Visa finally disapproved cryptocurrency


Got to know this news after seeing my holdings in Tenx dropped drastically. Same thing happened to all cryptocurrency-based Visa card like Bitwala, Cryptopay, and Wirex. For those who have no idea what these cards do, they enable users to make payment using their cryptocurrency via Visa tunnel.

Visa decided that cryptocurrency is not a valid payment system and that’s the reason they called off the partnership.

To me this is not surprising at all. Traditional payment system like Visa and Mastercard should be one of the biggest victims if cryptocurrency is widely adopted one day. That means people will leave centralised authority to start point to point payment. Having no clients for Visa to charge their blood-sucking fee, it is doomsday for them.

It’s great that Visa was once be so supportive to cryptocurrency and by using card like Tenx people found it was the mainstream way to make real use of their digital coins. May be as time went by crypto market has been soaring and Visa started to realise they might be in danger.

After the service shutdown, users will now have to find a new way to spend in the new currency. However, as long as we need to convert into fiat first in order to spend crypto, problems as such will keep arising over and over.

We need a world where buyer and seller only talk in cryptocurrency without fiat at all, and that we called real adoption.

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Smile Challenge


有幸被美女 @irisz 提名参加这么个可爱的活动。去看了看这个标签下的帖子,居然是妹子居多,我一个男人老狗来参加好像有点唐突。但还是不管了,有时还是应该参加一下这样的社交活动。


在这提名我可爱的爽妹妹 @jessie901220 和好哥们 @we1even。

Smiling is the best way to deal with bear market like this. So don’t be distressed by the temporary event and enjoy your life!


1.Pick a photo has your best smile.

2.Nominate your friends to pass your smile, you can nominate as many as you want.

3.Make a post, put the smile of the one nominated you in the left and put your smile in the right. I willgive an example below.

4.Use the tage #smilechallenge for your post.





4.用#smilechallenge 作为一个标签

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Aftermath of Bitconnect 骗局后的废墟

I believe most of us already aware of the collapse of the biggest ponzi Bitconnect. Knowing they might have a very active community on Reddit, immediately I went into the subreddit of Bitconnect the day after BCC went down from $400 to $20 in a night. Felt like I was in a virtual doomsday scanning through those threads by the victims.

Let’s have a quick view of the aftermath in the subreddit which consists of 5k members:

  • Guy got so distressed looking the crashing price on his monitor, his mother entered the room to serve some chicken nuggets, only to get a hysterical scream in the face and plate got hit out of her hand.

  • Unemployed husband bet all his family saving on Bitconnect and lost all the $80k. Have no idea how to face his wife when she’s backed to home. Totally no idea how he should proceed to take care of his family with two sons.

  • Man invested $500k in the scammy game with the help of a business loan, which he planned to withdraw in a month or two, but turned out to be a completely failed speculation.

  • A bloody Suicide Hotline thread was the top pinned post of the day. Guess the operators at the other end will have to deal with the flooding incoming calls. Shit is serious when you see things like this actually happens in an ‘investment’ subreddit.

The community got so hyped at a moment that the moderators have to set it to private. Bet the main reason is to filter out the unnecessary audience with a popcorn in their hands, like me.

Now they have made the subreddit public again.

Unbelievable and eye-opening experience for me today. How absent-minded one has to be to bet all he had in a single investment, let alone the super volatile cryptocurrency, let alone the f*cking obvious scam like Bitconnect.

Somebody just has to learn their lessons the hard way.

