How do you do after graduation 混得好不好

Just celebrated the 10 years anniversary of high school graduation this year. Looking back for what I’ve achieved since the day stepped out from the school gate. Took a Bachelor title, in a stable relationship with girlfriend, working on a 9-5 job, taking average wages. Life has been so dull to make me feel like I wasn’t doing good at all.

Last week I had a late night gathering with old classmates and we had a great moment sharing our recent development. I have lost touch with most of the old friends from the same school, it was a good opportunity to catch up with their news.

Friend A was addicted to gambling, spent most of his earning into soccer gambling. Won a little at first, lost all the way after. The worst part was he seek financial help from the loan shark. Soon after he lost the borrowed fund too, he asked for another loan shark to cover the previous debt. The snowball effect makes him ended up in a really bad debt situation. He owed a lot to his close friends too.

Friend B is optimistic and won’t even care if his bank account often hovering below 4 digit number. This figure almost can represent a broke status given he already working for a few years. He was really into the fish fighting business and the peak time he got almost 50 small jars for his fishes in his room. Due to unknown reason, his fish business was closed and I don’t hear of him starting another business.

Friend C having a relatively laid-back job although he always claimed to be very busy at work. We can often see him chilling in the cafes and his usual night activity is to spend the whole night chit-chatting and playing mobile games with the friends in the street vendors. His income is not high, if he can use his time wisely we would keep hearing complaints from him that the money is always lacking.

Friend D still fighting for his boring Amway MLM dream. Friends around him already developed the habit to sneer at his typical motivational marketing quotes in social media.

Friend E was the most miserable. He was so introvert that not many have talked much with him during school time. Only to find out he was gone for a sickness earlier this year.

After all, I realized that I’m actually doing better than most of them.

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Is day trading positively impact the society 市场交易行为为社会创造了什么价值

I started trading cryptocurrency 4 months and was lucky enough to be profitable so far, and it felt just awesome. Starting from 12 years old, I have done so many different kind of part-time jobs that I could come out with a long list. For someone like me who spend all of the time making money either through labour work or selling services and products, it was unbelievable to actually make money by trading in the market.

This makes me thinks a lot. This could be the best way of making a living. I don’t have to commute to the office every morning in a crowded train. Answer and report to nobody. Do not need a storage to store products. Have nothing to ship and don’t have to deal with annoying customers. All I need is a computer and internet access. Aren’t this the best job ever? Of course, all the above will be true only if I can be trading profitably, consistently. That is hard but not impossible at all.

All the jobs create values for the world, and the outcome of one’s job create value for the society. A toilet cleaner provide a comfortable environment for those in need to answer the natural call, a CEO makes strategic decision to increase the revenue of the company. Everyone is doing their part contributing to the advancement of mankind and they are while making a living out of it. But not the trader.

How the trader makes money? No matter how fancy the strategies or formulas sounds, they buy low and sell high. For instance, I buy 1 Bitcoin at $5000, the next second it rise to $5010 and I sell it. Boom, I made $10 out of the thin air! Except for me and the exchange, did I make anyone happier or better by doing this? I did not.

Some economists might say trading is beneficial to the economy by throwing abstruse terminologies at me. But sorry, I can’t see how making money by some random clicks in front of a computer can benefits anything, except my pocket. As such, I regard trading has zero productivity compared to all the other stuff I’ve been through to earn money.

It was kind of a complicated feeling. I’m glad that making money can be this easy at the same time feeling lost as I’m not adding value to the world. But surely I do feel great overall if I can be a successful trader.

There are many ways to make someone feel great about themselves too. The most obvious one will be a donation. So stop worrying not being constructive, you can do achieve anything when you have a deep pocket!








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勿忘初心才可以走得更远 Stay true to what you have started

Most of the whales in the CN community were delegated by @ned and today the owner decided to take back the delegated SP (at least 2 million) without reasons. I believe this has caused an impact especially to the minnows in CN space. I have to dedicated special thanks to @tumutanzi and @htliao for them to support me as a delegated whale. You guys rock and support tons of minnow like me.

Considering the CN community will lose significant income in the coming days, it is well expected that we will lose users gradually for this. With the saying, good money drives out bad money, those who stay through the high and low will be the real beer after the foam is eliminated.

Do not forget the original initiative why you start the Steemit journey and you may walk further.


《Dont write a lot, write often》一文中,早已知道收入不该是写作的唯一价值。该文章的收入还是$0.09而已,如果那么低的收入都撑过来了,以后还会成问题么?

刚开始以英文写作的的我,发现了中文区这块天地。这氛围很好,有数条大鱼秉着扶持新人的原则为他们点赞。看着文章收入的数字暴增,是对小鱼们最直接暴力的鼓励。在此特别感谢@tumutanzi @htliao身为代理大鲸期间对我的支持。


Good money drives out bad money

就是在某个市场中,更有价值的永远会淘汰弱者。好比早期的比特币爆发时期,在高峰的价格往往因为一些负面的流言蜚语就会导致价格暴跌。离开市场的绝大部份资金可以理解为投机炒作者,bad money。真正的价值投资者会留下来的,低价买入更多的资产,也形成了价格底线的维护者。以后价值开始体现在价格上时,收获也就更大了。


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半身不遂的你,活得下去吗?Are you able to make a living as a disabled?

