minimum sending amount is 400.

9) Wait for a few minutes, the transfer speed depends on the network traffic as well. Check the status of your transaction using by providing Transaction ID/Txid. As the transaction is confirmed, you should now see them appear in the custom token list in your MEW.


  • Do not store coins on exchange where you don’t own the private key.
  • Use hardware wallet like Trezor or Ledger to host your MEW seed for maximum security.
  • All ERC20 tokens using the ETH address as receiving address.
  • Send minimum amount to try if the new destination wallet is working without problem.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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Cindicator, another undervalued and strong project like old day's Steem 发现黑马

Image source

A few days ago, I was on my regular checking on short-term trading profile and I realized something called CND shoot up 100% and got my profit doubled. Base on my active trading experience I quickly sold half of it to secure my capital as I know this kind of sudden surge usually won’t last long.

At the same time, I was really curious what makes this coin to be so bullish in the bearish market and decide to check it out, and I glad I did. Ended up not only I bought back the coins I sold a few hours ago, I make this coin into my long-term HODL list as well.

What this project is all about?

The project is called Cindicator, meaning “Crowd indicator”. In short, Cindicator provides a platform to collect analysts prediction, enhance the data using Artificial Intelligence algorithm and produce valuable indicator for future events.

These future events include cryptocurrency price of certain coins and traditional markets like stock and fiat currency trend.

Cindicator aims to maximize the “Wisdom of the crowd” in the trading world.

Why I’m so bullish on this project?

Cindicator gave me the exact same feeling when I first got to know Steem blockchain. Applicable to most people, easy to get involved in and still in early stage of development with hugely undervalued price. One of the very significant point to make this project outstanding is, they already have a working product! Just like the day when Steem was traded below $1, we already have the busiest traffic in crypto space.

How to take part in Cindicator?

1) Download the mobile apps or access via website, create an account using an email address.

Web app:
IOS app:
Android app:

2) Start to make your forecast on various questions ranging from different markets. Questions will have a countdown timer before expired.

3) At the end of each period, a reward pool will be split among the forecaster. The more accurate your forecast, the more reward you can reap from the pool. Currently, the prize is 1 BTC and $6000 to be given out in 9 days. Not bad at all!

This very much works like the proof of brain mechanism by Steem. You forecast base on the output of your brainpower. Of course, you can simply try your luck by just simply giving random forecast. But low accuracy will give you low rating and you won’t be rewarded much in the end. Similarly, you can’t land on big votes by posting low-quality post on Steem right?

What if I have no talent/interest in forecasting?

Well most of us don’t as well, but you still in the game!

After the apps collecting all the forecasts and expire that certain question, the data would then be processed and enhanced by Cindicator’s AI/Machine Learning(ML) algorithms and publish that final indicator to the users via Cindicator Bot.

However, to access those trading indicators for crypto and fiat assets, one has to possess certain amount of CND tokens. For instance, the Beginner level requires 5,000 CND (possession amount) to receive community choice indicators, market events probability indicators and so on.

So far they have produced total 878 indicators and the accuracy is 72.78%, I would say that is impressing! Now you can trade following the signals with great confidence.

Personally I have no experience in using this bot, I will try to get my hand on it fast and share the review here soon.

Cindicator is best for people who…

  • Love to analyze future prices and events in Crypto, Futures, Stocks, ETF, Commodities, and Currencies.
  • Love to trade with the aid of valuable indicators.
  • Witness the wisdom of the crowd.
  • Looking for projects with great growth potential.


On the price perspective alone, this project has already bring me 3x return so far but I plan to hold it for longer term. Being a project just a few months old, Cindicator already proved to the investors that they are serious in the business. Simple yet informative site, bloody sleek mobile application, attracting business model, deliver on time according to roadmap. Every element that a project need to be successful in the competitive crypto race. Til next time!

Official site:

This is not a financial opinion.

Cindicator 是一个误打误撞下让我认识的项目。我一向来拥有根据某个 Telegram 群组的信号买卖货币,前几天发现手上这个叫 CND 的东西忽然上升 100%。经验告诉我这样的事情不会持久,就急急卖了。而后有很好奇这到底是何方神圣,结果了解了一个小时之后我就立马把刚放手的货币全部再买回来了。破例的把短线变成长线持有。


Cindicator 提供了一个平台让大众对各个加密货币或是法币或是股票等的分析,猜测未来某个时间的价位和事件。之后再用自家的人工智慧处理信息,从而生产有品质的信号(indicator)。

简单来说,Cindicator 利用了大众的智慧和人工智慧把预测这块领域的效能放到最大。


Cindicator 和 Steem 一样是少数让我发现已经有行得通的产品的同时,价格还维持在很便宜的阶段的。它也拥有和 Steem 一样的特质,大多数人都可以参与,参与难度小,功能使用,和已经拥有可以发挥功效的平台。这可是很难得的!

