How to choose your first mechanical keyboard

I’ve heard much mysterious myth about how a mechanical keyboard can take your typing experience to another level. However, despite being a computer lover myself, I’ve spent most of my computing life on laptop thus found no need for another dedicated keyboard. Until lately I decided to upgrade from laptop to desktop PC.

I’ve spent plenty of time on researching every single piece of the rig component. Keyboard has been one of the most time-consuming part I’ve spent on. Following are the main factors to be considered when you are going for your first mechanical keyboard.

Keyboard size and layout

First, you have to decide which keyboard size and layout (from top to bottom in the picture):

  • Full-layout/100% (with numpad and arrow/navigation keys)
  • Tenkeyless/87% (no numpad, but with arrow/navigation keys)
  • Compact/60% (no numpad or arrow/navigation keys)

Besides this three forms, there are some other form factors like 90%, 75%, 70%, or even 40% (refer to picture below) which I personally think is pretty ridiculous. These are mainly meant for the niche market.

May be you can recall how often you will need to use the numpad, function key row, or navigation keys. For a gamer, the numpad is not important. For data entry job, one cannot live without the function key row and navigation keys. Depends on what you intent to do with the keyboard, a suitable size can not only save you some space on the desk but increase the aesthetic of your desktop.

Mechanical switches

The next decision is which type of mechanical switch for the keyboard. Switches represent the soul for a mechanical keyboard and that spells the biggest difference from membrane keyboard. Under every key there is an individual switch responsible for single letter input, they often provide tactile feedback and audible “click-clack” sound during typing.

Main characteristics of switches:

  • Tactile/Linear: Tactile switches provide additional tactile feedback as the key actuates, imagine there is a bump in the middle of the switch when pressing down. Linear switches have a simpler operation, they moving up and down without additional tactile feedback.
  • Clicky/Non-clicky: Clicky switches add a louder “click” sound along with the tactile bump allowing a more noticeable feedback.
  • Actuation force: Heavier switches require more actuation force to bottom out a key which makes the switches feel stiffer.

If you hadn’t owned any mechanical keyboard before, I’d suggest you to spend more time finding the best switch type that suits you the most. Test switcher is the best thing that will let you get a feel for what each switch type feels like and how they sound. Also, they are not expensive.

Amongst variety brands on the market, Cherry MX switch is the most popular option in most places. We are not going to discuss rare switches like Topre, Gateron, ALPS, or any other switches as they are less common.

Cherry MX Mechanical Key Switch comparison:

  • Cherry MX Blue: Tactile and clicky. Loudest sound and distinct tactility provide most outstanding mechanical keyboard experience. Good for typing but caution to be used in shared working spaces.
  • Cherry MX Brown: Tactile and non-clicky. Lighter version of Blue switch without the audible click. Good for the beginner.
  • Cherry MX Black: Linear with high actuation force. Good for gaming with stronger typing force.

  • Cherry MX Red: Linear with low actuation force. Good for gaming and typing while allowing rapid keystrokes.


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Nike PG1 unboxing - Beast on the court, handsome on the street!


The Nike PG1 is the first signature basketball shoe from NBA star Paul George. This shoe soon becomes a hot sale for its practicality and value. For the MSRP of $110 and the features generously packed on the PG1, I would say it is the king for this budget. I got mine from Footlocker during a flash sale for 25% discount which makes the deal even sweeter.

Finally, I have my first pair of signature shoe and let’s do a quick unboxing. Unique box design with the PG logo on top of it. Simplistic design but the box quality is no better than normal Nike shoe box.

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The shape of 13 printed at the rear sole representing Paul George jersey number.

PG logo at the front of tongue.

Nike logo in suede leather feeling.


The short strap does help in tightening fore foot but I don’t utilize this too much as I have fatter fore feet already. But they do complement in the aesthetic and I love how the little bluish tag highlights the overall look.


Tongue-less design offers a complete wrap-up feeling


PG’s personal signature at the inner sole, which I don’t think can survive for even a game.(And I was right, brushed completely off after a game session)


Outsole in my favorite brown color and PG logo at the middle. Solid rubber with good traction and I heard they are tough on the court. Let’s hope it will last longer so I don’t have to buy another pair so soon.


All in all, I love the low-cut design and the promised performance for such a friendly price tag. Though I foresaw the outsole shall wear out much quicker while the other parts still looking new because I play on the outdoor court, I can retire them to be my street shoe for its aesthetic design!

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Gift cryptocurrency instead of old-fashion cash 不要再把现金当红包了


Happy full month to my nephew, Shi An!
According to the Chinese custom, we celebrate the first month of a newborn baby as the ancients believed it is glorious spree for the baby to survive the first challenge of life. The family will cheers for this achievement and wish the newborn continue to grow up healthy. A red packet will normally be blessed to the newborn(locally referred as ‘angpau’) which consist of a random amount of cash.

As the newly appointed uncle, I’ve decided not giving my newborn the traditional cash, when there are so much of interestingly potential cryptocurrency out there!



Advantages of not gifting the old-fashion cash 虚拟币取代传统红包的好处

  • Encourage adoption for cryptocurrency

My brother and his wife will get the chance to learn about the cryto-world. How to restore a wallet, how to perform a transaction, how to secure the coins and much more. They might end up growing more interest in this new technology and bring it to more people. Or they will just learn just enough to safe keeping the current holdings. Either way is beneficial to the ecosystem.

  • Interesting way of gifting

Instead of the boring cash which can be spent within a blink of an eye, gifting cryptocurrency to the laymen can spark some sort of fun. New skills could be learned, comments can be exchanged.