I’ve seen much disabled who live their life on a wheelchair. Most of them are the old folks but the younger ones are not any lesser. Sometimes I think about, what if one day I wake up with half of my body paralyzed, I can’t walk anymore and the wheelchair will be the companion for the rest of my life. I don’t see much disabled on wheelchair working in the traditional workplace. Any of my current skills can allow me to make a living after I have to say goodbye to my current active system administrator job?

Trading in the cryptocurrency

I’m picking up this skill starting from the June and so far it is profitable. Though I doubt most of the income were due to the rise of Bitcoin price. Trading online requires only a computer and internet access makes it the best option to work from home and of course, if you are good, create a generous amount of income.

Online business

Dropshipping is something I’m really interested these days. You don’t have to order a bunch of stock first to sell it online. Instead, you advertise for the supplier and forward them the orders, they will ship whatever base on the order directly to the clients. Though this is not new and the competition is somehow tight, choose the right niche and practice good strategy will grant you a better chance of success. Or you can join the Amazon FBA Private Label program to use their platform to sell your product. All you have to do is to send them the stock and they will do the rest for you from shipping to customer service.


I could make use of my art skill to earn a living too. The most practical way will be teaching in a drawing class. Considering I can no longer move at my will easily, I can even choose to host the class at my house or somewhere nearby my place. Worse come to worse I can still perform street art, but it could be challenging for a disabled to carry a bunch of tools.

Those aforementioned are the way I could think of to continue my survival if I’m disabled. What is yours?








这是我最近开始向琢磨的方向,无商品的线上商店,就是个Dropshipping的概念。锁定某个市场,找好供应商,然后在网上卖相关商品,顾客下单后把单转给供应商,而供应商就直接把货寄给顾客。整个过程无需碰到实际商品,虽然这个早已不是什么新鲜idea,竞争也不小,但相信有心执行还是可行的。Amazon FBA Private Label program也是不错的方案,即是你找了一批货寄去Amazon,利用他们的平台做美国人的生意。从销售,客服,到售后都是由他们负责,你只需要提供货源。目前这是我最有兴趣的路子,就快实行。




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那些曾经的兼职们 Part-time jobs I ever had

When I was a kid my family wasn’t doing well financially, so I develop the habit of working part-time at a young age. I used to proudly regard myself as the king of o part-time when KT comes to working experience discussion.

  1. The first job when I was 12 years old was at the biscuit factory. We don’t know much about child labor back then.
  2. I have a really busy ‘career’ during high school time. The next job is car washing service which was located in the downstairs of my old house. They had a really good business, especially during the public holiday.
  3. Selling school shoe at a supermarket. Typical white canvas shoe which is the standard shoe for the students in Malaysia.
  4. Served as a banquet waiter at a 5 start hotel, the Equatorial. Those who can afford to have a ball here aren’t the normal boring civilians, I had a good time working there.
  5. Worked for my uncle at his furniture factory. My uncle is close with my family hence we were treated like his own kid, fetching us back and forth from work and provided meals for us during break time.
  6. After high school graduation, did the salesperson role for Ogawa massage chair. The products were too expensive and I don’t acquired good selling technique hence those 2 months weren’t much enjoyable.
  7. Selling fruits at the night market for 2 weeks. I and my friend were so embarrassed to be recognized by the friends because we will be working in the market nearby our neighborhood.
  8. Working at the construction site was the most physically taxing job I ever had. This only lasted for one day and I remember I slept like a baby that night at 8 pm right after the hard day.
  9. The most interesting job was working as a croupier at the Casino. I was mainly conducting the Roulette table game which was much hard than conducting the poker games. The odds were complicated and we have to do the mental calculation, no calculator was allowed. Croupier has a nice pay too. I should write more about this next time.
  10. Selling handphones, promoting Jacuzzis, food and beverage sampling at the malls and so on.

Some of my peers not even worked for a part-time before they get their real job after the college. Maybe they don’t have to, maybe they were too lazy for that. Working for part-time job as a teenager student wasn’t an easy path but I kind of miss those days when I look back though.



