The Seven Day B&W Challenge - Day 4

Day 4


The challenge roles:

7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life
Present one image every day for seven days
No people
No explanation
Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags


用 #sevendaybnwchallenge 作为其中的一个标签

Thanks for the nomination from the sporty @melaleuca

很开心被阳光的 @melaleuca 提名参加此活动。

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Ledger Nano S first-time setup walkthrough

After the unboxing of Ledger Nano S, I shall show you the basic setup and overview of this device.

The Walkthrough



Ledger does not have an in-built battery and it has to be plugged to a computer in order to power up.

Plug it up with micro-USB cable and you shall see the welcome message telling you that “Pressing both buttons to start“.


Press the corresponding tick button to configure as a new device.


The very first step will be setting up a PIN code which will be used to access your device every time. Press both buttons to proceed.

3 pin.gif

The total digit for the PIN would be four. Left button to decrease the number and right button to increase. Confirm the current number by pressing both buttons, and proceed set the next digit.

4 pin.gif

If you want to undo any mistake and to retype again. Cycle the digit to above 9 or below 0 there will be an Erase button. Pressing both button and the previously entered digit will be removed so that you can insert a new one again.

5 pin confirm.gif

After inserting four digits the fifth digit will be a Tick sign. Confirm and proceed to retype the four-digit PIN again.


The third step I would say is the most crucial step throughout the whole setup process, backup the recovery phrase. This recovery phrase is all you have to own to restore your whole device in case you forgot the PIN that you’ve just set, or lost the physical device. Never reveal this to anyone unless you decided to let them own all of your digital assets inside.


Write down the 24-word of recovery phrase following the sequence on the Recovery Sheet that comes in the box. Use a non-erasable pen to do it and you may want to copy the phrase to another piece of paper just for the sake of redundancy.


After all 24 words have cycled through the final step is to confirm that what you have written down on paper is correct.


The Ledger will prompt you to enter a word at a certain position. For example, it would ask you to Select word #23. Use the button to navigate the options and press both buttons to confirm the answer.
The process will repeat for four times.


You’ve had now gave a PIN to your Ledger and wrote down the recovery phrase. Your device is now ready to use.

Content of the device

6 overview.gif

There are some installed applications inside which is Bitcoin wallet, Ethereum wallet, Fido U2F, and Settings. We will not talk much about the Bitcoin and Ethereum wallet as that should be in another guide.

7 birghtness.gif

In the Settings -> Display -> Brightness, you can adjust the brightness of the device from 1 to 6 degree. The default value is 3.

8 rotate.gif

Settings -> Display -> Rotate to make a 180 degree rotation for the display. You can make use of this feature to decide your buttons at the top or bottom. In this case, if I rotate my default screen then I will have to use the button at the bottom using other fingers like the thumbs. Not bad for having this option for a more personalized experience.

9 invert.gif

You can even set the positive screen for a negative one. Personally I’ prefer the default positive display.

9a auto lock.gif

Inside Settings -> Security -> Auto-lock, you can set a certain timeout period to auto-lock the device just to reduce the chance that you might accidentally leave your device opened while you are away.

9b reset.gif

By doing Settings -> Device -> Reset all you are going to lose everything in the device and do a factory reset to hold nothing, exactly like how it was first created. You will need to provide the PIN to perform this action. Use this with caution.


  • Ledger Nano S is a wonderful hardware wallet with a huge set of features to play with.
  • Protect your 24-word recovery seed.
  • Remember your PIN.

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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Cheers to the big green day 一片绿


We’ve reached an all-time-high market cap which is $638,678,051,703 as of now. And for the first time, the first 100 coins in the are all in GREEN!

This is kind of “strange” given previously it was just the internal fight between BTC and Altcoins. When the BTC bulls, all Altcoins lie in the bloodbath; The BTC corrects, Altcoins starts to bull. Meanwhile the market cap hovering about the same point.

After all, BTC finally to friend with Alts and they decided to bull together especially the latter. Looking at the ever-increasing total market cap which explains one thing only: people are flooding in cryptocurrency!

