Money game bring me to the world of Bitcoin 庞氏骗局带我进入比特币的世界


金钱游戏(Money game)或是庞氏骗局(Ponzi Shceme),有些人也叫金字塔游戏,就是类似中国盛行的传销。所谓金钱游戏是因为参加的人们不用买卖货物,只用金钱就足以“钱滚钱”。金钱游戏的噱头不外乎:

  • 投入一定数目的本金,在特定的时候可以好几倍的价格连本带利拿回来。低风险,高收入。
  • 鼓吹人拉人的无极限的单向性增长。比如说每拉一个人做下线,就能从他的本金里抽成。下线再不断的发展下线,你就在家躺着都有钱赚了。


Money games/Ponzi scheme is so popular with some obvious characteristics:

  • Low risk, high return. Invest a certain amount and get double or more back after a certain period.
  • Pyramid payment mode by pulling more people in to become your downline.Whatever they contribute into the game you get a commission.

We knew this business model wouldn’t last long however there is a way to win if you are the early gamer, and quit before the collapse.

开始金钱游戏 Join a money game



July 2016, me and my friend form a small team to join a newly started money game which was conducted in Malaysian Ringgit. And the game evolved to switch from fiat currency to Bitcoin to avoid monitor from the banks. After all money game was sort of illegal fund-raising. I was too lazy to study this new technology and just simply registered an account on an exchange which introduced by the game master.

第一次正式拥有比特币 The first time to own Bitcoin

首遇比特币 First bitcoin for me

2016年9月,游戏正式崩盘。我们小组之前放出去的资金有很大部分都拿不回来了。我最后一个收到的记得是代表600马币的 0.28723400 BTC,第一次正式拥有比特币。当时也不当一回事,因为600马币对我们最后所发放出去的资金总数来说只是很小的一部分。心痛收不回的资金对游戏的心寒,我们把两三个月里的本金和利润均分然后就解散了。我也渐渐忘记了留在那交易所的‘一点点’比特币,继续生活。

September 2016, the money game is finally crashed. Most of our last batch of an outgoing fund is not coming back anymore. The last payment from the system was 0.28723400 BTC which was equal to RM600 at the time. We split the fund together with the earnings and call it an end. I thought the Bitcoin that left on the exchange is just ‘tiny’ compared to our lost fund, so I just let them be staying on the wallet and life goes on.

Bitcoin price from Spectember 2016 to April 2017


后来再三确认,发现当初价值600(200美金)的比特币半年之后已经变成了1200(400美金)! WTF!

April 2017, I started hearing about Bitcoin again from various source of information. Mainly due to the price spiking and how people make tons of money from it. I remembered the tiny amount of BTC I left on the exchange, logged in to make sure they are still there. And I proceeded to check the value, only to find out 0.28 BTC has become RM1200 worth.

Something that worth RM600($200) doubled to RM1200($400) within half a year! I was blown away.

于是我正式进入了虚拟货币的世界 I decided to study more of it



It was so amazing when something this unbelievable actually happened on you. I started studying everything about cryptocurrency. From blockchain to various altcoins, and all the knowledge that I wouldn’t even touch before this. I realized the importance of learning persistently. And it was a pleasure to discover Steemit along the way too.

Taking part in money game was a bad experience, it could destroy your network and potentially lose all your money at the end. That was my first as well as the last. But it was this bad experience bring me to this exciting new crypto world. I would say it was worthwhile though!

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Wealth inequality is the result of humanity 贫富悬殊是人性的结果

Wealth inequality is a global problem and there are so many different causes to it in different regions. Despite all the complicated political and social factors, can we really equalize the wealth? Not possible as of now. Let’s do an experiment, we create an environment with equal resources distribution, same geographical location, and a fair policy:

In a village, there are 100 villagers and 1000 chickens. For the purpose of wealth sharing, each one of them gets 10 chickens. The followings are likely to occur:

  1. Some of them will kill the chicken to eat whenever they are hungry, soon they will have empty the chicken they had. They will start to exchange more chicken for food with other assets.
  2. Some of them will kill the chicken to eat, but they won’t eat them all. They keep some chickens for laying eggs. The eggs will get them more chicks so that they can continue to kill the old unproductive chickens for food. Because they keep regenerating the source of food, they are self-sufficient.
  3. Some of them will kill the chicken to eat whenever it is necessary. At the same time get more chicken from the others by trading. Laying for more eggs, more eggs for more chickens. Repeating that, they will have more and more chickens to start selling to those who are in need(like the people from the first point).

