Drawing contest of Animal: Eagle 动物绘画比赛:老鹰


This artwork is a pencil drawing and took me about 45 min to complete.

This is my entry for animal drawing contest by @marty-arts for celebrating her 500 followers milestone. She is a most talented water color artist I’ve ever seen by far. Make sure you check out her page and have fun taking part in this fun contest too!


I tend to draw something I never tried before in order to test my ability to adapt to new stuff. Eagle is such a special animal in the wild. They are cool, flying proudly in the skyline, almost an otherworldly existence.


这也是 @marty-arts举办的绘画比赛的参赛作品。她是一位在水彩画上有极高造诣的一位画家,也是我所见过最棒的。有空的话就去看看她的作品和参加比赛吧!


Drawing breakdown in GIF

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If you like the content, you know what to do. Peace!

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How to setup cool work lamp for thousands of light customization. 小蚁智能灯泡和Ikea Tertial的好玩结合


This is a smart LED bulb from Yeelight that is wifi-controlled and capable of 16 million colors which I’ve kept an eye on this fancy little bulb for a while. Living in a rented room which serves as my bedroom and workspace at the same time, I always wanted to find something to replace the ceiling lamp that is in white light. I need something that can provide the space with softer light while being stylish and not breaking my bank.

Yeelight bulb will be fine using as normal light bulb without the app integration. With Mi Home App however, it can achieve a lot more than what the price can offers. It has to be mounted with the E27 connector and this is where Ikea Tertial work lamp comes in.

Yeelight智能灯泡如果不用连接app直接使用也是没问题的。但要是配合小米之家的app,各种好玩的东西就可以开始了。它使用的接口是E27,所以就有了接下来登场的Ikea Tertial啦!

Tertial is a perfect choice for wall and table mounting lamp with classic steel design. The adjustable arm and head make it so flexible to direct the light into any corner in the room. Either pointing it to the desk for more concentrated work or shoot it up to the ceiling for soft brightness all over the room by reflection(love this method).

Tertial 是宜家一款能够装在桌上和墙上的灯具。经典的钢铁设计,可调动的臂弯和灯头都让它成为我的上上之选。把灯具射向书桌好进行一些需要高度专注的工作,又或是照向天花板让反射的光线制造一室柔和的光,我个人非常喜欢后者。

Installation breakdown 安装过程


Typical simplistic XiaoMi packaging using only paper material. Comes with a small instruction notes on app connection later. The bulb itself feels solid and heavier than normal bulb as wifi module is included inside.



The Tertial has several components which the assembling is as easy as Lego.

Tertial 灯具就如一般的Ikea家具般简简单单就可以完成安装。


Yeelight bulb fits perfectly in the bowl.

Yeelight 灯泡的完美融入。

White light mode 白光模式

After successfully connecting the Mi Home App to the bulb, you can now start to play with the lighting. In the white light mode, we can adjust the light temperature from 1700 to 6500k. Below is the minimum and maximum temperature respectively with the app control page. The higher the temperature the more yellowish.

成功连接了小米之家app后,就可以开始各种测试了。白光模式可以调动从 1700 到 6500k 的色温,色温越高颜色越暖。下图是最低和最高色温的对比,旁边的是app调动画面。


Default mode will be on if using without the app, brightness and color temperature will at the highest level.



Colorful light mode 颜色模式

Collage 2017-09-08 20_18_47 (2).jpg

The bulb features 16 million colors customization and you can control it at your will for various color according to your mood. Be it the blue light for movie time, warm yellow light for reading and red light for some romantic moment. Below is the focus shot on the green, red and blue light effect of the bulb. And the GIF is showing a full cycle of color in breathing mode.


Verdict 后记

There are a lot more features packed into the app. You can:

  • Set sleep timer so the light will shut off after the certain countdown period.

  • Turn on and off the light without leaving your comfy bed!

  • Combine with another accessories, you can customize a time plan for the bulb on when to turn on and. But this feature is only available in the China region.

I personally found the combination of Smart Bulb and Tertial work lamp works great for me. I can achieve all light condition with just a single light bulb and this setup just cost me less than $30 in my region.