想必大家都知道币圈第一大庞氏骗局 Bitconnect 倒台的消息了,一夜之间 400 掉到 20。当下听到的时候,心想这终于来临了。所有币种在 Reddit 都各自自己的圈子,不少还活跃的很,马上就去拜访了 r/Bitconnect,果然哀鸿遍野,整个圈子一片刚刚战败被屠城的样子:

  • 有人盯着电脑屏幕上的价格懵了,他妈妈进房拿鸡块给他吃,却被他歇斯底里吼一脸,手上的碟子还被打翻了。结果底下有个很搞笑的留言,叫他最好把鸡块捡起来了,毕竟鸡块们都比他手上的 BCC 值钱。

  • 无业的丈夫把八万美金的家庭基金全押在这骗局上了,现在不知如何向快回家的妻子交代。下面还有嗷嗷待脯的两个儿子要养。

  • 还有一位勇者把商业贷款借来的五十万刀一把 show hand,结果真的输到只剩 hand。原本打算只玩一两个月就收手,现在收得回来的就真的只有手。

  • 在关于“经济投资”的 Reddit 社区上,当天置顶的帖子居然是防止自杀协会的热线。这可不是说笑的,一时之间我恍如身置虚幻的炼狱之中,估计接线生们可有得忙了。


现在又重新开放了> subreddit

真的是大开眼界,世界无奇不有。一个人是要多愚昧才会把全副身家都押在单一投资项目上,更别说是风险极大的加密货币,更更别说是 T*D 的 Bitconnect 骗局了。有些人真的要吃些血一般的教训才会生性。

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Crypto January sales 大促销

Thi is a picture from my Telegram signal group and they said the market used to crash every mid-term of January, according to the chart history this is quite true. If you have noticed the bottom of every crash is always higher than the last peak, a sign of crypto overall market is growing over time.

Some even said it is due to the Lunar New Year where the Chinese cash out crypto and spend them for the coming festive season. Funny but it might make some sense too, considering the Chinese were the big portion of the market cap.

Here are the things to do for people who:

Love crypto but

  • holding a big bag of altcoins
    Now you can stay away from trading and chart monitoring for a while. Call up your buddies, grab the beers sit back and chill. All you have to do now is HODL and wait for it all to recover.

  • holding more BTC in hand
    This is the best time to shop the altcoins market with average 20% discount. For sure you have some favorite coins on the market right? Grab them now.

  • do not own or own very less crypto, pocket full with fiat
    You are the winner. Pour that fiat into exchanges or buy the coins from your panic selling peers.

Hate crypto

You can laugh at us now, really.



- 而手上全都是山寨币

现在你可以把价格表和交易界面暂时关了,拿出手机叫上三五好友,拿起啤酒 chill 一 chill。过几天再回来一切就会正常了。

- 而手上多数为比特币


- 而手上多数为现金




This is not a financial advise.

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Thrilling moment in BTS 比特股的惊悚时刻


Bitshares has an amazing feature that allows users to borrow funds from the network using your BTS as collateral. I have some small investment in BTS for quite some time and I thought that would be a good idea to borrow some cash out of it. The only risk is that if the real-time feed price drops lower than my call price, my collateral BTS will be seized. In layman words, if the price of BTS drops below my designated price my collateral will be paid to the network for my loan.

“The BTS is strong and I believe in it so much! Why not making use of the feeless loan to make some cash?”

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking and I decided to borrow USD100 with 1.87 collateral ratio with is 392.425 BTS as a guarantee. The feed price at that time was 0.87 USD/BTS and my call price was 0.44 USD/BTS. Meaning if the BTS drop from 0.87 all the way to below 0.44, my 392.425 BTS would be gone for the sake of USD 100 that I borrowed.

And shit happened.


Waking up this morning BTS dropped to hard it almost touches my call price at 0.44 USD. With the chill running down my spines I have to do something to save my collateral.

Open the, click on the borrow USD. This would recall the page that shows my last collateral information. My security is on the cliff.


I would have to lower the risk of being seized by increasing collateral or collateral ratio. Simply pull the collateral ratio bar to the right and you will see the call price is being adjusted to lower price.


Now I have lowered my call price to 0.30 USD/BTS with 2.70 ratios. And I have 566 BTS at the stake now already. The BTS has to drop below this line to claim my collateral.


Input password to confirm the operation. Done.

Totally not fun to play with the loan in such a red season. The feature is nice but you will need a big heart to make use of it. Hope BTS could sustain a little longer and would never cross my bottom line of defense. HODL!