如何参与 Cindicator?

1)下载手机app 或是拜访网站,用电邮就可以注册户口。
3)每过一段时间就会根据你的成绩分红,预测越准分红越多。目前是九天后又 1 BTC 和六千刀的奖金将会发放。

某种程度上很像 Steem 的 Proof of Brain 机制。你花费脑力和知识提供预测,然后得到分红。当然,你也也可以胡猜一通,那么你的 rating 想必也不会有多高。就比如你在 Steem 老是发水帖,可以有什么前途?



之前不是说了会收集大众的信息结果和用人工智慧进行处理,但是所生产出来的结果去哪了呢?答案就是 Cindicator Bot. 这个机器人会通过 Telegram 把处理好的信号公布出来。只是,你必须要持有一定数量的 CND 才可以看到。

以最低的 Beginner 等级为例,你必须要有 5000 CND 才可以看到 community choice indicators 和 market events probability indicators 等对于交易有帮助的信号。

我个人而言还没真正试过这个机器人,将在下一篇有时间测试了再分享出来。要知道,这个机器人目前为止的准确率可是高达 72.78% 哦!

Cindicator 适合人群是…

  • 对经济分析有兴趣的
  • 经常活跃于交易市场的
  • 想利用大众智慧来发达的
  • 想寻找还有巨大成长空间的项目


对我个人而言,我对这平台处理出来的信号更有兴趣,当然现在偶尔还是会根据我对加密货币的了解进行预测。我想 @htliao 和 @linuslee0216 这样的投资大家应该会在这平台可以大展拳脚。

最后,我对此项目的价格是非常看好,短短数个月的项目现在已经拥有了很吸引人的商业模式,简洁有力的网站,还有评价非常高的 app,更重要的是预测的准确率还那么高。这样的强力项目可是很少见的。虽然目前为止它已经为我带来 3x 的收益,我暂时还不会卖掉,作为长线相信今年一定会一鸣惊人!


This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Cindicator, another undervalued and strong project like old day’’s Steem 发现黑马’

A networking teacher who try to stay away from Bitcoin


My girlfriend recently attended a CCNA Networking class, the 50-year-old teacher happened to stumbled upon the crypto topic. Her teacher doesn’t like the idea of Bitcoin and I thought it was about the crazy pricing. Actually, I kind of agree with him because the price is absolutely volatile which can be affected by unlimited factors. But obviously he wasn’t referring to the price according to the commented he has left as such:

“People are crazy taking part in this Bitcoin things The Internet is not safe at all for such activity. How can one assure the security of their virtual asset that floating on Internet They should keep themselves away from it.”

I’m sure he has no idea the technology behind the Bitcoin, what Bitcoin was trying to solve and what in future it can offers. I would like to briefly answer to those doubts which I think most people usually have:

Is Bitcoin safe?

From the point of technical, it is safer than your national bank account. It is widely decentralized without the single point of failure like the bank. No matter how assuring a bank and a country, they can be collapsed and everything tied to them will be diminished, like the currency and your saving account in the bank. Look at Greece for case study if you are interested.

Bitcoin powered by blockchain however, is censorship-resistant, open and permanent. No one can reverse a completed transaction or deny your position in the network. Everyone is equal in the space, and your coin in the network is going nowhere.

Good, but what security concern should I take with my coins?

Though your coins in the network are going to exist forever, the ownership can keep on changing. That means A can send X amount of coins to B, with or without the acknowledgment of the original owner. In the latter case, we call that stealing/hacking.

There is no middleman in the crypto world, there is no one to help with your stolen coins. You are your own bank and you owe yourselves a huge self-education class about security. From the difference of hot and cold wallets, relationship between private and public key, to the basic transaction operation.

That’s too much for me, what if I don’t care about it?

You have to know what you are doing, or you are good to go if you are ready to lose whatever you’ve invested.

Is now the good time to buy Bitcoin/will the price go up/down?

Take my word, no one can ever have an answer to these questions. If you tell me the price can crash to 0$ or shoot up to $100,000 tomorrow, I would say “Why not?”.

Regarding the crypto price, my motto is “No one knows a sh*t.

All in all, knowing an ignorant networking teacher who is not interested in such disruptive technology that is definitely changing the world made me feel uneasy. But that’s OK since that’s the normal reaction of majority to any new world-changing technology.

Glad I’m not one of them.

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