破解一些日常中有趣的迷思 Some common myths I have busted






“我不付钱来吓自己。” 相信大家身边都有一些不看鬼片的朋友,这句话是我从他们身上听到重复最多的。作为惊悚类的鬼片的目的是什么?就是吓观众。你看喜剧片,就是期望可以被逗笑,开开心心。看悬疑片,就是期望随着剧情的发展,可以和主角一起当侦探,揭开种种谜团。看动作片,希望可以看到拳拳到肉刺激非常的打斗,让人肾上激素爆发的那种爽快。看鬼片你不想被吓到,难道希望像看笑片般整场下来笑个不停?






I’ve noticed some interesting phenomena around me that is the unmatched of expectation and reality can lead to many incorrect values and disappointment.

Expect to win from a casino

First of all, the casino is a big business. All the games you can find inside were the result of actuarial science by a bunch of mathematicians. Given sufficient amount of rounds, most players are going to join the losing site thanks to the statistic which granted advantages to the home. You can win in short term but not long term. Acknowledge this fact and you will stop to fantasize bringing out piles of cash from a casino.

The right way to enjoy in a casino is equipping the “have fun” mindset. You can long to win but don’t take winning as granted. There are a lot of fun in the process too. Take the Blackjack as an example, we can have fun by analyzing the edge of each hand, apply different strategies to maximize our advantage or to fold or split the cards. After all, the casino is a business of entertainment, of course winning is good but losing is expected as well.

Do not want to be frightened by a Horror movie

“I don’t pay to scare myself, bro.” We all have such friends who don’t enjoy the horror movie and that is the sentence I heard the most from them. What is the ultimate goal of a horror movie? To frighten the audience. We expect the laughter when we watch the comedy. Expect to go into the detective mode and reasoning with the characters in the mystery film. For the action movie, we love the adrenaline rush by the fierce fighting. And what do you expect watching the horror film if not to get frightened? Laughing the whole 2 hours just like you were watching the comedy?

I love horror films. I enjoy to be frightened by a well-planned plot and that is how I decide if the ticket is worthwhile.

Steemit is going to make me rich

I believe this the biggest myth in Steemit yet many will fall for it, I wasn’t an exception. It was really bitterly disappointing to see the others earn hundreds easily every post while your 4-hour-worth of the article just sink to the bottom of the sea. And soon I realized my motivation was all about money, which is not appropriate at all.

There are bunches of advantages we can develop using a platform like Steemit. Training the idea muscle, improving writing skills, keeping a personal journal, and so on. When I found the balance between expectation and rewards, the motivation becomes natural again.

Image from pixabay.com

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Super-Villain drawing: The Venom 超级反派之毒液


I’ve spent 2 hours on this. First attempt to use acrylics color on paper instead of canvas. Turned out they work more or less like water color but can be denser.

I love painting comic characters. Just so happened we have this Super-villains drawing contest which you can take part at:


The past contest by the same organizer was themed as Super-Hero which is even more favored by me but I missed that. Never mind I like this week theme as well!

I have no deep knowledge of the comic character I draw nor I’m a big fan of it. The reason I chose Venom is that I like the style of this character. Wildly uninhibited, immortal and powerful, agile and faster than sound.




Drawing breakdown in GIF

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If you like the content, you know what to do. Peace!

My other artworks:

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Changing keycaps on mechanical keyboard 机械键盘变身之--换键帽


The ability to change keycaps is one of the biggest fun of mechanical keyboard. I’ve mentioned that I dislike the original keycaps of my first mechanical keyboard and finally it’s time to make a change.

Due to the fact that my 84 key Excalibur has some non-standard keys like the right Alt and Ctrl in 1.0u size instead of the standard 1.25u, I got a hard time finding compatible keycaps set but I finally managed to order a set of custom keycaps from the almighty Taobao.

The keycaps are in Dolch color and made of thickened PBT which will be much more resistant than the original ABS keycaps. The whole package costs 168 RMB, kind of a reasonable price for beginner customization.


由于我的84键的Excalibur有好几个键是不标准的,譬如右边的 Alt 和 Ctrl 键是 1.0u 的(标准的是1.25u),寻找自定义的键帽时时常会遇到困难。幸亏有万能的淘宝,始终还是让我找到了。


Meet the Dolch customized PBT keycaps


Simple package and the keycaps are well positioned on a foam. This helps to avoid collision inside the box which might hurt the keys.



