Former ancient residence of a female writer 李清照故居




We have reached the final destination in China before the end of our trip, Wuhan.

This is the former residence of a famous Chinese female poet, Liqingzhao(died at 1155). After much wandering from places to places’, she finally decided to settle down in this simple garden and spent the rest of her life here.

Costed RMB 20 per person to visit. Many tourist spots in China is running paid model by various third parties, and not all of them are worthwhile. This garden could be one of them IMO.



我发现中国有很多名胜都被各种第三方承包下来变成收费景点了。这个易安居的入场费为每人 20 人民币,价格相较园里的内容而言,我个人觉得是不大值得的。


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Unboxing of Oneplus5T, best Android phone to date.

Since I own the OnePlus 3 one year ago and still using it now everyday, I was deeply amazed by the quality and value that comes with this phone.

So the first thing I recommended to my girlfriend when she want to upgrade her was the latest model from the same brand, OnePlus 5T.


Simplistic box in white color.


Right after the top cover was removed. Elegant way to present the phone at the first sight. Four little bumps in the corner to help stabilize the device.


We bought the China version so the back was a label full of Chinese which can be removed with just a pull.


Unlike the previous models, this time the company decided to give away a free transparent case which I thought was rubbish but to my surprise it turned out to be a really good case.

Together there is a simple guide and sim tool as well. Still doesn’t come with earphone though.


Dash charge is one of the killer features of OnePlus. One hour charging session will almost get your phone fully charged. The only drawback is both the specific adapter and cable must be used in pair to activate the ultra fast Dash charge.


In my view this phone is awesome because:

  • Unbeatable value. Pricing at 2999 RMB for flagship specifications that you can find on the Samsung.

  • Most friendly OS environment OnePlus maybe is the only company that encourages user to root their device without voiding warranty.

  • If you are looking for tge sleekiest android expirience, look no further for 5T is running HydrogeOS/OxygenOS that is very close to stock android.

Oneplus 5T 是目前我觉得性价比最高的手机,没有之一。2999 人民币的价格能让你拥有三星等大牌子旗舰手机的硬件,性能更是安卓手机里最顺畅的,因为使用了接近原生系统的 HydrogeOS 或是 OxygenOS 系统。

另外一个最大的特点就是一加这厂家非常鼓励社区针对自家系统的开发。不仅系统多数的代码都是开源的,连 root 了都不会取消原厂维修担保,实在是开发者的一大福音。


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2017 summary 一年总结


This is the last day of 2017 and I shall the great timing to conclude my overall personal achievement throughout the year.

Thanks for the nomination from @angelina6688 to take part in this meaningful event. Definitely a healthy habit to constantly look back at what we’ve achieved at a yearly basis.


2017 has been an awesome year for me financially. Stepped into the world of cryptocurrency from June, I’ve tripled my net worth to SGD 70k thanks to the awesome performance of Bitcoin and altcoins.

I had a non-written goal starting this year which is to make extra SGD 20k excluding my salary. To be honest I had no clue how should I achieve this, but always keeping the money-minder focus, things seemed to worked out unexpectedly well.


My career life has been normal like past few years. In fact, as I devoted most of my free time in cryptocurrency, this had somehow drew my energy away from my work. At some point of time I even thought my current job was being redundant as I found that you can easily make more in the virtual world than what I could in this job.

After all, as an system administrator I finally figured that this can be the most suitable job to combine with my new passion in cryptocurrency. Love my job again.


Had a minor fracture on my left wrist pulled me back from my prime strength back in 2016. Took out the muscle up from regular exercise and stopped my workout for 3 months was such a pain.

Luckily I managed to resume my workout routine for last couple of months. Gaining back the lost strength definitely feels good.

After all, it has been a really fruitful year for me. Appreciate it 2017!

感谢可人的 @angelina6688 提名我参加由 @yellowbird 发起2017年度steemit中文区《我的2017》年终总结写作活动。回望一年中所有的得失,多么有意义的一件事!


2017 绝对是个人财富大爆发的一年。从年中开始加入币圈投资的开始到现在,个人净资产已经三级跳了。这是完全意想不到的。其实年头心里就有打算今年要赚个新币20k的小计划,但心里当时是完全没谱的,也不知道如何实现。











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Little fun notes in the village 村里小趣


One of the signature artwork from Yangjiabu, the wall art made by wood printing. Painted by hand and later pasted on the door for expelling the evil and bring in the luck.



This is the common grasses everywhere in China. Much different from the wild grass in Malaysia. I admire the rich volume and the long hair style of this lovely grass. They are like the waves on the land.



During the late Qing dynasty in 1900s, the branch post office was established to handle the podtal and telegraph service. Not sure when did this mailbox retired from the service, but it will keep on standing here telling the history, silently.

这个邮箱设立自 1900 年代的晚清时期,当年政府第一次在潍县设支局办理邮寄和电报等业务。现在这邮箱当然从原有的任务退休很久了,以后也应该只会继续屹立在原地,对来人静静的诉说着它经历过的历史。


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Ancient cutural town - Yangjiabu 杨家埠


Yangjiabu is known as the origin place for the chinese kites and wood printing. Yang’s family has been making these traditional artwork for hundred of years. The unique village structure has drawn more than one million visitors every year.





This tower is the first building that you would see from the front gate. Nice looking but I believe it is newly build for the sake of storing the ancient kites and acts for exhibition purpose as well.

这座高塔是进入小村以后首先遇见的建筑物。内里现代化的建筑风格表明了它并不是个古建筑,主要用以收藏风筝比赛用的参赛作品。里面有个”世界之最”的最长风筝,形态为龙头蜈蚣身,长达 350 米。当年的风筝比赛冠军,扬名天下。



Some of the wall arts are well-maintained and refurbished due to a TV series was flimed exactly inside this ancient town.





Part of the Yangjiabu town is full of hawker stalls that selling souveniors. But in the chilling weather of -5℃ we can hardly see any visitors, as a result most of the stall owners stayed in the house as well. The town presents a cold, desserted feeling.



Sun already starts to set at 5pm. Having a shorter daytime, I rarely see the sun locate right in the middle of the sky like what we normaly see in the South East Asia. Starting from 2pm to 5pm the sunlight stays in the sunset mode. Warmer lighting, longer shadow, perfect for photography, but confusing for new-comer like me in time estimation.

Location: Futing St, Hanting Qu, Weifang Shi, Shandong Sheng, China


地点: 山东省潍坊市寒亭区杨家埠


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Interesting grass rooftop of Chinese old building 古建筑茅草屋顶


There are some buildings in the Yangjiabu village topped their roof with dried plants. Not sure what is the name of it. Each of the roof have a thick layer and I guess they works great in expeling the rain at the same time very lighweight that might reduce the burden of the building stucture.



If you have noticed the inversed U shape at the edge of roof, every grass rooftop has them. They seems like made by cement. In my opinion they are used to act as weight to press down the light grass and the U shape is not to block the exit of water coming from the top.

Brilliant design and looks great too.

如果你也注意到了屋顶边缘的倒 U 型的形状,每个茅草屋顶都有它们,看起来是用水泥造成的。我想,除了可以作为重量把轻飘飘的茅草屋顶压住之外,倒 U 型的设计也提供了排水的空间。



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