The world of ice 冰糖世界


While I witnessed my first ever snow. There is another interesting phenomenon happens at the same time. Due to the special order of weather which a heavy was first poured then followed by a drastic rapid cooling, everything is coated in crystal-clear ice layer.

I called this sugar-coated haw phenomenon. Sugar-coated haw is a famous Chinese snack and is one of my favorite foods. Take a look at the snack itself below.




Image source

Isn’t it nice to look? I can tell you with the full responsibility that they are great to eat too! Best to serve with the sugar coat frozen.

The mother nature just coated everything on the street the same way using ice.





This is my favorite, sugar-coated branches



Sugar-coated wall




Sugar-coated leaves




Sugar-coated bicycles


Lovely to see but a total nightmare to live in such environment. We can barely walk on the sugar-coated walkway. The locals must hope the ice to melt down soon.


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Cryptocurrency stolen from a Ledger wallet 钱包被黑

I came across a news saying that someone opened up his Ledger wallet after one week not touching it, to check the value of his holdings including XRP, Litecoin and Dash only to find out all of them showed zero in balance. Total value reported was over £25000. A huge amount of money indeed.

This is definitely shocking and I was wondering how could this happen? I own a Trezor and Ledger and nothing bad has happened to me yet. Digging down the story which you can view at the original Reddit post here, not to my surprise everything was due to scam and human error.

How could this happen?

  • The scam part

The victim bought a Ledger wallet from eBay seller that comes with a fake Recovery Sheet which has the 24-word phrases already written on it. It then guided the victim to activate the wallet by using this recovery seed.

The fake recovery seed looks like:

Image from

Obviously the scammer also holds another copy of the same seed while the victim thought he was the only one who holds it. When the victim restores the wallet using that seed, same balance of coin was showing up in the device of both the scammer and victim. Next thing, scammer moved all the coins to his another wallet, of course.

  • The human error part

Lack of knowledge, the victim did not know what he was doing at all. I’m not sure how much he did to educate himself. But in this case, he clearly does not know how does a hardware wallet works. If he is well informed, all the traps that the scammer set up in the compromised Ledger package would not work at all at the first sight.

And if he refers to the official or reliable source of information while setting up the wallet. He would know that he can actually generate a new seed but not using the shady one on the sheet.

What’s the lesson?

  • Always buy hardware wallet like Trezor or Ledger from official site if you want to be 100% safe.

  • Educate yourself. If you wouldn’t, no one else would.

  • In the crypto world, you are your own bank. You take full responsibility for your assets.

Know what you are doing or don’t do it at all!


有位网友在第三方买了 Ledger 的硬件钱包结果钱全被盗了。追根究底,原来他买的钱包被人改过了包装,里头教他使用一张写好回复密码的 24 字种子来设置钱包。而事实是诈骗者也拥有同样的种子,所以双方都可以进入同一个钱包。当受害人把钱币都存进去的时候,诈骗者就立马把钱都转走了。


  • 只从官方渠道购买钱包


  • 自己要有足够的相关知识




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City wall in the white 荆州古城墙


Due to the unexpected train delay on the train, our originally planned 2-day-1-night visit at the Jingzhou has shortened to just a few hours in the morning before heading back to Wuhan. Not wishing to just take a glance roughly on this beautiful town, we’ve decided to only pay a visit to the most signature spot, the Old City Wall.

This wall is said to be one of the most well preserved in China. With perimeter in 11km, the old city wall formed in a big rectangular shape with four main gates originally, which now added another four doors as the modern city is now growing in the center part. In the normal season you can even talk a walk around the town on the wall as they are all connected.









The famous broadsword of Guanyu, the most deified general in Chinese history. Said to be built according to the original shape and size in 1 to 1 ratio. At least 2m long and damn heavy that I could not even lift it up a little.




The city wall is encircling the watchtower. The gate of the city wall and the main gate under the watchtower form double gate to enhance the security of the town. Once enemies attacked into the enceinte, the soldiers on the wall could just kill them at once using rocks and arrows. This is why it has another name, Tortuous City Wall.






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My virgin snow 初雪


For the first time I realised this boot is a good buy! 除了才发现这靴子买的值!

I arrived in China during this winter season with a little hope to unlock an achievement, experience my first real, natural snow at 27 years old.

Starting from the Northern side like Qingdao and Weifang, we never expect is actually happen in the warm Southern region, Jingzhou. Although we had to go through a rather unpleasant 10 hour long ride on a train, it was totally worthwhile the moment we stepped on the white snow.


万万没想到我们从北方的青岛和潍坊一路玩下来,居然在较温暖的南方地区,荆州终于看见了雪。虽然这中间还要经历意想不到的高铁停顿的十小时之旅, 踏上雪地的一刻,所有幽怨都一扫而空了。




Everything is covered in white color. Absolutely lovely to be able to see it via my naked eye!

