Advertise Steemit to my favorite blogger 继续介绍 Steemit 给喜欢的博主

To be the continuation of the first attempt of bringing my favorite content creator in the last post, today I’m going to extend the effort to the owner of Playpcesor.

Playpsecor is a Chinese blog site focus on sharing time management and cloud office workstation using free digital tools like Google office suite, Evernote and so on. For instance, you will learn how to play around with the Google Photos with Snapseed, how to use Google Trips for planning a travel itinerary, sync Evernote with Google Calendar or manage expenses using Evernote.

I found this site has been useful in teaching me how to lift up my efficiency in daily life by making use of the ready-made technology around me. They will recommend new App or software for certain aspect, I will make sure pay a visit to the site once in a while to not missing out anything interesting. So why not recommend the author about our awesome platform so that we can all be benefited?

I’ve attached the content of the Chinese Email that I wrote to him just now.

今天延续了上期安利我钟爱的画家来 Steemit 之后,今天要依样葫芦的把部落格电脑玩物的作者拉来。

电脑玩物主要内容是由 Esor 撰寫的雲端辦公室、數位筆記、時間管理等讓人生更美好工作方法。提倡使用生活中科技便利来提高办事效率。在那里可以学到比如如何在 Google Photos 使用修图神器 SnapseedGoogle Trips 自動規劃一日遊行程讓 Evernote 筆記與 Google 日曆自動連動,和 如何用 Evernote 提醒、管理所有定期支出

在他的文章市场也会分享有趣的 App 和软件,还有很多很有用的心得。我在里头不可不谓获益良多,所以确保时常偶尔会回去看看有什么新奇的分享,以免错过。既然如此他就是我拉来 Steemit 的最佳人选啦。反正他也有用别的社交媒体分享创作内容,何不在这里分享呢?


致电脑玩物站长 Esor Huang ,

我是电脑玩物部落格的长期支持者,在你的数位工作法的分享下获益不少。你在 Google+ 和脸书上都设有官方户口,我想在这里介绍你一个更好的平台,Steemit

Steemit 是建立在区块链技术上去中心化社交网站,在这里所有的内容创作者都可以得到直接的创作回报。读者可以通过点赞为作者直接提供回酬,点赞者也会有相应的报酬。这里没有广告,网站本身也不抽成,是前所未有的全新社交模式。

既然站长都已经在好几个平台上分享新内容,何不在这里尝试一下?花不了你十分钟的功夫。 如果你愿意来尝试,对我们的好处有:

- 身为重视读者的我终于可以用实际行动来支持你的创造,通过点赞来提供金钱上的回报。
- 我不需分心在多个网站上,在 Steemit 上就可以阅读你的分享。
- 你可以真正的投身于区块链的拥抱之中,看看一反传统的社交网站是如何运作的。
- 你可以收到直接的金钱回报,不需要广告和任何中介。
- 你可以收获来自世界各地的粉丝。
- 你只需在既有的创作上再次分享,省时省力,是一个没有成本的尝试。


Steemit 官方正式蓝皮书

30分钟全面搞懂 Steem

新人之 Steem 介绍

我个人于今年七月加入了这个平台,如今天天坚持写作,总收获也有将近五百美金。有兴趣的话可以来我的 Steemit 专页上看看。



This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Advertise Steemit to my favorite blogger 继续介绍 Steemit 给喜欢的博主’

Giants in the Oil sector entering world of Blockchain 能源界巨头们开始进军区块链世界

Numerous energy giant firms are partnering on the blockchain-based technology.

Shell, BP, and Statoil backing this technology to enhance certain complicated processes, with a plan to be fully operational before 2019. Several members of the oil consortium carried out the first blockchain prototype test involving an oil cargo shipment containing African crude oil which was shipping to China. The experiment demonstrated that the efficiency of certain processes can be hugely improved with the aid of blockchain based platform.