Started my journey in crypto by June this year and it has been definitely bumpy. Knowing the importance of diversification I spent much of my initial BTC into various Altcoins. After the bubble during July~August was popped, I wash my face with the tears every once in a while. Today finally they are all back to green, so much pain in the arse looking back at the up and down. Of course, things can become red anytime in this crazy period. I just have to cheer at this comeback while I still can.

May this is a good warm-up for 2018. Keep bulling!

今天第一次在 看到第一页的一百个币种全部是绿色


今天就不一样了,总市值已经突破最高纪录,截稿为止是 $638,678,051,703。这意味着一件事情,全世界的人都涌向币圈!

今年六月是我初踏入币圈的时候,深谙投资之道就是不把鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里 ,我和快就将手上多数的比特币换成各路其余币。在七月的其余币“泡沫”爆裂之后,这段日子我不少时间都在以泪洗脸。等到今天终于扬眉吐气了,当然算起来要是保留比特币不换的话现在都半退休了。我知道,在这疯狂的圈子里什么东西都是说变就变。可能明天就全红了也不一定,但是起码在我还能庆祝的时候还是赶紧庆祝一下。

希望这是进入美好的 2018 年的热身,然后大展拳脚吧!

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Drawing Challenge#12 - Women on a chair 椅子上的女人

this (2).jpg

I’ve spent 3 hours on this artwork mainly using Copic Markers and white pen on a grey book.

This is an entry for the People On The Chair drawing contest hosted by @helene.

At first, I looked at this theme and thought it was quite a dull idea. The first thing came to my mind was who am I going to draw sitting on a chair. What is the sitting pose and who that going to be, must be a celebrity since there is no way to make my entry outstanding.

But I was dead wrong.

After studying more about the materials, I found out the theme was actually really brilliant. Any people on any chair would match the theme and that absolutely should not limit to sitting only. And the chair is in no way should be restricted to ordinary four-legged chairs.

It could be a criminal being executed on an electricity chair, people thrilled on a roller coaster chair, dance on a chair, a king sitting on a throne, and so on. The pose combined the type of chair is definitely a good way to tell a story.

My material this time is a depressed lady who is being tied down to a chair. Is she suffer from home violence? Being kidnapped? Interrogation? Or she was just playing games with someone? She might not even be depressed at all! Your guess.

这幅作品花了三个小时,主要适用马克笔和白墨笔在灰色画本上作画。这同时也是 @helene 举办的椅子上的人绘画比赛的参赛作品。





The Drawing Breakdown






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How much do a Malaysian need to make a living out of SBD?


I never cash out the author reward into fiat since the day I started writing here. The most I did with the reward was just trading STEEM/SBD, or buy some Cardano with the hot SBD which obviously turned out to be a great buy-in surging from $0.13 to $0.4 as of now. This makes me never realize how profitable for Steemit writer given the recent SBD frenzy and rise of STEEM price.

I’m a Malaysian where the national average salary is about RM4279 (about US$987) per month. How much should I make in the author reward if I wish to make a living out of SBD?

Let’s do the math


  • There are 30 days in a month
  • Make one post every day
  • Rewards payout in (50%/50%)

In order to make $987 (about RM4279), I will have to make 987/30 = $32.9 per day.

One SBD equals to $11.35 at the moment, I will need to make 3 SBD if I author a post every day.

According to the formula,

Author reward in SBD = (Total post payout * 0.75)/2

We know that we are going to make 3 SBD hence the formula to find out Total post payout will be

Total post payout = (3*2)/0.75

And the answer is $8 that we are going to score a post.


With some consistency, one can easily hit that $8 average payout. You can pull that number drastically up to at least $20 by being a quality contributor for @utopian-io. Not to mention that you can combine tricks like buying or selling votes, renting SP, or making use of quality service like @qurator to score consistent upvotes.

This is quite mind-blowing considering all one has to do is to make an average $8 payout to match our national average income at RM4279. In fact, most of my fellow Malaysians are not even making that much in their current job (under 30 years old).

Keep writing and the surprise will be waiting for you ahead.