Xiaomi Yeelight LED Bulb:

Ikea Tertial work lamp:

This page is synchronized from the post: ‘How to setup cool work lamp for thousands of light customization. 小蚁智能灯泡和Ikea Tertial的好玩结合’

Anime Drawing Challenge: 流川枫 @ SlamDunk


This is by far the most interesting drawing contest with the theme, Anime! This whole sketching is done using a black ink pen.

Feel free to join this awesome challenge by @htliao:


I’ve picked the Slam Dunk by Takehiko Inoue for this challenge. Slam Dunk is a basketball themed manga series and it was so well produced that every basketball-loving boy of my generation once treated this as our bible. This is definitely one of my all time favorite anime series and I would like to present you the sketching of the coolest character in the book, Rukawa Kaede. This guy is handsome, full of Swag, star player on the court, and most popular amongst the girls. Now you can tell why the green high school boys were so look up to this character.













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Thanks for the free keyboard, Steemit! Steemit送了我一个机械键盘


Love this gift!

Last post I’ve shared the unboxing and review of my first mechanical keyboard. I’ve just registered in Steemit not long ago when I received my keyboard in a parcel. And as a young Steemian I already actively seeking for ideas to write about and tends to start recording everything potentially interesting that could be shared in the future post.

I decided to record down the unboxing process of this new toy. From peeling off the package, taking photos in different light conditions, to the live lighting effect demonstration. This doesn’t take much of my time and I enjoyed the whole process.

After one month of using it as my daily tool, I think it’s about the time I should make a review post of the keyboard. Though it is my first ever unboxing post of a product and it might not as deep as those from the pros, I tried my best to make it as interesting as it can be. Within the first day after the post is uploaded, as usual I monitored the reactions the post has received at the same time doing some self-examination.

“Hmmm, it is gloomy like always.” “May be I shouldn’t put the ‘keyboard’ as the first tag, who cares about keyboard here?” “The phone-taken photos must be too dull for a good photo.”

And then the magic happened

Out of nowhere, a couple of whales just happened to drop some heavy votes on the post. those votes jumped me from reputation 45 to 50 and earned the post a hundred dollars. The next morning, the post gained 70 something more votes due to the initial visibility boost.

It ended up like this


A jaw-dropping(to me at least) $123 and 90 votes. You have to know the highest I’ve achieved in a single post is just 10 plus dollars and less than 30 votes. And what makes the whole thing even greater? The moment I realized I’ve just earned a free keyboard from its unboxing article!


According to the steemstats, the author will take 91.457 SDB (45.729 SBD + 33.773 SP) in reward. Assuming 91 SDB is priced at $1, I still earn an extra $26 after deducting the price of the keyboard which is $65.

This is plain amazing especially for someone who has joined a new community not more than 2 months. Though this is likely the result of major luck, I’m absolutely convinced by the power of Steemit.

在上篇分享了我第一个机械键盘的开箱和评测。 在我注册Steemit不久后就收到了这键盘的包裹。尽管在Steemit入世未深,我已经开始了不断寻找灵感的习惯。也慢慢的开始记录一切有趣的材料,好让以后的创作更有效有趣。



“嗯,还是一样的反应惨淡啊” “或许我不该把‘键盘’放成第一个标签?这里没人在乎键盘的课题吧” “用手机拍的照片果然是不够吸引人啊”


有好几十只鲸鱼不知从哪里冒出来给我投了票。而这些票数不知让我的声望从 44 升到 50, 还让文章赚了一百块。第二天早上,由于先前的巨票效应该文章再度增加了近 70 个票数。 最终成了图一的模样。

让人大跌眼镜(起码对我而言是的)的 123元和 90票的成绩。必须知道我在这之前我最高的成就才区区十几元和少过三十个票而已。还有一件事是比这个更振奋人心的?那就是我意识到了该篇文章让我赚了一个免费机械键盘!

根据 steemstats 的数据我将收到 91.457 SDB (45.729 SBD + 33.773 SP) 的稿费。如果把SDB估价在一元,扣除了键盘的 65元 我还额外赚了21元


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Best mechanical keyboard under $100: Drevo Excalibur unboxing


After some very ‘intense’ research I’ve decided to go for the Drevo Excalibur as my first mechanical keyboard. The friendly price tag put things in the sweet spot between budget and quality. As much as you may refer this is merely for the beginner due to the low price, the quality is not compromised at all.