A few months later, 10% of the villagers own 80% of chickens, 20% own 15% of chickens, and 70% people will sharing the remaining 5% of chickens. Wealth inequality happens again.

This is how our world working now. Those who are insightful put the resources to good use instead of spending them all at once. They will keep consuming at the minimal rate and invest the difference. Everything that pays off will have a harder start, spending or investing? Reading or gaming?

On the contrary, the poors will focus solving the immediate problems. Kill the chickens for the hungry stomach, get the job when the pockets are empty. This can keep them survival too but provides no security in the future.

Suffer now for better future, or enjoy today and leave all the worries tomorrow?



  1. 有的人会在饿肚子把鸡杀来吃,很快的鸡就吃完了。他们就需要开始向还有鸡的人用其他物资交换以获取粮食。
  2. 有的人会在饿肚子把鸡杀来吃,但不会一下子吃清光。留下一部分鸡继续饲养,下蛋生出新的小鸡,才把生产力下降的老鸡杀来吃。这样他们虽然不会有太多的鸡只,但因为不过度消耗资源,生活倒也自供自足。
  3. 有的人只会在必要的时候把鸡杀来吃。同时也会用其他物资来像其他人换取更多的鸡只,饲养下蛋,等到更多的鸡。如此循环,他们拥有的鸡只就会持续增多,可以出售给需要的人们(第一类人)。





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作画,从不认真到认真|谷哥点名#10 How I'm getting serious with drawing




自此妈妈就给我贴上了“不认真”的标签。之后每当我偶尔兴起作画时,也总会在旁冷言“你一定会半途而废”之类的;小时候的我偏爱素描类的画风,觉得上颜色很麻烦,各种颜料道具的,素描类的就容易多了,一支铅笔或原子笔和一张纸就可以乐趣无穷。然而妈妈总觉得一幅画没上色彩就是不完整的,也就是半途而废。虽然后来我才发现其实绘画是完全自由的,没有束缚的。也不知道她当时是真的对我失望还是处于激将法,无可否认的是这样的确造成了我的困扰。当年处于叛逆期的我很多时候心理直接就说 “好吧,我就三分钟热度给你看。” 甚至一度怀疑自己是不是只会画,不会上色?好像完成一幅画就是为了讨好谁以证明自己,叛逆的小孩是不会允许自己去迎合别人的哦。以致那段时间放下画笔很久,因为整个过程有压力了,不有趣了。

后来慢慢放下小时候对会绘画的种种不正确的观念,网路发达了,牛人见得多了,对艺术的理解更深刻了,明白了自己作画的真谛就是 “自己爽”。一支笔乃至一张树叶都可以是作画的武器,美和不美也完全是主观的,每幅作品中有人弹,也一定有人赞。那时候起就不再有证明自己的想法,不需要这么做,因为也不吃这行饭。只想不断的开发新的画风,素材和技术。

有没试过当做一件自己喜欢的事的时候,仿佛进入了 “精神时间屋”。明明感觉才过了一会,外面的世界已经过去了好几个小时,作画于我正是如此。从收集素材到构图,上色到修改,整个过程真会让我不自觉的过了一大半天。长大了有经济能力了,我也开始投资较为高档的绘画用具。有些用具的价格稍微高了点,只要觉得需要的我都在所不惜。因为真正有价值的不是那些颜料画笔,而是经由它们所产生的艺术品。



Drawing is my biggest hobby since I was a kid. But I wasn’t really into it. I draw when the mood come and stop whenever it stop interested me. I was good at drawing the Japan manga, Dragon Ball was my favorite. My mom spotted my talent and thought that I can use some help from art classes to develop my skills.
So in the class drawing, I was. I always thought the assignments given by the tutor was too easy for me. Every time I was the quickest to finish my drawing and I would stroll around the class.

One day I spotted there was a comic corner at the living room. My interest soon got attracted and since then, I finished my assignment on the class quickly just for reading more comics on the couch. Until my mom caught me bloody-handed as I made the drawing class’s fee that she paid worthless. That was my last art class ever.