Also come with a keycap puller to make the work later much handy.


Feaures OEM height and sided letter for Win, Esc, and Alt key.

Get the work started


Slide in the key puller and pull it straight up. POP!


Midway of getting my mech naked.


The sexy naked red switches and I took the chance to clean off the dust on the keyboard base after months of usage with an air duster.


Midway of popping in the new keycaps. This might seem easy but I found this is quite tiring as it takes time. And you better not to mess up the order of the keys as you will have hard time tracing them back.

Completion, satisfaction.


Love the color combination of grey, black and the little red. I may need to switch other significant keys like the Enter or arrow keys to red.


This is how it looks when the LED backlight is on in a dimmed environment. The keycaps are not transparent and since I spend most of my time typing on this keyboard at night, it is as good as blind typing since the sided letter can be hardly seen.

I like how the sided-letter of this keycaps looks as that is the biggest reason for I selected these custom keycaps. Absolutely minimalistic looking from the top while the letters lurking at side providing casual hints what letters it is. At the same time, I can really start practicing my blind typing skill.


How to choose your first mechanical keyboard

Best mechanical keyboard under $100: Drevo Excalibur unboxing

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Make $1,000,000 with your own business even if you have no money or experience

We all know reading is good. But it doesn’t mean much if your goal is just to finish the book, or claim that you read 200 books a year. Which may sound you have put your time to good use, but it is all worthless if you never apply what you’ve learned from the books.

I’m not an avid reader but I’m on my way trying to be one. Often I found that most of the books I’ve read didn’t leave many impressions unless some quotes are so interesting that I noted it down and deliberated it for some time. And when I reread some of the books I discover some noteworthy points to ask myself that why I don’t have the memory of it at all after the first read?

From now on I will start to write a simple review of every book I’ve completed. This can help me to summarize the contents better, make sure I don’t miss any highlight-worthy points and have a better memory of it hence higher chance to take it into the application. To the others, this might gave them a brief idea what this book is about which they might eventually become a reader of it, or they can just share the information without having to go through the whole book.

You dont need a new and special idea to earn a million

Plenty of everyday businesses, run by everyday, ordinary people, make extraordinary money.

This is the primary idea of this book. All you need is a tried and true business model that already existed. Truth is there is always unconsumed demands in the market of the “traditional” business like car washing and cake making. Pick an ordinary idea and truly execute it with proper planning. Any average Joe can make his first million in 3 to 7 years.

When it comes to working for yourselves, there are several businesses you can pick from. Buying existing business, buying a franchise, even joining a Multi-Level Marketing, the author recommends none of the those but creating your own company.

The author also comparing the online business and traditional business. While the latter is preferable for first time entrepreneur, being digitally savvy is a huge competitive advantage. Start a real business and use the web a tool in your toolkit.

You dont need money–you can be completely broke

If your goal is to get $1,000,000 in the bank, you don’t need to raise millions to start your business.

Raising fund is not a headache or myth if you know where to look for. Where the Money comes from:

  • Getting a bank loan, mainstream way of raising money
  • Crowdfunding, lesser risk and can be quick if your business idea is promising.
  • Peer-to-peer lending (P2P), this can be useful to small and medium businesses that usually have difficulty securing a loan from a bank.
  • Friends and family, with the already established trust they can be the easy target of your potential investor. But use with caution or this may destroy your network.
  • Personal savings, easiest since you have to rely on the others however you will have to bear the full risks as well.

Or you can even spot the investors right in front of you. They are everywhere.

They sit beside you at the barbershop or beauty salon. They’re in the waiting room at the dentists;s office. They’re standing in line behind you at the bank.

The author has developed a habit that he can turn to anyone even in the elevator. For example, he once met a wealthy gentleman in the car wash waiting room and they exchanged contact information after some delightful chatting. This will not always work but if you are polite and decently confident, chances are you will turn the conversation into an investor willing to back your business idea.

Take the g*ddamn action

Creating a business requires a big picture perspective and a willingness to make a long-term investment of your time and resources. The biggest obstacle to success may just be getting started.

Did you ever imagine that you can quit your 9-5 job and commit fully to work for yourself? You had some great business idea that you think may potentially change your life and grant the lifestyle that is you dreaming for? Most people do, but the majority of them never take actions too. Thus your ship will never come in, you have to swim out to meet it.

In contrast, don’t get so fired up about your new business idea that you quit your day job so you can go full force with it. The wisest idea is to start the business in your off time while still holding your current job. Only to quit the job when the time comes, and quit in good term. You never know who might help you in the future.