  • Huge potential of value

I told my brother, keep the recovery seed for your son and treat it as the ticket to the Millions. Keep it safe for a couple of years, recovery it to see the value when my nephew is a few years older. At that moment, the value attached to the seed can worth a total zero, or it can worth a million. This may sound exaggerating, but everything is possible in the crazy crypto-world.

  • 鼓励虚拟币普及化


  • 送礼变得更有趣


  • 巨大的升值潜力

我告诉我哥,把这后备种子保护好,把它当作你儿子通往百万之路的门票。保存个好几年,当我侄儿长大了再打开来看。那时候,可能钱包里头的价值已经为零,或者,那些虚拟币已经值得百万!听起来有点夸张,但虚拟币的世界没什么是不可能的, 不是吗?

Prepare the paper wallet 创造纸钱包

I chose Exodus wallet. They support BIP39 which using a 12 Word Mnemonic backup seed and I think this is good for small amount of holdings and beginner friendly. The same 12-word seed can be restored to other BIP39 wallet like Jaxx wallet in case Exodus run out of business. Myetherwallet is a solid option for paper wallet as well but only ERC-20 tokens are supported.

我选择了Exodus wallet。它们支持 BIP39 来生成十二个字的助记码。这种钱包很适合新手也适合少量的虚拟币储存。这十二个字的助记码能够在同样支持BIP39的钱包里恢复,譬如Jaxx wallet。同时Myetherwallet也是纸张钱包的一个不错的选择,但它们只接受ERC-20的币种。

1.Download the wallet according to your operating system. They currently support Windows, Mac, and Linux. These are the coin currently supported in this wallet. Send some coins first before we proceed to the backup step.

下载相应运行系统的钱包,现已支持Windows,Mac 和 Linux。 如图所示这是所有支援的币种。备份之前钱包里头必须不能使空的,先把虚拟币寄过来。


2.I’ve picked EOS, Ethereum, Golem, and Litecoin. They all add up to $75. Let’s hope they are going to the moon in years to come!

我选择了EOS, Ethereum, Golem and Litecoin。 目前为止加起来共值75美元。希望以后能节节上升!


3.Set password for the first time. Write this password down on a paper for this is the key to unlock the wallet in your computer.



4.Now we’ve come to the critical step. You must write this recovery phrase down and never store it in any digital form. Who owns this 12 word owns everything inside this wallet! Make sure you keep it safe as there is no way to recover it.

最关键的一步。 一定要把这十二个字按次序抄在纸上,并且不要用任何电子形式储存。 要知道,谁拥有这备份种子谁就拥有钱包里的一切!请确保种子的安全,丢失了就没办法追回了。


5.Send the backup to your email and backup process is completed. However, you can choose to delete the email thoroughly as I mentioned never store the seed in any digital form.



6.I wrote the 12 words seed down with some simple guide and time stamps.



7.Put it inside the red packet, done!



How to restore wallet in computer 如何在电脑中恢复钱包

1.Open the wallet and click on restore.



2.Input the 12-word backup phrase。






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dailysketch #2: Flower!


This is sketched by using a same black pen under 20 minutes. This pen’s ink is kind of juicy so that I learned from my last sketch that different strength and speed can create various stroke styles. I’ve applied this technique into this latest sketch and the result is much better.


This cute pen belongs to my GF, never thought of drawing with this one LOL.

View the main post at
Take part to share your drawing skill and passion!



1. Outline with soft stroke to avoid unwanted lines to be overwhelmingly obvious at the end of the drawing.


2. Backbone is everything in a sketch. Now heavy stroke can be used.


3. Simple shading to give basic 3D feeling to the petals. Gives a better idea of the flower structure.


4. Fine tuning the shadow with different strength of storkes.


5. Touch up the stem and leave.


6. Add a contrast backgroud and a signature, done!


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First attempt on a sketching contest

Came across this contest during my day job and I think this is interesting. I think I’ve completed this under 10 minutes with only a black pen.


Please take part to share your drawing skill and passion!
The main link:


Simple outline.

Determine rough contour of lion face.

Basic shading to indicate the upper light source.

Tuning the hair.


Hope you enjoy this!
Upvote and follow me for more art creations!

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Useful Steemit tools for newbie

Following is a couple of tools that I use the most during my days in Steemit. By no mean this article is for the advanced users, however any comments and suggestions are utmost welcomed.


Created by @roadscape. Input the URL as*yourusername* to show your Steemit blockchain.

This is the tool I always keep it on as my first tab on the browser. I love how this tool presents an overview of your Steemit account. At a glance, I can tell what is my current voting power, reputation, age of account, and most importantly you can see all the interactions with your account. Since we still lack of an efficient notification system, I still relying very much on this tool for latest activities notification.

For those who still don’t have a clear idea how blockchain works, the activity list serves as your account blockchain. Including what you have upvoted, resteemed, who has followed you, commented you, and so on. This chain of activities are staying forever in the history, they cannot be modified, and the history is public for everybody.


Created by @jestaThis. You can have a list of user to monitor.

This is the powered version of which I’ve discovered not long ago. There so many information provided in this tool, namely:

  • Recent Activity: Posts watched accounts have voted/flagged and posts created by followed accounts.
  • Posts: All of your post, with deeper information like reward distribution breakdown and weight of every vote in a post.
  • Comments, Incoming Votes, Replies: Works in a similar way as
    -Many other features like Mining and Witnesses for the insight of what is going on in Steemit in the backstage.

All in all, this feature rich tool may be informative but it may be potentially overwhelming for a newbie.


Created by @shaunmza.

This tool focus on the follower management. Ultra useful as a “performance benchmark” how much followers you have gained/lost. Together with your particular activity on a specific time, you may be able to analyze what is the followed impact.

For example, if you keep resteeming posts yesterday and found out you have just lost 10 followers on the same day. This may translate to your followers do not appreciate too much of your rapid sharing.

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