This might not be the good news to the world of cryptocurrency but Bitcoin can be benefited in this case as it is still the main ticket to access most of the altcoins. As more giants from different fields start to realize the power of blockchain technology, this could create a huge demand for the relative talent in the market. As a result blockchain technology can gradually improve and evolve at faster pace undoubtedly.

Maybe soon we can see the existence Blockchain Engineer would be as normal as a Human Resource to any company?


Shell , BP 和 Statoil 如今正在研究区块链技术的潜力一解决某些特定的复杂过程,计划赶在 2019 年之前推行。在这期间原油联盟里的数个成员已经展开了实验,包括把装有非洲原油的货船运往中国。实验结果显示在区块链的技术帮助下,某些过程的效率都大大提升了。


或许有一天,区块链工程师在一间公司的普通程度会和人力资源部 (HR)一样?

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Giants in the Oil sector entering world of Blockchain 能源界巨头们开始进军区块链世界’

Start to bring your favorite content creators to Steemit 把你喜欢的内容创造者带来这里吧

Steemit has become my most visited sites, getting rid of Facebook is easy for me as I already regard that was the most time-wasting stuff of my life. But I still regularly visit YouTube for there are still some interesting channels that I cannot live without. For example the NBA and Vox channel. These are the big brands and won’t be easy to land their foot in a new place like Steemit. However, I also subscribed an interesting yet educational personal channel, namely Marcello Barenghi.

Marcello Barenghi is an Italian artist who also known as “the best artist in the world” by most of his fans. By using tools like airbrush, acrylics, pencil, markers and much more, he can recreate a hyper-realistic art on a paper or canvas. Let’s enjoy some of his masterpieces.



All images and video are taken from the artist personal site:, feel free to pay him a visit.

I thought that would be a great idea to introduce Steemit to Mr. Marcello Barenghi. If he ever agrees to give it a try, there are a couple of advantages for us all:

  • I can enjoy his art creating process right here on Steemit.
  • I can pay my respect by upvoting so that he can earn real money while the YouTube’s like gives him nothing at all.
  • He can broaden his fan base here
  • He can earn direct reward without advertisement and commissions.
  • No extra work for him as he already shares the same things anyway on the other social sites.

All I did was just sending him an email with the content below. I briefly explain how Steemit can benefit his artist career at the same time use my artwork’s reward for example.

Email content

Hi Mr. Marcello Barenghi,

I’m a fan of your realistic art for a long while since I discovered your YouTube channel. You have a huge fanbase, millions of YouTube subscription and now running a crowdfunding event on Patreon. Since you are making a living by creating art, I hereby introduce you the Steemit.

Steemit is an awesome platform for publishing your amazing artworks and instantly get rewarded. You can profit directly through follower‘s vote and no one is in between you and your fans to draw commission like what YouTube does. You can google it or have a quick read on the links below to understand how this platform works:

Steem official bluepaper:

For better illustration, I joined Steemit since July 2017 and has been earning up to $500 to date. I created art and shared it on the platform too.

  • $4.57 for a 30-minute artwork with pencil and ink pen. You can see the actual post here.
  • My largest project with 49 votes and $23.94. You can see the actual post here.
  • This is by far my highest voted post for a total $99.64. You can see the actual post here.

All you have to do is to share your upcoming or previous works on Steemit and promote it like what you did on YouTube. Please ask me if you have any inquiries and I shall be honored to assist you. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


I will start approaching my favorite channels or blog authors using personal contact like this. Though this is way less efficient than what @jerrybanfield does in advertising Steemit in large scale as his witness service, I find a way to add value to this amazing society too. Hope I can score one success or two by doing so, it is going to be a win-win.

Steemit 已经成了我花时间最多的网站之一,抛弃脸书对我来说还是轻而易举的,因为很早之前就发觉这类社交软件最是浪费时间而不带来任何好处。但很多时候还是会上别的网站来关注有趣的信息,因为在 Steemit 里找不到。其中之一就是 YouTube 里大名鼎鼎的 Marcello Barenghi.