Since that day, whenever I occasionally started to draw, my mom would keep doubting if I can finish it. As she thought I wasn’t serious into this art stuffs. She would challenge me to finish it. But her tactic didn’t work as I was so rebellious back then. And I stopped drawing for a long time because it was not fun anymore.

As I’m growing, I started to correct my misunderstanding towards the attitude of art. Creating an art should be free and fun. It can be any form of materials and styles. The truth is, I felt like I don’t have to do it to please anyone. As soon as I realized this, art creation becomes fun again. From the material collecting to sketching, coloring to framing. I could not feel the ticking of the time when a few hours was actually slipped away.

Doing something so serious that you throw whole mind and body into it wholeheartedly, and anything could be enjoyable.


>Can you tell who this is??


>The most handsome guy I thought back in time, Andy Lau.


>Bruce Lee will always be my favorite.


>I save my art class friend with this for his assignment.


>Hero on canvas—Spiderman!


>Entry for a contest in Steemit and ended up with 3rd prize.


>Another entry for a drawing contest.


I have this hanged on my living hall, appetizing isn’t it?

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘作画,从不认真到认真|谷哥点名#10 How I’’m getting serious with drawing’

利用时间,别打发时间 Don't kill the time, Make use of it


对于那段游手好闲的日子还有个印象最深刻的记忆。还记得那是个忙碌的星期五,身边的同事不经意的问起 “诶,这个long weekend打算怎么过啊?” 我蒙了 “什么long weekend?” “你不知道吗,下个星期一二是公共假期。” 面对为期四天的假期突如其来的降临,心里第一个念头却是“完了”。茫然,因为完全没准备没计划也不知要干些什么来应付这长长地周末。现在也想不起当时都把时间花在哪里了,但肯定也是虚度光阴的成分居多。


During my first 2 years of working life, every knocks off from office was like an amnesty for me to do whatever I want. To be precise, it was scrolling Facebook, chasing TV series, and PC gaming. I was living without a purpose to an extent that once my colleague asked me “Hey, what do you plan to do on this long weekend?” I was confused “What long weekend?” “Oh, you didn’t know? The next Monday and Tuesday are public holiday.” Surprised by a ‘free’ holiday like that the first thing came to my mind was “Oh sh*t”. Because I was so clueless and had no any plans to get through the long weekend. Can’t recall how I made through that weekend but pretty sure nothing meaningful works were done.

Glad that I’m no more that bored guy.

身边活生生浪费时间的例子 The living example of wasting time around you

马六甲某商场 Taken from a mall from Melaka



马六甲某商场 Taken from a mall from Melaka

Ever been to some unpopular malls to see most workers of the deserted stalls staring at their phone?

They could have used that free time on something else useful. You might say, they are hired to work not for the other stuff. But they are playing games on their phone anyway don’t they? I was in the same shoe when I was a teenager. This kind of part-time job is so boring that you have to prepare your own entertainment to kill the time, especially in the unloved zone.

不打游戏,那干什么呢? What to do if not gaming?

  • 看书:增广见闻
  • 在自己有兴趣的领域磨练技巧,如学习coding,学习交易策略,学外语。
  • 看有营养的视频,如Ted talk
  • 甚至是加入Steemit,开始写作(当然他们很可能也不知道Steemit的存在)


Reading books, learning some skills like coding or new languages, watch educational videos like Ted Talk, or ever join Steemit and start blogging(they probably won’t realize the existence of Steemit already), and more. It takes a huge ambition for someone to be that self-improving. Learning is not easy, not everyone has a difficult goal in life.

珍惜时间 Cherish the time



I’m not against gaming nor any form of entertainment to pass time. But those needed to be in control. Make good use of the time, always.

After all, there is no wrong or right, only which direction you are willing to head to.

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购物的正确方式 Say no to impulsive buying

自三个月前接触了数码货币之后,生活发生了可谓翻天覆地的变化。由开始的地域搬砖(geographical arbitrage), 无时无刻想关注市场的价格波动;到现在发现了Steemit,终于有个很好的理由开始之前打算了很久的写作计划。然而开始要持续的写作是有点难度的,我明白习惯的养成再于坚持,所以规定了自己每两天必须至少有一次输出。

Life has been changed for a great deal after involving in the world of cryptocurrency. Starting from arbitrage trading, to develop a new habit of blogging in Steemit.



