Productive weekend: Computer science and Python learning from MIT online course

Productive weekend: Computer science and Python learning from MIT online course


This is a great weekend and I decided to be productive before next Monday falling upon. Enrolling myself on an proper online course could be a great idea. I always wanted to make use of the computing power to do something for me, aka botting. Python seems to be a great language to start with especially I’m a daily user of the python-friendly Steem.

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python from the Edx seems to be interesting and having great reputation from the research I’ve done.


The course is free but you can opt for a Verified Certificate from the site for $75. Everything is same for the free and paid version throughout the course. Same content, assignment and exams and so on. Freshies might be able to make use of the certificate for job hunting but not so much for veterans.

After a few hours of participation in the course, I find some of the content are quite redundant to me as a Computer Science graduate as my intention was to learn Python. And it means this course will be perfect for a total beginner with zero computational and programming knowledge.

The course is well structured in a very detailed and clean manner and I like the way of lecturing by the MIT professor via high quality videos. I’d recommend it if you would like to pickup some knowledge about computing and python at the same time.

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python 是个由 MITx 主持的课程,专门为没有计算机背景的人士所设计。在学习计算机基础的同时还可学习 Python,网站的教学风格严谨,教学视频制作也很高素质,麻省理工教授由浅至深的教学方式也很直白,非常推荐对计算机和 Python 入门有兴趣的人来参加。忘了说,这全是免费的啊!

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