Marcello Barenghi 是位意大利籍艺术家,粉丝们都称他为世上最好的画家。在 YouTube 上有过百万的订阅量。他主要的作品风格是高度写实主义,画出来的物件都是活灵活现,仿佛是立体的一般。上面可以看到他的舒张作品,有兴趣的话可以到他的官网朝圣:

如果能够把如此的超巨画家带来 Steemit,好处有:

  • 我可以在这里就观赏到他的大作,不用分心上 YouTube。
  • 我可以直接用投票带给他实际的金钱收益。YouTube 上的赞可没什么用。
  • 他可以扩展自己的粉丝群。
  • 他可以有额外的直接金钱收入,没有中介没有抽成。
  • 他几乎不需要做多余的功夫,因为只需把分享在其他网站上的功夫在这里再做一次就好。

我寄了一封电子邮件到他的个人信箱,内容请看上面的英文版本。我简单的介绍了加入 Steemit 会给他带来的好处,同时也用我的绘画帖来作为例子,把赤裸裸的收入摆在他眼前,完全贯彻 Money Talks 的理念。希望可以吸引到他吧。

今天开始我会陆续对我关注的内容作家安利 Steemit 这个平台。当然相对 @jerrybanfield 的 Steemit 广告服务而言我这个是小巫见大巫的。怎样都好,我总是为平台贡献一份棉力了。

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘Start to bring your favorite content creators to Steemit 把你喜欢的内容创造者带来这里吧’

First scenery sketching by the lakeside 湖边写生


I’ve been spending several weekends in a row blogging in Steemit since I decided to involve actively in this new found community. Things got bored really soon and I think this is a good chance having some fun outdoor today. There is a beautiful lakeside nearby my place and I always wanted to spend a leisure afternoon with @jessie901220 here someday, I can experiment with some scenery sketching skills too.

美好的周日,中 Steem 毒已深的我决定不再躲在房间里埋头写作,来个久违的户外写生吧。在新加坡 Chinese Garden 一带有个大湖,就在住的地方附近,环境清幽,早就想和 @jessie901220 来这里度过一个悠闲的下午了。


This is the lakeside by Chinese Garden, Singapore. Clear sky with a calm big lake is going to be a great material for the sketching. This is a fishing zone too, you can see people fishing with various tools and some of them were skillful enough to harvest generous amount of fishes.


Finally I got the chance to pose this legendary move that I learned from the TV or comics when the artist start to sketch the scenery. Not sure what this trick does anyway haha.
终于有机会摆出传说中写生摆的 Pose,说真的我也不懂有什么用处,懂行的朋友请来解惑。


After the posing warm-up session, it’s time to get the real work started.
在一顿摆 Pose 拍照热身完毕之后,终于可以坐下来好好写生了。


For the scene were too wide it is good to lock down a specific area to draw from. I chose the left side of the lake for it has richer objects like the trees and buildings for the content.


Use heavier line to confirm the objects.


Added the buildings which are the local HDBs and where we are staying.


Inverted image in the water.


Enhance the details and we are almost done. We can definitely touch up more to make it more lively but my arse already complaining for sitting at a hardwood this long.
把细节强化一遍,大致上就完成了。后期可以再加工,但是现在腰都有点疼了,就此打住吧。 (2).gif.gif)
Bright sky and gentle breeze, what a perfect place to hanging around.


No easel no watercolors and various kind of brushes, only a pencil and sketchbook will suffice for sketching. This is why I love sketching so much, top choice for lazy artist.


Mobike and Obike, we biked here from our place which is 10 minutes away. Thankfully, they are not taken after our session so that we can biking back the same way.

Lastly, I present you the author himself. 最后附上作者本人。

She was just beside me practicing her singing. 她就在一旁练歌作伴

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Drawitbetter Challenge #1 Master Roshi 龟仙人

I’ve spent 30 minutes on this artwork. Ink on A4 size paper.