However I still have a small regret that we did not make it in time to witness the falling snow. Now they have all rested on the roofs, steps, leaves, grasses and begins to somehow melts. This leads to the completion of whole photography session using my frozen fingers. Never been this cold!

一切事物都被白色所覆盖,能够用肉眼见证这一切景象真的是很 amazing!


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Ten hours on a train 高铁十小时


Just spent the first record-long journey on a high-speed train from Wuhan to Jingzhou which supposed to be 2 hours. Due to the unexpected heavy rain and snow ahead, we ended up in a 10 hours transit.

Things that happened during this long-ass journey:

  • Made a post on Steemit.

  • Read half of the book The Internet of Money with my Kindle.

  • Took 3 naps in between.

  • Longing to see my first natural snow(excited) -> Saw the snow for the first time(happy) -> See it for too long on a dead train(bored)

  • Someone starts booming weird musics on the phone.

  • Some impatient passengers start to quarel with the train servants for unknown reasons.

  • A mother starts to please her baby by banging empty plastic bottles.

  • A folk behind us starts to randomly kicking our seats.

  • A kid in the other compartment just happened to have a medical condition that they need to broadcast a summon if there is any doctors on board to provide medical assistance.

All in all, I’ve learnt that not only we should be a polite and patient passenger, but bringing a pair of noise-cancelling earphone and sufficient data volume is very vital too on a long journey.


第二次坐高铁就创下可能很久以后都破不了的记录: 把二小时的路程硬是花了十个小时才达到目的地。皆因从武汉到荆州的路上,发生了暴雨暴雪等未可知因素。实在是心累。


  • 在 Steemit 写了篇文章。

  • 用 Kindle 把神作 The Internet of Money 看了一半。

  • 小眠了三次。

  • 从遇到初雪的期盼,到看到初雪的兴奋,但因为只能坐在位子上干看太久而枯燥的心境转变。

  • 有人开始用手机播放听不懂的歌曲。

  • 有位母亲开始敲打空塑料瓶用交响乐来取悦她的小孩。

  • 失去耐心的乘客开始找服务员争吵。

  • 后面的大叔开始随机性踢我们的座位。

  • 某车厢有位小孩病发,以至需要广播寻找车上具有医疗能力的人士提供协助。


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STEEM could reach $50 in long term 五十刀的梦

Recently STEEM is breaking all time high record now sitting at $8, most of us have lost our mind and have no idea what’s going on. Of course for whatever the reasons are, we steemians are surely cheerful for this rise.

While some of the big time STEEM believers foresee that STEEN could reach $10 months ago. At current trend this is absolutely achievable. And I noticed some of the whales already starts to power down and I guess they just want to lock some profit which is good for them. Buying in STEEM at this moment will be sounds like a not-so-wise plan.

I’ve been trading BTC/Altcoins following the signal from a Telegram channel. The performane has been great so far. Yesterday they gave a signal about STEEM finally. To my amazement, they predicted STEEM could even reaching $50 for long term hold! This is a figure I can’t even dreaming of.

So for based on my trust on STEEM and this channel, I shall:

  • Never power down or cash out my holdings.
  • Buy more STEEM while I still can
  • Surely, keep mining STEEM using my brain!

What you say?


Steem can take off soon, buy some below 47000, it’s showing consolidation in last few years , I have seen same pattern with status yesterday. Steem is second most used Blockchain usecase and great product. It’s also a great coin to hold long term . Target for short term is above 80000. Long term target: 50$

STEEM 近来的大飚车已经让很多人跌破了眼睛,相信连预言此局面的大神如 @deanliu 也不敢置信这么快就有突破性的发展。照这样的趋势发展下去,$10 绝对是手到拿来。

在这样高涨的形势下,有好些大鲸已经开始 power down 套现了。可能他们觉得先要锁定这部分的盈利,将来再买进吧,毕竟 what go up must go down。没有对错,对他们也是一大好事,毕竟他们当中有很多都是元老级别,在 STEEM 不值一文时就已经入场。另一方面在 STEEM 价格高企的现在,持续买进似乎有点笨,但这个是以 $10 为顶峰而言。

之前分享过我一直有在根据某 Telegram crypto signal 进行比特币和山寨币的交易,成绩颇可观。昨天他们终于推荐了STEEM 的买进信号。令人惊吓的是,他们居然预测长期来看的话 STEEM 可以达到 $50!这可是做梦都不敢想的数字啊!早知道他们的信号命中率可不低的。而且以五十刀为目标的话,现在的价格就是太便宜了。

由此,有鉴于我对 STEEM 和这个频道的信心,我决定:

  • 永不 power down 或套现
  • 有机会便买进更多 STEEM
  • 最后当然是坚持在 Steemit 上用脑挖矿!


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