我从没把 Steemit 上赚到的钱提现,在最近 Steem 发力和 SBD 疯狂发力之下,想算一算到底需要多少 SBD 才抵得上马来西亚的人均收入。


前提:一个月里有三十天,每天发一篇文,用 50/50 作为奖励方式。

马来西亚的平均月收入大约为美金 $987,意味着我每天必须赚取987 (近 RM4279),意味着我每天必须赚取 987/30 = $32.9

一个 SBD 目前价格为 $11.35,那就是每一篇文都必须有 3 SBD 的分成。 参考以下的公式,

Author reward in SBD = (Total post payout * 0.75)/2

3 代入 Author reward in SBD ,算得 Total post payout 的公式成了

Total post payout = (3*2)/0.75

答案就是 $8


平均每篇文 $8 真心不高,如果利用 @utopian-io 更可以大大提高到起码 $20。更不用说那些买卖赞和租借 SP 的小伎俩。还有利用 Qurator 高素质服务也可收取一定的点赞

事实上,身边的同龄朋友们(30岁以下)多数都没有达到所谓的平均月收入,这就让演算结果更让人震惊了。我所 follow 的写手中有好多每篇收入都是 30 以上,这样的收入目前而言想必在许多国家都很吃得开了。

Image source

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Get free upvotes without spending SP and SBD - Qurator


One of the best bot services I’ve been using since my very early day in Steemit is the @qurator. As an absolute plankton, I always looking for ways to increase the payout of my posts. And I’ve tried everything possible to achieve that, buying votes, renting SP, and so on. All of these were based on the expense of using your SP or SBD. While @qurator provides an awesome upvoting service without consuming your assets.

How thing works


As you can see the table taken from their recent post, there are 6 Tiers from Tier 0 to Tier 5 with the higher tier granted with higher upvoting weight.

The highest tier one can achieve without spending SP is Tier 2, which requires to upvote the daily qurator 7 times a week. As the @qurator keeping to post every day, all you have to do is upvote at least 7 of them. Easy, right? Here I show you how to make a one-off setup and get the free upvotes forever.

The Walkthrough

First you have to register to become a member and the registration fee is 2 Steem/SBD. We clearly are going to send the Steem during this SBD-frenzy period($1.93 vs $10.26).

1) In your own Steemit profile, select Wallet. Under the Steem wallet selectTransfer. 2) Set **qurator** in theTocolumn. 3) Set theAmount` to 2.
4) Submit.

Now you will have basic upvote which is 1.2% for life.

Unless you decided to vote manually, next we are going to setup auto vote for @qurator via Steemvoter:

If you haven’t already signed up:

Sign up using an email address and a set of username and password just like every other simple site.

Press on Add Account. Then you will have to input your Steem account name and the private posting key as the service will need that to vote on your behalf.

Select Rulesand this will be the place you set up the rules for the bot to follow.
Put qurator under the Author of posts to vote on. Account name supposed to be your own Steem account. Leave the default value for the Vote Delay in Minutes.

Vote Power Percentage should be at least make your vote worth $0.01. If you are really low on SP and couldn’t generate even $0.01 at 100%, put 100% then. This is to discourage capable members from voting 1% just to take advantage of the system which sounds pretty fair to me. Refer to the this statement:

1% = $0.00 will not be counted
100% = $0.00 will be counted
Any % = at least $0.01 will be counted

Make sure the Make this Rule Active is ticked and Save Rule.

In the same page, you shall see a new rule was set and ready. You may further manage this rule by the Delete and Edit options.

Since this is your first time setting up Steemvoter service, you want to make sure everything is working properly where the bot is actually executing your rules.


In the homepage, there is a Logsto record what the bot has voted in a long list. In the image above I can tell that a recent vote on a post from @qurator was a success. Other than this way, you can too visit the @qurator page every now and then to make sure your vote is cast.


@qurator will update the “Qurator Tiers and Upvote Weights Update“ once in a while so you can make sure your name appears correspondingly.

The upvote weight and upvote worth will change slightly over time. Above shows the latest stats and you can see that Tier 2 are getting $0.35 vote every day at the cost of 7 votes, not bad at all.

You should soon see you appear in Tier 2. Enjoy the free vote!

All the tables included in this post were screenshots from the posts of @qurator.
The Qurator project is brought to you by @scrooger, @gingerninja, @boontjie and @goldendawne

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors

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