This is an entry for a drawing contest by @sirsensei which you can take part here with the theme, Sensei. Sensei is a Japanese honorific term that is literally meant as the person born before another. This can be translated as a teacher or a master too.

Master Roshi from the Dragon Ball is the first Sensei to Goku. His most destructive skill is the Kamehameha which he taught to Goku later. He is the most humane role in the comics too for being a good teacher, righteous hero at some crucial moments. He too has some weaknesses like his lust for women, sometimes taking petty advantages of others. Overall, he is the first one came to my mind for the Sensei theme.

这幅作品花了三十分钟来完成,主要用的是墨笔在 A4 纸上。

此作品将会用来参加 @sirsensei 所举办以 Sensei 为主题的绘画比赛。 Sensei 是日本字,在中文同意同音先生。通常有着老师,师傅和达人等意思。

来自七龙珠的龟仙人是第一个出现在脑里 Sensei 代表。他是悟空在书里的第一个师傅,传授了他最厉害的招式,龟波气功。龟仙人也是一个很人性化的角色。作为一个师傅,他正义,识大体,在危急关头懂得挺身而出。当然他也有不少弱点,平时有点贪生怕死,还非常好女色,懂不懂看到美女就流鼻血,非常搞笑。

Breakdown of drawing


Rough sketch using pencil.



Outline the character using an ink pen, starting from the head first.



Continue to the body.



Erase those pencil sketch after the complete outline is done using an ink pen.



Using a pencil to tone the shape of shadow, no smudging is needed. Enclosed the image with a marker without proper dimension square with giving the drawing more comics feel.


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Are you still waiting for a crash 比特币的最佳入场时机

I was the first amongst my friends to invest in cryptocurrency, it all started from a shady money game from May 2017.

May 18, 2017: BTC = $1892 Starting I was still comparing current price the dirt cheap price a few years ago when bitcoin was priced at a few hundred dollar. Bought some anyway after realizing how powerful is the blockchain technology.

June 01, 2017: BTC = $2351 Just over two weeks, the price broke through the 2k level. And I told my girlfriend, I missed those days when I can buy a whole bitcoin from my monthly saving, now I almost can’t afford one with my full month salary.

August 09, 2017: BTC = $3261 As my confidence level going up with the price, I started to persuade friends to look into this innovative blockchain technology, perhaps they can invest in a small amount using the spare money. They didn’t buy my advice.

October 27, 2017: BTC = $5786 Seeing the ever-rising price, some of them starting to consult me the way to buy bitcoin. Told me they will buy after the next correction as the price were too high at the moment. My response was, if you plan to invest it in long term it doesn’t matter what price you were buying now. They insisted on waiting.

November 03, 2017: BTC = $7277 We’re hitting all-time high again within a week. I screenshot the current price and sent it to my still-waiting friend and asked: “Now you tell me, what price is too high?”

Image from Pixabay


May 18, 2017: BTC = $1892 当时天天把价格和数年前几百块一个的白菜价比特币比较,觉得现在真的好贵。但是了解区块链技术的强大后,还是花钱买了一些。

June 01, 2017: BTC = $2351 才过了半个月,价格就突破了两千大关。我和女友说,刚开始买入时用存下来的月薪还可买到一个比特币,现在就快一个月的工钱都买不起一个了。

August 09, 2017: BTC = $3261 八月初,看着价格不断欣欣向荣,我也开始游说身边的朋友有闲钱的话可以买一点来投资,顺带解释区块链的前瞻性。可惜他们对这新科技好象兴趣不大。

October 27, 2017: BTC = $5786 十月尾端,对比特币慢慢敞开心房的几个朋友,开始问我购买比特币的管道,还说现在的价格太高,等稍微调整过后就会入场。我说要买就买不用想太多,放长远投资的不看这一点微利,无果。

November 03, 2017: BTC = $7277 不到一个星期,价格再创历史新高,这走势猛烈得我也有点无言以对。对着还在等待 “入场时机” 的友人们,我把价格截图给他们问道,你告诉我,什么才算价格太高?

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