比特股有个很多人不知道的好康头,其中之一就是可以免利息的借贷款,条件是用手上的 BTS 作为抵押金。出于对比特股和 Dan 这个天才的看好,这一阵子其实我手头上慢慢也存了一点比特股,却也是摆在钱包里不闻不问,之前看到 O 神 @oflyhigh 介绍借贷的玩法也没行动,但是已经记在心里。

前几天空闲时就行动起来了,主要是觉得 BTS 价格稳步上升很不错,失去抵押金的风险应该不大,就用了 392.425 BTS 作为押金借出了 100 美金。当时候的价格是 0.87 美金 而我的强平触发价是 0.44,简单来说就是比特股要是跌破 0.44 美金我的 392.425 BTS 就一江春水向东流,永不再见了。这是腰斩的状态也,可能性不高吧,当时我是这么觉得的。



我的 392.425 BTS 已经在悬崖上摇摇欲坠,身姿估计不会太美妙。不行,我不能让它就这样爆仓!

赶紧登录 点开借贷界面再加码 173.81 BTS 把爆仓价降低至 0.30 USD/BTS。总算是暂时稳住了。

要是再继续跌,我就等于用共计 566 BTS 换了 USD 100,算起当初的买入价,血本无归啊!心情好复杂。希望尽快低谷反弹,宝宝知错了。

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What is your reason to HODL 遇红不惊

In the recent correction, I was surprised by myself that I was way calmer than I thought.

During last few big corrections like this with my total investment worth 30% less in a few nights, I can feel my heartbeats was at a higher pace all day. Checking out every 10 seconds. Imaging what to do if all my coins tank to zero. Struggling to execute the ‘buy red’ strategy.

But now I’m unbelievably calm. Maybe I starting to become a seasoned trader/speculator/investor in my past 8 months in this space. Maybe I’ve seen enough in this crazy crypto world. To make sure I’m not blindly confident about the future or just goes numb for all the up and down, I have to list out my reason to HODL in such red season.


1. I’ve been through sh*t like this

Yes, I bought Bitcoin at $19k right before it went down to $12k and I never sell a single Satoshi. Of course, there were wars in my head but the HODL army finally won. That crash in fact, was way worse than what we are going through now. I have no reason not to stand firm in a small correction wave like this.

2. I’ve seen things comeback

At the beginning of spreading my BTC into various altcoins, my portfolio has been floating around 20%~30% loss for a few months. I was sad but wasn’t desperate enough to cut them all, yet I wasn’t brave enough to continue throwing funds at it. Last month, my profile was at 600% gain.

3. I know the fundamental.

I was once the typical dumb money in the market that buys high and sells low, did everything exactly to lose money. Then I started to learn about the fundamental, the technologies behind then prices, the problem these projects are aiming to solve. I manage to put away my faith from the fluctuating price onto something else that is more crucial, the value.

4. “I dare you to drop to zero.”

That is my favorite line that I would be mumbling viciously to myself everytime I stare at the red sea of price charts. By saying that I am sending a message to my subconscious mind that I was ready for my portfolio to become zero for real. And this actually helps me to HODL without a second thought.

From above, maybe you can tell that I’m an aggressive investor. Or maybe I’m not. One thing for sure, I wanted to be involved in this amazing space, as deep as I can.




1. 我…已经不是第一次了

对,不是第一次看到这样的血海了。看着户口里价格为 12,000 美金的比特币,哥可是用 19,000 把它买回来的哦。当然卖与不卖的各种战役在我心里不知上演过多少次,始终我还是坚持了下来不卖。那么大的风浪都走过来了,这种芝麻绿豆小斜坡是不会让我皱一皱眉头的。

2. 我见证过小币们的复仇记

曾经有一度我的投资档案可是一连数个月都是在亏损 20%~30% 的状态。伤心,但不至于绝望到全放手了。上个月春天终于降临,总体上平均回报达到了 600%。

3. 我对币种基础有认识


4. “有本事就给老子跌成零。”



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