  1. 小学毕业就找了第一份兼职,当年应该是十二岁吧,还是个非法童工,当初人们对童工的概念没那么重。那是一份在饼干工厂的差事。还记得那里的卫生条件非常不堪,以至以后都对那类型的饼干抱有点阴影。这份工作维持两三个月,然后就升上中学了。忘了当初的工资是一天马币12元还是20元,总之就是非常狗血,但当初可是开心得很了。

  2. 中学初期,在自家楼下的洗车厂做兼职,断断续续做了有一两年吧。从洗车洒水到抹干上油样样都做,纯粹是体力活。每年的农历新年前夕是全年的高峰期,一天从早上九点到下午六点可以洗上整百俩的车,洗完了就回去冲个凉吃团圆饭去了。当时还和小伙伴们分析老板赚了多少钱,感觉这生意真有赚头。

  3. 中学时期十六岁左右,在超市卖过两个月的小白鞋,也就是俗称的校鞋。这间公司帮我开设了政府的公积金户口,所以我比同龄人更早就拥有公积金,当时提起还是挺得意的。

  4. 中学高中时期和哥们在一间五星酒店Equatorial做酒席侍者。一个小时马币四块钱吧,周末高点。这份工作也断断续续做了好几年。由于来到这类型酒店举办酒宴的人都有一点来路,这中间也挺多趣事发生的。试过最忙的时候,就是凌晨六时开工,晚上十二时收工,真正的是不见天日。

  5. 同时期也在伯伯的家私工厂打过工。工厂主要承包学校类的工程,即是各种木制的学生书桌,时而也有高官达贵的定制式家私。由于是老板是亲近的自家伯父,上下班都是由他载送,晚午餐也是伯母自煮的。现在他们年老力衰,也还没退休。所以有时候我暑假回去碰到他们出货的日子也会去帮帮忙。

  6. 中学毕业后,卖过两个月的Ogawa按摩椅。第一次做销售类的,因为主要都是主打价值马币八千的按摩椅,所以真的很不好卖,那两个月我只零零碎碎卖了一些周边,让我对销售失去了信心,觉得自己没有这方面的天赋。

  7. 上大学前,在夜市摆档口卖水果,也是粗重的工作,体力差一点可做不来。当时因为会去家里附近的夜市开档,还怕给熟人认出而难为情。做了两个礼拜撑不住了。在水果厂见识过如山的各类水果,还处理过很多腐烂的木瓜蜜瓜,那浓郁的味道导致后期对这些水果有些阴影。

  8. 在工地做建筑工是我试过最粗重的活,好像做了一天就倒下了。当初身材瘦小,抱着做这种体力活可以锻炼身体又可以赚钱的心态,跟着堂哥去工地报到了。用水桶杠调好了的水泥,用人手制作的山寨梯子爬上天花板拉电线,徒手用铁锤凿子在墙上打出电路开关的位置。记得当晚回到家八九点就睡着了,还睡得很香。

  9. 大学时期,在赌场做了两三年的荷官。这是迄今为止最有趣的工作了。我的主要游戏是负责轮盘,轮盘比起其他扑克类的游戏难度高很多。赔率更复杂而且全靠心算,还有在轮盘里打珠子也需要纯熟的手活。报酬而言也是所有兼职里最好的。可惜到后来我就被赌场拉入黑名单了。下次应该好好分享关于做荷官的趣事。

  10. 还有各种卖手机,卖按摩浴缸,试吃部门等等。越说越多了,有机会下次再选些有趣的来说吧。


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NBA之运动伤害 NBA injuries

It’s a shame that NBA 2017-2018 season just got started and we already have two star players suffered severed injury and out for the season. Gordon Hayward from the Celtics had literally broken his leg after an attempt to catch a pass in the air. I did not include the actual injury part for that is a gory scene, you can google it if interested. On the other hand, Jeremy Lin has torn his ACL after landing from a layup. From the 5 second gif you can tell how he broke down after realizing his injured knee could erase all the effort he has put in during the offseason.

Glorious career of the athletes is enviable for the ordinary people like us. Multi-millions contracts, endless endorsement for the famous brand and huge social influence. But many did not expect the glories can be destroyed by just an unbalanced landing. Ordinary occupations like waiters, engineers and doctors do not have to face the huge risk of sports injuries. If I were given the options,

I’ll go for the star player too, haha.

NBA 开打短短数天,已经有两位明星球员相续受重伤,赛季才开始就已经结束。

戈登.海沃德 Gordon Hayward

第一场Celtics对阵Cavaliers开场不到五分钟,刚交易来的Gordon Hayward在一次空接的过程中高高跃起,对方两个球员识破了,一个紧紧跟在身后,一个挡在身前,因为身体对抗在空中的Hayward失去平衡,落地时左脚先至,然后站立不稳整个身子的重量都压上去。恐怖的一幕出现了,他的左脚踝以90度的诡异形态骨折了。(由于受伤画面惊悚,欲观看请自行搜索)



林书豪 Jeremy Lin

也是在自家球队的揭幕战上,林书豪最后一节飞身上篮,落地后失去重心摔向场外,随即坐起来扶着右脚膝盖,意识到这次伤情严重,他转向队友连说“I’m done, I’m done.”,然后表情痛苦泪崩在地。事后官方也公布了伤情,确认为右膝髌韧带(ACL)断裂,林书豪将报销剩余的赛季。








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