Solid packing + thick self-absorption wrap = perfect dent-free box


Simple transparent dust cover

Drevo Excalibur is a 75% keyboard with 84-key. This layout can be found mostly in laptop keyboard. Personally, I found this layout works best for me as I can get the Function key row and navigation keys while keeping the layout as compact as possible. Together with the borderless full metal body, granted this keyboard a really minimal and clean style.


The floating-key design makes things feel futuristic and you will be grateful for that when you are cleaning the keyboard. Dust and hair can be easily cleaned even without removing the keycaps, a simple air duster will make it clean like new.


One of the great points is that the keycaps are using double-shot technique in ABS material. The official claims that the keycaps have enhanced texture to prevent keys from getting greasy. But we can only tell over the time. It does bring a better feel than those normal keycaps I’ve been used.
However I’m not a fan of the too boastful font in gaming accent, but I can always get another set of keycaps and customise it.


This keyboard comes in 2 colors which are black and white. White version really makes the perfect match with the black extended mouse pad.

It also has white LED backlit with a couple of stunning lighting effects:

Breathing mode


Snake marquee mode


Reactive mode


Advanced reactive mode



I’ve chosen the famous Red switch and I’m glad about the decision. It doesn’t produce loud click-clack sound that might be annoying to the surrounding while providing a solid feedback. Solid build quality, rich in features, and you just can’t ask more at the $65 price tag.

So far I’ve typed most of my Steemit posts with this gem and I couldn’t be happier with the experience. If I have to suggest a way on how to improve your days as a blogger in Steemit, an investment in this keyboard would be my recommendation.

If you need a guide on choosing mechanical keyboard, read more at:

How to choose your first mechanical keyboard

Specifications of this keyboard on the official site:


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别再养儿防老了 Be a free old man, should you?












In the modern oriental countries, one of the reasons people raising children is probably for the purpose of being looked after in their old age. This thought is particularly serious in the Chinese circle. Parents work hard to bring up the children, apart from hoping for them to succeed in their own life, that is, hope that the children can be grateful to feed back the parents when they are old. In some way, raising a child become an investment, you expect the assets to be able to produce a return on maturity.

Oh did I make the warm parent-child relationship sounds snobbish? It is snobbish if the parents raise the children in the expectation of return.

But don’t get me wrong

Well, we must be grateful to our parents. Without a single doubt, I believe that it is our born responsibility to support our parents.
My parents are typical of the older generation. They are not highly educated, started working at a very young age in all kinds of work. With the hard-working essence of the previous generation, my parents provided me a great family without shortage of food and clothing. I’m able to grow up healthily under their selfless contribution of years. They may not have much, but absolutely unconditionally put all the dedication to the family. Take my dad for an example, he used up all his retirement fund for the down payment of our only house, just for the sake of the children can live better with the mortgage when he is no longer with us. Financially he gave us all he had, and keep his way closed for a retreat.

I’m speechlessly thankful for all of these and hopefully can repay them in every way I can.

Control the rest of your life

Western liberalism is worth learning in this aspect. Parents bring the child to this world and strive to cultivate him, that is, in order to let him have the idea of independent thinking, and eventually become an independent individual.
How many houses or money does the father own is not related to the son. The father is unashamed even he decided to spend it all and don’t leave a cent for the son. He owes his grown up son absolutely nothing. Relatively, parents shouldn’t take the support from their child as granted. If they are doing well and being grateful to their parent, that would be a happy ending. On the contrary, if they already struggling to make a living themselves, the unattended aged parents will be a social problem. This is not an uncommon news on daily basis.

In the lower social class, it is not hard to see many of the poorly educated parents, they live a lowly life due to their mediocre inaction but raising a horde of children in the hope of their children can bring a better day for them. On the other hand, they aren’t willing to invest in the child’s education, letting them grow up ‘naturally”. The truth is chances are slim for the children to succeed in the society under such an ill-upbringing.

Be a free old man

Young people should strive to make money, never spend beyond the mean, and invest the difference. Considerable wealth is not far away if the said process is repeated again and again. At the same time you will have to access the risks and unknowns of future, thereby invest wisely in the insurance and retirement plans. With the right mind of not relying on anybody at any stage of your life, dignity at the old age can, therefore, be guaranteed.

I don’t wish to be rich and take care of the world, but to go well with myself when I’m old.

Image source: https://ak3.picdn.net

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