This book civilize the unattainable entrepreneurship

There are much more solid words you can find in this book but I have to summarize only what matters to me the most or it will be too long for this post. Get the book if you are interested.

I appreciate the author present the idea that starting a successful business in such a real and authentic manner. He explained many real-life cases that even a undereducated person can run a business and pocket his first million within 10 years. Practical advises are given, solid guides are well presented. Get the book via link below if you appreciate the review.

Book: One Million in the Bank: How To Make $1,000,000 With Your Own Business Even If You Have No Money or Experience

Author: Michael L. F. Slavin

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Birthday party in a yacht 私人游艇里的生日派对


Thanks to my girlfriend we were invited to her wealthy friend’s(let’s call him Y) private birthday party on a private yacht. This is not the private yacht party with full of bikini hot girls and endless food and drinks that you expected in Hollywood movies, but a truly simple celebration for a couple of us. Everything started off Y wanted to celebrate her girlfriend in a deluxe suite in Singapore but mostly were reserved due to the busy holiday season. So Y “had no choice” but to settle with one of the private yacht services he could find. Told you he is rich.

托我女友的福,她的土豪朋友,Y,邀请了我们去参加他女友在游艇上的庆生会。首先,这只是个简单的庆生会,并不是你想象中的好莱坞式的游艇派对,各种比基尼美女和源源不绝的饮食提供,抱歉不是这回事。为何选择在游艇上?皆因 Y 想在新加坡寻找一间豪华的酒店套房来帮女友庆生却因为假期高峰期很多酒店都客满了,所以他“无奈之下”只好租了艘游艇。都说了是土豪吧。

A night in Ferretti 630

We only spent a night on this Ferretti 630. According to the official site, it costs a whopping 4000 Pounds to rent for a day but Y told me he only spent about 1000 Singapore Dollar, still not cheap though!

我们只在这艘 Ferretti 630 过一夜。根据官网一天的租金为令人乍舌的4000英镑,但是 Y 说他只花了将近1000新币,这种消费对我来说还是属于土豪的行为。


From the top of yacht. The Yacht was parked here in the corner all night long. We didn’t sail out due to the weather and probably sailing is not included in the package for the lower price we’ve paid.



The captain control seat is prohibited since we are not sailing and there are only us on the yacht during the renting period.


The master cabin presents an open view window.


The master cabin aka the “living room” in the yacht. Spacious enough for 5 of us. Karaoke system is the only entertainment facility that we’ve enjoyed. Gotta tune down the volume in the night as the sound isolation is not that good and we may affect our neighbors in the bay.


The bedroom


*There is four sleeping cabins in the yacht and our host was generous enough to leave us the biggest room for the night.


We have a toilet in the room which is compact but fully functional.


Even if the yacht is parking in the bay all night long, you can still feel the swinging with the waves. Looking through these windows can help the little dizziness as I’m not used to the swinging.



Finally thanks for the hospitality of our host! Excuse me for the aftermath, this is taken right before we left the yacht as well as most of the other photos because we were busy having fun the night before.


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What is your most hated phrase in Steemit? 你在Steemit里听过最烦人的词语是什么?


As a minnow, I’ve come across with this phrase almost every day. Go to the introduceyourself posts, you will see even more of this. But hey, I’m not going to follow you just because you have done so to me.

I never merely ask for follow

Because I know it won’t works. Even if you have no interest in my posts, but still follow me for the sake of following me.When my posts frequently appear on your feed, you will start to skip it, and then mute it, eventually unfollow me. Because everything is not even started the correct way.

So instead, I choose to focus on attracting followers by creating quality works. I’m getting some upvotes here and there and my followers are growing bit by bit steadily. Not even close to impressive for someone who has joined for 55 days, but I’m happy with my progress.

Work for your reputation, not asking for it

I think Steemit is having so much potential the way it encourages people to create and curate quality contents. That’s the reason for me to actively participate in this amazing space, make meaningful posts, interacting with people in the comment section, curate neglected good contents and so on. I believe this is the only way for this platform to grow huge one day.

Share with me what you have heard that pissed you off the most in Steemit.

身为小鱼的我看到太多类似的句子了,去看看 introduceyourself 的板块你尤其会看到更多。但是,我是不会因为你 follow 了我而 follow 回你。

我从不单纯的要求别人 follow 我






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