To perform better in coin trading and monitoring, I’ve sold away my 2 years old notebook for a performance desktop machine. Typing on my first mechanical keyboard does help the new blogging life a lot. I’ve been cutting down the frequency of a leisure walk in the mall, because spending that time on a new blog is in the higher priority now.

但我不能一直和电脑一起 But I can’t always stick with my desktop

由于我在外地工作(新加坡), 每个月总有几天需要回家乡(马来西亚)。刚换的台式电脑得到强劲性能的同时,也完全失去了之前笔记本的便携性。往来两地,唯有手机随身矣。虽然手机在操作市场和写作上还勉强可以凑合,但也实在是很不方便。

Since I’m working in Singapore, I often travel back to my hometown, Malaysia few times in a month. Traded the portability of notebook with try performance of desktop pc, smartphone is the only device travel with me now. Trading and blogging on it is such a struggling mission.

于是就有了买平板电脑的想法 The thought of buying an tablet kicks in

Microsoft Surface 是目前的最佳人选。融合了两大优点于一身:屏幕大,让交易操作更容易,windows也可以轻松处理多重任务;可加载键盘,让写作更有效率。

而且还有电子笔和触屏特性组合也可以让我开始学习最学很久的数码艺术(digital art)。一举多得啊。

A tablet have a big screen makes trading a breeze and try detachable keyboard would type better than on the phone. Furthermore I can start to pick up the long-wanted skill in digital art. Microsoft Surface series is a great match so far.

但是花钱不能这样任性 But we shouldn’t at our free will





This is a random wise advice from Quora:

When you have got a new stuff to buy, don’t buy it even you can afford it right now. Instead, start saving up for it.

By doing so, good chances you can eliminate the potential impulsive spending. We bought what we wanted during causal shopping and regret with the purchases after some days. To stop wasting money on impulsive shopping the key is not to act the moment we would like to own that item. Make it a goal and start saving towards it.

Two things is gonna happen when you have enough money: if you still want to buy it, likely you are really needing it; if you lost the interest already, congratulation that you have just skipping the unnecessary spending at the same time accumulated small wealth in the pocket!

所以我也设定了一个有趣的存钱方式 So I came up with a interesting way to save up




To buy that Surface, I must earn the equivalent amount on Steemit. This strategy not only can motivate me to keep writing, I will be able to reassess the need of a tablet. As I’m suspicious this is likely to be another impulsive buying, haha!

Have anything to buy? Start saving now.

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘购物的正确方式 Say no to impulsive buying’

激进派还是保守派 Conservative or Aggressive





各位看官看到这里恐怕早就猜到了我对比的就是八月初的Bitcoin(A货)分裂Bitcoin Cash(B货)的情况了。








Providing facts as below:

There is an object A with market price $3000. Tonight at 00:00, the owner of A will be given the equivalent amount of new object B. No one can predict the price of B and because the appearance of B, the price of A will fluctuate aggressively.

In the given facts, we have 2 questions:

1)If you already have 5 A, what will you do?

2)If you don’t have any A, but with a $15000 investment fund in hand, what will you do?

You might probably know I’m describing the BTC fork at the 1st August. I took this question to those who aren’t familiar with cryptocurrency and the result is kinda interesting.

1) Withhold of 5 A, most of them will sell off 2-3 A and use the rest to claim the free B. This decision is obvious and reasonable to me, reduce the risk yet maintain the position to get more reward.

2) Without holding any A, surprisingly only a few are willing to take this chance to buy some A to claim the free B. Maybe my access objects are conservative.

I’m a proud aggressive investor. I’m young and I’m willing to take higher risk for greater reward. Back in the time before the fork, I had 3 BTC and I decided to leave it be,luckily it turned out to be I won the bet.

A friend of mine was exactly in the condition (2). Holding some cash equal to 3 BTC, considering whether to buy the BTC before the fork or not. Finally, he bet that the price will sure crash since there was a huge rumor saying the recent surge of BTC was due to man buy-in for the ‘BTH lottery. He holds the cash through the fork and regretted huge time. The price spiked and never return to where it was before the fork.

Sometimes it is so fun to apply rare crypto phenomena in the real life. You may make a different decision if it wasn’t a cryptocurrency but some physical goods.

What was your decision during the fork?

image from

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